
You Need to Be Clear on This Living Wills Cannot be Vague

COVID-19 has put the fear of God in many employees, young professionals included. Mortality is no longer an avoided topic but is now on the bucket list. This means more than working on simples wills and estates. Living wills, documents that are concerned with medical treatments, are no longer being swept under the rug.

It sounds a bit morbid, but the increased awareness about hospital procedures is healthy. An individual has the right to specify the health care they will receive. Unfortunately, anyone in an extreme situation such as a coma cannot convey their wishes. COVID-19 has caused health care providers to adopt automatic actions that they will initiate unless the patient gives other instructions. Clarity is critical.

There Can Be No Confusion

COVID-19 has created procedures that are specific to it, and ventilators are used almost without hesitation. Anyone who does not want to use ventilators must spell that out carefully in a living will. Medical powers of attorney are part of the paperwork; these give a designated person the authority to act on behalf of the patient. Communication with health care providers should be more than face-to-face conferences. The living will document needs to note all the types of communication that can be employed (Zoom, emails, telephone calls, etc.) We cannot say how detailed other group legal plans are when drafting a living will. However, we can assure prospective clients that Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services is committed to preparing an airtight document covering all the bases.

Working with Teste Professionals

Our group legal plan services are built on a foundation of professional expertise. We have a nationwide network of attorneys, and there is one in every Countrywide client’s community.

We believe that personal attention is necessary. The trouble with Internet-based templates is the individual is usually not familiar with the nuances of living wills. A Countrywide lawyer knows what language must be in a living will. Therefore, our legal professional’s advice is essential.

COVID-19 ventilators may be something a plan member does not want, and there might be other undesirable health services. Religious beliefs or personal values can prohibit the use of specific treatments. These restrictions need to be correctly worded in the living will, and a Countrywide attorney will be accurate and precise.

Advising on medical powers of attorney is one of our pre-paid legal services. The Countrywide legal professional will explain the functions of the medical powers and tell a group legal plan member what qualities a person having that responsibility should have. The intent is not telling the person who should be chosen for the job but how to make a practical choice. Many people appreciate the guidance we give them.

Empathy Does Matter to Us

Living wills assume a tragedy, and many hesitate to discuss this essential paperwork. We know how sensitive the topic is, and we expect our attorneys to respect other people’s feelings. Our attorneys have an excellent reputation for listening and communication skill. Every group legal plan member is treated with courtesy and sensitivity. Such qualities are all part of our pre-paid legal services.

Clients Are Part of the Process

We want to provide services all employees can use. We do not know what the employees want, and we ask a prospective client’s decision-makers to help us. We present our services to the executives, answer all questions, and let those people select the benefits that will be part of the final group legal plan document. We support those choices with excellent administration and member services.

Employees always appreciate benefits they can easily use. We offer solutions to everyday problems people will confront. If you have any questions about what we can do for you, please feel free to contact us at your convenience. We will answer all your inquiries about our pre-paid legal services

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