Articles Posted in financial wellness

Protect Financial Wellness with Medical Powers of Attorney

The Right Decisions Are Made by the Right Person

Achieving financial wellness is more than investing in stocks and bonds. It also means making sure there are no obstacles to financial assets, including a person’s estate. Medical powers of attorney might not seem like an essential group legal plan benefit, but it is. It prevents an emergency from becoming a disaster.

Taming the College Debt Monster


Professional Advice Manages the Cost


College debt is a national problem and will continue to be for some time. Politicians need to find a way to reform the situation but until then there are thousands of Millennials dealing with millions of dollars of owed money. Forward-thinking companies recognize the danger to the financial wellness of their Millennial employees. College debt can easily overwhelm anyone.

Where the Trouble Begins

What started the problem? Are new college graduates just irresponsible? The answer is complicated. Many young people go into college debt because they cannot afford the tuitions alone and going without a college degree can harm a career. They do not always know the terms and conditions of their loans. The amount of debt is so large for many graduates they will choose to ignore the payment until it is no longer possible. That is when an emergency strikes.

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You Can Make a House a Home

Buying a House Can Be Easy


Cable television shows make house buying appear easy. Purchases don’t seem to have much stress or problem but that is really not true. Buying a house is the largest single expense most people will incur in their lives. While it is something that makes them feel proud, it could also pose a threat to financial wellness. Someone who is not adequately ready may discover the mortgage payments eat up the budget.
Television shows will recommend creative financing. Balloon mortgages and other means of financing are considered smart by some so-called experts. While certain budgets can handle this, others can fall apart when a balloon mortgage suddenly gets out of control. People need to have good advice when it comes to buying a house. They need to understand what is involved. It means they need education and Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services can help.

Make Your Move Will Help

Countrywide’s Make Your Move is an online self-education course. It guides the first homebuyer through all the ins and outs of purchasing a house. It contains the kind of information any consumer will need to protect financial wellness in the face of purchasing a home.
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Our Program Comes to Your Financial Rescue




You might think that all debt problems arise from plastic but that is not true. Granted, people often create large credit card amounts by spending. However, these are usually controllable. What drives an individual into financial wellness difficulty are sudden expenses. These could be medical bills, having to buy a new car, or sudden family emergency. The situation can get serious quickly.

Debt Management Plans Prevent Panic

Many employees live from paycheck to paycheck. They may be able to just barely get to the end of the month with the budget they have. A sudden financial emergency can turn matters into a train wreck. The person could panic and consider filing for bankruptcy which is not a good idea. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has a financial wellness program that includes a debt management plan. It is something to be used in extreme cases.
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Forbearance or Bankruptcy are Not the Only Options




Many recent college graduates may be facing a serious financial wellness issue in the coming weeks. The grace period provided by many college loan programs is ending, and a person must face the reality of making payments. This can cause an enormous amount of anxiety and lead to some very poor decisions if an individual does not get the right advice.

Counselors Outline the Options

The enormity of the debt is something most young people never encountered before. The debt can be as large as a house mortgage, and the figures can be bewildering. There are various options, such as forbearance, but these might not be the best alternatives. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services does not want to see anybody caught in a financial mess. We have a financial wellness program to help.
The challenge can is easily resolved by knowing more about personal money. College graduates don’t always understand budgets and consequently come up short at the wrong time of the month. Countrywide has certified counselors whose first active service is to help newcomers to the working world prepare a budget. The professionals will look at income expenses and determine if any reallocation of funds can be accomplished. Continue reading

Countrywide Makes the Language Clear 




Some the largest everyday mysteries are found in legal documents. The language can be extremely vague and complicated for most people, and it makes the ordinary person suspicious. Is it hard to decide whether a contract is going to be in the best interests of the signer. Group legal plans do not always provide service with review of contracts. Fortunately, Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services does. We do everything possible to end the mystery.

A Countrywide plan allows a client to take advantage of our nationwide network of attorneys. These are professionals who work with contractual terms every day. The lawyers will review a contract up to six pages in length as well as other legal documents. Continue reading

The Bills Are Controllable


Folks need to understand deductibles will renew annually. For example, let us suppose that a person has a deductible of $5000 and a medical procedure consisting of a surgery and physical therapy each costing $5000. Let us also suppose that the surgery is performed in 2017 and the physical therapy is scheduled for 2018. Even though the patient has paid $5000 in 2017, this person will need to pay an additional $5000 out of pocket BEFORE the insurance pay anything. It is because meeting the deductible starts all over again with the new year. This scenario is not fiction; it happens all the time. People run into serious deductible debt when medical procedures span more than one year.

The bills can mount up and the providers expect to be paid. Failure to meet the obligations can result in collection agencies knocking on the door. Employers should help their staff with medical bills. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has a financial wellness plan that provides needed assistance. Continue reading

You can Manage the Credit Cards with Countrywide Helpcredit-cards-300x200


The Christmas holiday season is now over. No doubt, you have probably cleaned up all the mess and the empty boxes have been picked up by the garbage collection. You may be looking back at the holidays as a fun time with your family. That’s nice but there may be something coming ahead that is going to cause problems for your financial wellness. Christmas cheer comes at a price.
Credit Debt Grows

Shoppers use plastic for many purchases and those cards come out during the shopping season of December. Your generosity may be amazing, but the bill is coming. The Grinch didn’t steal Christmas but the charges on the credit cards can rip a hole in your finances. Your January statement may show that you have spent more you needed to, and you are in very serious credit card debt. It is not easy to figure out how to get out of the problem and help may be needed. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services is here to help. We have a financial wellness program that can provide needed assistance. Continue reading

It Makes Medical Care Decisions Easier



Employees will plan their healthcare for the coming year. They will look at the calendar and determine when they will make medical appointments, and when certain procedures will be scheduled. This is often to manage better the deductibles that they must pay. It all makes sense, but there’s one thing that many of these people are forgetting. What is going to happen if something truly drastic occurs?

Tragedy Comes Unexpectedly

Accidents can happen, and chronic seizures strike without warning. These can leave a person in a coma, unable to tell doctors what type of treatment is preferred. Drastic situations may include a person being on life-support with no chance of revival. Hospitals are required to keep a person alive as long as possible. Living wills can help provide guidance, and good group legal plans have them. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services include drafting of a living will in the group legal plan benefit options. Continue reading

You Don’t Have to Accept Faulty Merchandisestockfresh_3665498_cost-and-value_sizeS-300x200


Your child gets a brand-new toy for Christmas while you get an innovative appliance or perhaps a very interesting computer gaming. It’s all a part of the excitement of Christmas to get something new, and Christmas presents are used quite a bit in the following days. It is when trouble may begin. For no apparent reason, that new gizmo breaks down. You get frustrated and try to find a way to fix things. The present may have a warranty attached to it, and a group legal plan could help you make things right.

They are Guarantees of Repair Service

Warranties are agreements in which a manufacturer guarantees repair work if something breaks down. However, the language of the warranty can be very confusing. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has a nationwide network of attorneys. One of our fundamental benefit options is help with warranties. Our lawyers know the language and can point out what the manufacturer will and will not do as defined in the warranty. Continue reading