Articles Posted in Buying a home

The “Smart Move” Program Helps



People dream of having a house to call their very own. It is a place to settle down and raise children. Buying a home also is the largest transaction most people will make in their life. The average home costs hundreds of thousands of dollars, and most people do not have that kind of money. They must get financing for the property, and it is not easy to do. Many, especially first-time buyers, have trouble when it comes to organizing the financing. If they have access to a financial wellness program, the process can become very easy.

Where Are the Sources?

A buyer knows how much to save and has a good idea of how much that dream home is going to cost. The challenge is to find the right financing with an attractive interest rate. Additionally, a person should decide which type of mortgage is best suited for the budget. House funding is an unfamiliar territory, and the wrong move can be very expensive. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services understands that buying a house can be an anxious proposition for anybody. We offer a financial wellness program that includes expert advice on how to purchase a home. Continue reading

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Getting into financial trouble is easier than you think. Medical insurance deductibles are often as much as $5,000, and student loan debt can take a bite out of a paycheck. It often happens people are simply overwhelmed by the number of credit card bills coming into the house. Anyone can be bewildered by the extensive paperwork which demands payment. It helps to have some way to figure out what you have and what you owe. Financial wellness programs need to have the right tools to sort out personal finances better.

Looking at the Current Picture

Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services offers the kind of help a person requires to become financially stable. We begin with a set of tools that proved to be effective in determining financial status. Any of the benefits within our group plan start with budget counseling. Our network of certified counselors will look at the income and expenses a person ordinarily has. This data permits the counselor to provide expert advice on how to budget properly, and put debt under better control. Continue reading

Home Buying Education Helps Buyers

Model house in woman's hand

Model house in woman’s hand

The Information Can Save Thousands


Not everybody is in a financial wellness crisis. Most people have their finances well in hand and are making needed payments. The same people may need advice on major expenses they’re contemplating. Buying a home is a major financial transaction. Advice on how to buy a house can be very worthwhile and save thousands of dollars. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services offers education on housing to help people make better decisions. Continue reading

California is known for its glorious sunshine and laid-back lifestyle. It is also known for having some of the most expensive real estate in the country, not to mention some of the most unique real estate situations. This is a state where two or more mortgages on the same property are not uncommon, and where a purchased home is torn down and rebuilt because it is cheaper than buying an even more expensive house. California real estate is notorious for very intricate buying and selling transactions. It goes without saying that in situations where the family home is being purchased or sold, having a good attorney is important.

Of course, a resident of California does not absolutely need legal counsel for buying and selling a property. A person can become acquainted with all the various statutes with information readily available from the California Department of Real Estate. Because the law is fairly complex, it truly is a good idea to have an attorney act as a guide through the maze of paperwork the sale or purchase of a house creates.

Real estate attorneys are familiar with terms and procedures such as title searches, liens, the real estate binder, and the deed for the property itself. They can help both buyer and seller. As mentioned earlier anyone can do all the necessary work alone, but a person inexperienced with real estate transactions may overlook an important point and be faced with an expensive consequence as a result (e.g. a seller ought to pay the remaining balance on a natural gas utility budget as part of the final sale. Overlooking this point could cause the buyer to assume the entire expense after the purchase).

The real estate market in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida and other parts of the country for that matter are very interesting right now and there’s a way prepaid legal services can have an impact. There are different points of view in the real estate market, some people are looking to take advantage of the low prices, desperate sellers, and buying either a home for themselves or an investment property. Other people are in over their heads and will soon be facing foreclosure or even bankruptcy. Whichever side you are on, you will benefit greatly from legal assistance whether you realize it or not. Need link and key word

Let’s use the example of someone who is in danger of foreclosure or even bankruptcy. Many lenders have grown tired of playing nice and trying to be patient with you while you try to get back on your feet. They send threats; even refuse payments so they can start the process of foreclosure early. You may think it’s a joke but some lenders actually have refused payments because they feel the homeowner will continue to struggle making them. If you had pre-paid legal services provided by your employer you would be able to get an experienced attorney who could help you fight the lender and their bullying tactics.

What if you are doing great financially and you are looking to buy a new home either for yourself or as an investment property? There will be little need for an attorney because everything will pretty much be cut and dry right? Chances are you are buying a property that is either in foreclosure or has desperate owners. But what if you agree to a price and then come to find out there are termites? What if you discover the house needs a new roof? What are your options then? That’s when having pre-paid legal services at Countrywide will come in handy because you have unlimited consultations with an experienced attorney to find out the answers to all your real estate questions.

There is a great opportunity in Cherry Hill, New Jersey and other parts of the country to purchase a home for a great low price, and there is a way prepaid legal services can help if you have access to it. Due to the foreclosure problems many people are facing today, banks are willing to let properties go for a third of the price they were originally sold for or even less. Interest rates are low, and even though they are playing a little hard to get, banks and lenders are desperate for your business. If you have a solid credit score, quality history of income, and cash saved up for the down payment you should have no problem getting approved for a loan. However, there are always some problems that come up when you are talking about buying a home that is in foreclosure. Are there unpaid taxes, utility bills or other liens on the home that have to be taken care of by the new owner? What are your rights as far as having the home inspected for damage prior to making an offer? These are questions you need to have answered and you will probably not get those answers from the bank.

This is where you would want the help of an attorney and if you already have legal service plans available to you from Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services you are ahead of the game. The reason pre-paid legal services are so great is because they are an employee benefit that is paid through small payroll deductions and it gives you access to a network of qualified attorneys who practice in many legal areas. So if you did not have prepaid legal services offered through your employer and you needed to consult with an attorney about buying a home in foreclosure you would have to find an attorney, pay high rates, and wait for them to get back to you. With legal service plans the cost is already covered, you can find the right attorney within a matter of minutes, and they give you immediate and free consultations for many legal issues including real estate law. The benefit is not only helpful and free, but it can save someone countless hours of having to find a qualified attorney on their own and consult with them. The process of buying a new home, especially when it is in foreclosure, is very time consuming and the more help you can get to speed up the process while also saving money is a great deal for anyone.