Small Claims Awards are not always collected
The proverbial day in court for most of us happens in Small Claims Court. Cases involving the general public usually are not major torts and this part of the judiciary handles them. As with any other court the judge will render an opinion, but there’s a little bit of a difference when it comes to the Small Claims bench. The court itself will ordinarily not pursue the judgment. Quite a few states leave that responsibility to the individual receiving the award. This is why so many people who lose in Small Claims don’t worry about it. They figure that the winner doesn’t have the wherewithal to enforce payments. If the plaintiff happens to be a member of a group legal plan the scenario is quite a bit different.
Legal Help Going the Extra Mile
The type of group legal services that really provide a benefit are those that include help in Small Claims cases. An attorney is not ordinarily in the courtroom pleading the case, but this person can help in obtaining any award. There are a number of options that can be used to get the money that is owed. This group legal services benefit, assisting with collecting the award, makes certain that justice is completely served. A group legal plan attorney understands the paperwork. He or she can help with the filing necessary to garnish the defendant’s wages. If necessary, a lien against the defendant’s property can be processed. Not that any of this has to happen. The power of persuasion possessed by a good attorney can move mountains. A group legal plan member can expect the attorney to make telephone calls or write letters to convince the defendant. Such communication makes it very clear that avoiding the award will only end up in greater problems. A reluctant defendant ordinarily has enough common sense to know that when an attorney is involved the outcome is different. Rather than face the consequences that could arise the defendant will ordinarily acquiesce and pay what is owed. Justice is thereby fully achieved.
Fast Service Is Always Desired
It is always best that the issue of a court award be handled promptly. Additional time only gives a defendant the opportunity to avoid that obligation. A group legal plan that has efficient administration will have service provided immediately after the decision is handed down. There is no waiting.
Good group legal services administration also means that the attorney is fully involved. This professional doesn’t view the plan member is just another person, but a client deserving the very best service right away. Moving expeditiously on securing the award does more than just reduce a person’s anxiety. Indeed, the plan member develops a greater confidence in the judicial system when an attorney gets straight to work. The award may not be a large sum of money, but the principle is having something made right. Efficient and prompt service from an attorney generates a deep sense of appreciation. A little extra is something that is commented on favorably by employees who are part of the corporate legal plan.
Countrywide Provides Excellent Help
When it comes to legal benefits Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services is in the forefront. We have designed such benefits since 1987 for all kinds of organizations. We know how frustrating it can be for a person not to be able to get a court award, and our attorneys are sensitive to this. The combination of empathy and professionalism of the lawyers who work with us results in superior performance. That is what any group legal services plan member can expect from Countrywide.
The best service is what we always provide. Countrywide tailors legal benefit plans to the needs and expectations of a client. We would welcome the opportunity to discuss with you how we can provide real help for your employees.
Please feel free to contact us and ask us any questions. We welcome the opportunity to provide information and be of service.
In this new White Paper, The Spector of ID Theft
Len Feltoon, Esq., President of Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services explores:
- The magnitude of ID Theft and how it’s costing companies money and employees spending their working hours to fix their good name
- What are the sources of ID Theft
- What it would cost you if you become a victim of identity theft
- The advantages of comprehensive ID Theft Plans
Fill out the form to download the White Paper now!