
You Pay for What You Don’t Know – Allow Attorneys to Show What They Do Know

A warranty is essentially a contract between a consumer and a company. A person buys a warranty with the assumption repair services will be provided if the covered product no longer works. It seems pretty cut and dry, but warranties are not always so straightforward. The devil is in the details.


What Do You Know about Warranties?


Salespeople will apply some pressure to convince a consumer to purchase a warranty. An individual might buy the contract without considering some important questions.


*Do You Know What Is Covered? The warranty will specifically note what is covered. Don’t be surprised if inevitable accidents are not included in the coverage. Parts or labor might only be partially covered or not at all.


*Are You Aware of What Parts You Can Use? This is an essential feature of auto warranties. The language may specify that only Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) parts can be used and not the cheaper After Market variety. The warranty might also stipulate that repair work may only be done and approved auto repair centers.


*Is an Extended Warranty Necessary? Extended warranties increase the life of coverage years after the original warranty expires. It isn’t necessary in most cases. You are paying extra for something you might never use.


*Were You Allowed to Inspect the Warranty before You Purchased It?

You have a right to inspect the warranty, but some salespeople won’t let you review the document before purchase.


Many Group Legal Plans offer help with warranties, but the quality of service varies. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has a warranty assistance option for its Group Legal Plan benefit that stands out from the crowd.


Our Lawyers Are Experts


The Countrywide national network of lawyers is well known for legal ability. These professionals will help a Group Legal Plan member understand what is in the warranty. The attorney will point out what the obligations are and what restrictions may apply. It often happens that if a Countrywide lawyer inspects the warranty first, the prospective buyer thinks twice.

Countrywide provides specific tools that enable an attorney to better help Plan members.


Our attorneys are permitted to write letters and make telephone calls on behalf of a plan member. Those communication mediums are essential pre-paid legal services. Hearing from an attorney may convince a stubborn business establishment to honor a warranty.


Regrettably, there are situations where a business will not honor its warranty. When attempts to get these people to see reason fail, a consumer protection complaint may be the only way to get justice.


We have consumer protection as one of our Group Legal Plan options. The Countrywide attorney will explain what a Plan member can do and help that individual prepare the necessary documents and evidence to show that there is a consumer protection issue. Our lawyers will also explain how to file a consumer protection complaint properly. This guidance is invaluable to anyone who is confronted with a deliberate failure to honor a purchase warranty.


The Help of an Employer


We have been in the Group Legal Plan business since 1987, but we do not know everything about a client’s workforce. We ask the employers to help us in designing the Plan document. We will show all our pre-paid legal services options to the decision-makers and asked them to select the ones they want. Those options will be part of the final Plan document and are streamlined. The administration will make sure that everybody gets the help they need as soon as possible.


Countrywide helps Plan members better understand the law and legal procedures. Folks need some education about warranties and Countrywide furnishes that with one of our benefit options. We have other pre-paid legal services that a company may be interested in. Please feel free to contact us at your convenience and find out more about what we can do for you and your employees.

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