Articles Posted in Employee Benefits

Government sometimes is in its own worldStressed

Many citizens would rather have a root canal without Novocain then have to deal with a public agency. It sometimes seems that a government bureaucracy is created just to make life aggravating. That really isn’t true but it sometimes seems that way. A group legal plan tries to help members deal with the nuances of government and a good plan is successful. For most people there are three ways that dealing with government sends them right up the wall.

  1. Rules Change without Much Warning

If you are looking at agency guidelines in August, then you shouldn’t be surprised if they are different this time of the year. The rules and regulations of a number of public agencies change with the New Year. While it is true that nobody told you, they do not have to contact you directly. Public notices of changes are posted; you have a responsibility to read them. Consequently, you could be in for a real surprise when you seek to apply for needed service. What you thought were the rules have been radically changed.


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The conditions and obligations may be confusing

A Homeowners Association (HOA) can be a very attractive housing arrangement for some people. An individual is able to buy property in an established community with amenities such as golf courses and swimming pools. There is no question about the condition of the house, because it follows certain standards established by the Association. There is an agreement that has to be signed by the new homeowner, and it outlines requirements and obligations. While an HOA does sound fantastic, a person has to be a little bit cautious. The agreement is a legal document and should be read carefully. Some of the language may be confusing and require professional examination. That is a service offered by a group legal plan that can avoid catastrophe.

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Special Needs may require it


Lawyers who are part of a group legal plan are knowledgeable practitioners of the law. They provide the advice and guidance a plan member needs to navigate the corridors of public agencies, compose last wills, and help with consumer complaints. The law is a very broad field with specialty niches here and there. Intellectual property and real estate law are examples of areas where unique knowledge is required. Not every attorney has such expertise, and a referral may be necessary. These attorneys in specialized law will charge a higher rate and that can be a problem for some people.

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Legal assistance will get results


When it is mentioned that public agencies perform service some people will sigh and roll their eyes. It is because a bad experience in dealing with government has left a very bitter taste in the mouth. Public agencies do indeed serve the public, but they have rules and regulations that many times seem a little bit cumbersome. A person is best able to work with the bureaucracy if he or she has a group legal plan offering help from expert attorneys.

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Avoiding intestate drama

The death of a loved one is a time of great sorrow for family. The grief the loss of someone close can be a time of great pain for everyone. Hopefully, if the deceased had a group legal plan he or she took advantage of having a will properly written to protect the estate. If that didn’t happen, then the time of grief can become a very hellish nightmare.

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People want to deal with other humans


People rarely enjoy talking to machines. There is a sense of cold distance that can be very disconcerting to an individual. Human resources directors are very aware of this problem because they get a number of complaints about impersonal service. Unfortunately, benefits, such as health or dental are routinely handled through online automatic services. It would be nice for some benefits such as a group legal plan to allow for more personal contact.

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Legal Problems at a distance can be fixed


The business year is coming to a close and many organizations want to use what is left of the travel budget. They will send people to conventions and training sessions to network and get needed expertise. Employees will take the opportunity to use up what is left of the vacation. It is why they schedule a few days after the convention as personal time and that is when problems can begin. Employee technically on vacation will run into some legal problems. These could be a misunderstanding at a restaurant, a fender bender, or some other problem that crops up. The corporate legal counsel cannot be of much help in this situation. The services of a group legal plan are going to be desperately needed.

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Outside Legal Help to Resolve Problems

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Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services is proud of the options that we offer in all of our group legal plan benefits. We design group legal services plans that provide a great benefit to every single plan member. Our network of attorneys is there to respond to a need and provide prompt service. There are situations that arise which are unique. Disputes that involve maritime law or perhaps mineral rights on the property are important to the individual, but involve areas of the law that are not commonly referenced.
This is not to say that our attorneys are not proficient legal experts. However, occasions do arise when a specialized case needs the expertise of an attorney whose practice is primarily in that niche of the law. This means service above the ordinary has to be available. To help in such situations, Countrywide has a referral system that can get a plan member in touch with a lawyer who has specialized legal skills.

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Legal Services can Resolve Problems


It is nice when home is a place to escape from all the tension of the day. That does not always happen. There are times when a hard-working employee can walk into a house full of issues that are simply chaotic to put it mildly. These can be situations of custody, needed services, and perhaps even a dispute with the landlord. America has been blessed with many hard-working immigrants but for some there are issues involving their citizenship status. These can be members of the family like a spouse. The domestic issues can press down hard on an individual. An employee sensitive company ought to consider having group legal services as a benefit.

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Legal Referral Networks Solve Issues out of Town


Insurance exchanges want to see to it that clients get the best possible offerings of benefit protection. When it comes to group legal services there has to be a little bit extra. Drafting wills is important but before being offered to a wide variety of clients the benefit plans have to include something valuable. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services takes an extra step in providing quality. The Countrywide legal referral network, which is part of the Personal Legal Protector Plan, is one example.
Legal Risks Surface at a Distance

A person may be on a vacation or a personal trip that is hundreds of miles away from the corporate office. For whatever reasons, legal difficulties can arise. These may simply be misunderstandings but unscrupulous people can capitalize on an outsider. Anyone who is a stranger in a community is at a disadvantage. This person does not know the territory or what the customs and legal proceedings are. He or she can be placed at the mercy of a local individual, who believes that excessive concessions can be demanded. The victim status will melt like April snow if the person at risk belongs to a group legal plan that has a legal referral network feature.

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