Articles Posted in financial wellness

Consolidation is not as simple as some claim

Businessman with his hand raised in signal to stop, isolated on black background, Studio shot

The last few years were a financial disaster for many Americans. It was not just the loss of a job but the loss of the annual pay raise which cut into the livelihood of many families. A result was over dependence on credit cards. People used credit cards for even the smallest purchases. The balances grew as accrued interest added to the figures. It wasn’t too long before credit card debt swallowed all of disposable income. At this time the scammers came out of the woodwork. So-called “debt consolidation companies” promised to help consolidate debt into one payment. It was almost too simple. Folks wanting to have one payment instead of a lot fell for the deception. They put their trust in some unethical third parties with the hopes that consolidation loan would help financial wellness. The exact opposite is what happened.

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Errors are Fairly Commonstockfresh_299770_broke_sizeS

 Every young new hire counters something he or she may never have experienced before: a sizable paycheck. This new person to the workforce may be making more than his or her parents ever did and it can be a significant life change. The kind of money received can encourage spending habits which get out of control. A generous salary is excellent, but if the money is not well managed, it can destroy financial wellness in a very short time. Continue reading

Failure to Pay Has Consequences Woman in home office with computer using telephone frowning

 A rather sobering statistic has just been reported. Roughly 40% of all college graduates who have student loans outstanding are not making the payments. For whatever reasons there may be, this is more than serious. Some people may not know what they are jeopardizing their credit scores and financial wellness. Moreover, they’re getting to a habit that can quickly turn into a very deep hole.

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Help with Credit Cards Stops a Free Fall stockfresh_368884_dollar-flow-in-black-hole_sizeS

We now and then fall into bad habits. Some of them are easy to shake off, but others are going to linger for quite some time. The abuse of credit cards is a seriously bad habit for people to fall into. It starts out innocently enough and gradually grows. When people start charging their groceries and small items on a daily basis, the result is a staggering amount of debt. The financial wellness of the individual is placed in very serious danger.

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We all have to accept the fact our time on earth is limited. There will come a point when our lives end, or we might be in a comatose medical conditions. The final days of a human being can be traumatic for survivors. What can be even more heart rendering is a person who is in the hospital, with no chance of recovery, but life-support systems still going to keep the body alive. Final papers which ought to be drafted include a living will and medical power of attorney. A group legal plan can provide needed support.

Hand putting check mark with green marker on excellent credit score evaluation form.

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Helping to Relieve Stressparent with child in car

A big worry for a lot of employees is the family budget. It is trying to stretch dollars to meet all the bills that can frustrate the person. This can lead to domestic difficulties which detract from work. The trouble can be a strain on a marital relationship. Marriage counselors will say that budget worries will cause the most amount of arguments. A number of employees simply do not know how to design a realistic budget. They try to use the same kind of budgets their parents used, but it is not easy. The modern economy has other requirements that the parents never had to worry about, including massive college debt. Financial wellness is important and employers need to recognize that.

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Financial Issues Are Sorted Out happy-family-3c

Financial wellness is not just an issue for younger employees. Those who are getting closer to retirement age have a very real concern about their finances. Once they retire, they will be living on a reduced income. Credit card debt and other responsibilities can make them feel very apprehensive. They also have to worry about student loan debt. Many parents are paying off balances from the plus loans, and these can require years of continual payment. It happens that older employees feel swamped and worry about retirement. A company with a financial wellness plan provides excellent support.

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The Total Amount Can Get Out of Hand 

Festive brunette shopping online with tablet pc against glittering lights in room


Credit cards are convenient and they become a way of doing all kinds of business. This may not seem like too much of a problem, but it actually can be quite serious. We often reach for the plastic when we are making a purchase, and sometimes those purchases are rather small. It may not seem like a major difficulty but there are consequences. You are charged interest on every transaction that involves your credit card. Those interest rates are in double digits, and they add up. Before you know it you’re faced with a real danger to your financial wellness. Continue reading

It Doesn’t Have to be a Life Long Burdendebt-on-top-of-man-300x279

College is not always a happy experience. There are many long hours late at night and lots of stress over grades. It would be nice if that anxiety ends on graduation day but it does not. Most college graduates are saddled with student loan obligations. These are controllable for some people, but others have the financial wellness threatened.

The Figures Can Be Enormous

It is the immense size of the debt which staggers people. The amount of student loan owed can be in the six figures for some people. This can make a significant difference in a lot of economic decisions. Life expenses such as buying a house could be delayed for decades. In some cases of desperation, a college graduate may elect to default or declare bankruptcy. Either can cause a lot of financial harm. Countrywide Pre- Paid Legal Services wants to help college graduates. It is why we have a financial wellness program. Continue reading

These Employees Need Helpsingle-dad-300x215

Being a single parent is never easy. This person does the work of two individuals in raising a family. It often happens that a single parent must deal with public agencies. This maybe for matters such as educational assistance for children, special programs, or other forms of aid. The challenge arises when the parent has to face bureaucracy. This can be a confusing and puzzling trip down corridors looking for the right office. Applications have to be done properly. A group legal plan can provide needed help for a hard-working single parent.

The Paperwork Gets Finished

Time is precious when an employee has children and a job to worry about. A single parent has to deal with family matters and can use some assistance. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services is here to be a friend to this individual. We can help relieve some of the stress of having to deal with government agencies. Our network of attorneys has dealt with the public sector in the past. Required paperwork for services can be confusing. A Countrywide lawyer is there to explain what information is needed and help a group legal plan member complete the forms. The legal professional also sees to it that applications are delivered on time. Continue reading