Financial Wellness Plans Can Help
Adjusting to the real world can be a struggle for Millennials. These people are extremely bright and tightly savvy, but finances could be bewildering. In addition to college loan debts, which are substantial, there are credit card difficulties which arise. Millennials sometimes get very frustrated with having to balance the figures. Their financial wellness sometimes gets in trouble.
A List of Worries
Coping with debt the size of a mortgage is hard for anyone. Millennials face this challenge six months after they graduate from college when the grace period is over. Their first paycheck seems to be snatched away by creditors, and they don’t have money for necessities. The trouble is an inability to budget. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services is sympathetic to their needs. We have a financial wellness program to help these young people get a grip on their personal ledger sheets. Continue reading