Articles Posted in financial wellness

Financial Wellness Plans Can Help



Adjusting to the real world can be a struggle for Millennials. These people are extremely bright and tightly savvy, but finances could be bewildering. In addition to college loan debts, which are substantial, there are credit card difficulties which arise. Millennials sometimes get very frustrated with having to balance the figures. Their financial wellness sometimes gets in trouble.

A List of Worries

Coping with debt the size of a mortgage is hard for anyone. Millennials face this challenge six months after they graduate from college when the grace period is over. Their first paycheck seems to be snatched away by creditors, and they don’t have money for necessities. The trouble is an inability to budget. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services is sympathetic to their needs. We have a financial wellness program to help these young people get a grip on their personal ledger sheets. Continue reading

Foreign Workers Are Grateful for the Helpimmigration-doors-300x288


The United States has always been a favorite place for hard-working foreigners. These people come to this country with work visas and perhaps the hope of someday becoming citizens. The opportunity and the wages are both major incentives to come here. A problem surfaces in dealing with the government. People sometimes have difficulty, and pre-paid legal services can help remove obstacles.

Many are fluent in English but only when it comes to speaking it. Our language is complicated and legal/administrative jargon is even more difficult. A foreign worker can have trouble understanding what various application forms want. Also, the deadlines may be something entirely different.

Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has an option which offers help dealing with public agencies. Our nationwide network of attorneys is part of the group legal plan, and they can offer needed assistance quickly. The Countrywide professional will also examine what information is being asked by the agency. If the plan member does not have what is needed, the attorney will tell what is required. Countrywide will make sure that any submission to a public agency is in proper order without anything left out. Continue reading

Gives the Instructions Hospitals Need




Most people know what the last will is, but not everybody understands a living will. It doesn’t seem to make sense; wills are meant for after you die, right? That is not the case at all. A living will is something drafted to be in effect when you’re alive, and a good group legal plan offers drafting a living will as a service.

Preventing a Catastrophe

A living will is something to prepare in the event of a medical disaster. A person may be the victim or an auto accident or a massive stroke. This individual is left comatose in either circumstance and cannot communicate what he or she wants done as far as medical care is concerned.

The hospital will work to keep an individual alive even if he or she is flatlined in a brain scan. It means life-support systems are kept running, possibly for years. Family members are thus required to endure a wait that could last indefinitely into the future. Nothing can be done with the person’s estate, and this adds to the tragedy. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services does not want anyone to have to suffer through something like this. Drafting a living will is an option of a Countrywide group legal plan. Continue reading

Deductibles Create Sizable Expenses




Folks are understandably concerned about credit card debt and college loan payments. There is another major financial presence in the room and has to do with health. Medical care is not inexpensive at all. In fact, some of those bills pose a real danger to a normal person’s financial wellness.

Deductibles are the Problem’s Source

Organizations have tried to control costs by raising the deductible in their health plans. It is a management decision with which most healthy people have no problem. However, anyone who must have surgery for a broken arm or leg knows what the price can be. Such medical attention can cost thousands of dollars, and the deductible must be met before full coverage kicks in. Moreover, the deductible starts all over again each year, so that anyone who has therapy in one year may be paying even more if the therapy also takes place in the following year. Some employees are drowning in a sea of medical bills. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services is aware of this dilemma. We choose to respond to it by offering medical debt assistance in our financial wellness program. Continue reading

Millennials Want Assistance from Employers



Student debt is a big topic at the dinner table. Families with college kids talk about it all the time, but the anxiety does not end once that student graduates. Instead, after the six-month grace period, the bills start coming in, and they are enormous. Undergraduate debt can be in the five figures, and when graduate debt is added a young person faces perhaps $100,000 or more of college debt. This has a major effect on financial wellness.

Avoidance of Forbearance

Recent graduates who have landed that first job are in the process of making the major life decisions. These judgments are influenced by the amount owed to the government or lending institutions. The college debt can force choices a person does not want to deal with. There are cases where young Millennials simply try to ignore the bills they owe and seek forbearance. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services appreciates the state of mind of these young people. We know it is a sobering process to deal with college debt, but it is not an impossible obstacle. We have financial wellness counselors to help. Continue reading

Budgeting is easy the More You Know



It is an old story about domestic finances. People are living from paycheck to paycheck. There doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to what is going on. It happens when people refuse to budget. That doesn’t seem to be a problem until other expenses besides groceries come into the picture. Financial wellness is threatened by a refusal to itemize expenses against income.

The Source of the Problems

Budget difficulty springs primarily from debt. It isn’t gasoline or the cable bill, but credit cards, mortgage loans, student loans, and perhaps some medical expenses. These can add onto obligations and an emergency bill can make things even worse. People end up spending more than they are making. It can happen to anyone, especially somebody who feels obligated to pay everything at the end of the month. Continue reading

Countrywide Knowledge Saves Dollars



The current news indicates that the price of housing is starting to climb. The days of the marketing slump are over, and the cost of the house is becoming expensive. It means that many people were looking to buy a house need to take some serious steps right away.

It Is a Major Decision

A home purchase is perhaps the largest investment any consumer will make. A mortgage of over hundred thousand dollars is not out of the question, and you should be careful. Financial wellness will be in jeopardy if the wrong move is made.

The challenge many people face is lack of knowledge. Most first-time homebuyers do not understand the market, and not knowing what to do can cost them thousands of dollars. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services knows how important it is to make the right move in the housing market. Our financial wellness program includes a housing education option. Continue reading

Countrywide Counselors Provide the Best Advice



More and more surveys are noting that Millennials want help with their college debt. The figures each graduate owes is very high and has a serious impact. The financial wellness and quality of life of the individual can be harmed by college debt. If these bills are left untended, bankruptcy and credit problems will surface. There are other consequences as well.

The amount of money owed will impact on life decisions. Recent college graduates may have to forgo buying a house or saving money for other reasons. The college debt must be paid and other bills are still waiting for cash. Organizations do not have to give direct financial subsidies to these people who are facing tough financial situations. Many times, expert advice works just as well. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has a nationwide network of certified counselors stands ready to offer assistance. These are professionals who have experience with telling people how to best manage large amounts of debt. Continue reading

The Medical Bills Can Be Staggering



Employees expect to pay medical premiums either bi-weekly or monthly. They’re able to budget for these expenses and know what the figures will be. Something that is extremely difficult to budget for, and catches a person by surprise, is the medical deductible. It has the potential of harming the financial wellness of anyone.

Employers in the past few years have tried to contain medical insurance costs by raising the deductible. It means that deductibles that were once one or $2000 are now up to $5000 per year. The crisis sets in when someone has an illness or condition that is not temporary. Continue reading

Countrywide Excels at It!



There are group legal plans which do not understand communication. The vendors provide service at a distance, or through a page on a website. This may look efficient, but it is not. Communication is more important than this.

Quality Matters

A little extra should be part of the services. Anyone can easily forget a question or two, and getting back to the attorney is important. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services allows an unlimited number of telephone calls to the attorney in each situation. It means additional questions can be asked at another time. This ability to further communicate with the lawyer at no cost helps. Continue reading