Articles Posted in Group Legal plans


stockfresh_181218_last-will-and-testament_sizeS_72a2cb-300x225The New Year is a great time to set new goals and work on self-improvement. Often, people make resolutions to improve their health, finances, or relationships. However, one area that is frequently overlooked is estate planning. A simple will is an excellent New Year’s Resolution for employees. There are five problems that people can avoid by having a simple will and explain how pre-paid legal services and group legal plans can make estate planning more accessible.

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stockfresh_260360_read-the-fine-print_sizeS-200x300As an employer, you are responsible for the welfare of your employees, including foreign workers and those who hold work visas. These employees are more vulnerable to legal misunderstandings, which can lead to potential legal issues affecting both the employer and the employee. That is why pre-paid legal services and group legal plans, which include legal document review services, are essential. Legal document review for foreign employees is critical, and the pre-paid legal services of a group legal plan can benefit your company.

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stockfresh_1369833_legal_sizeS-300x199As an employer, you understand the importance of providing comprehensive benefits to your employees. From healthcare to retirement plans, these benefits are designed to attract and retain the best talent. However, have you considered offering a group legal plan? Pre-paid legal services are often misunderstood as being only for courtroom drama. However, they offer essential legal assistance for employees, resolving disputes and ensuring the proper filing of critical legal documents. Here are four reasons why this type of service could be a valuable addition to your benefits package.

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stockfresh_2261463_business-people-team_sizeS_5562cb-300x137Mid-career employees have a lot on their plates. Whether it is navigating complex office politics or balancing work and family life, there are many challenges that can arise in both a personal and professional life. One way to alleviate some of this stress is to invest in pre-paid legal services. These services can provide a wide range of benefits, including access to legal advice and other resources that can help a valuable employee navigate challenging situations. There are reasons why those services are so crucial for mid-career employees.

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Reviewing DocumentsWriting a will can seem overwhelming, and many people believe they can handle it on their own. However, without the proper legal advice and guidance, writing your own will is a risky proposition. You can avoid costly and potentially devastating mistakes. Writing your own will is risky, and a group legal plan can provide the protection you need.

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95322156-attorney-clients-shacking-hands-deal-contract-negotiations-300x200Legal issues are a part of everyday reality. When an employee is facing a legal problem, it can be stressful and burdensome for both the worker and the company. In response to these difficulties, organizations can provide legal referral services to employees, which can go a long way in reducing distress, minimizing absenteeism, and improving productivity. Here are four reasons why an employer should consider incorporating pre-paid legal services or group legal plans into your organization’s benefits package. Continue reading

legal-forms-300x152The subject of death and estate planning can be uncomfortable to discuss, but it is essential to understand how it can impact your loved ones. Whether you are starting your career or nearing retirement, creating a simple will is a necessary aspect of estate planning. Identifying your beneficiaries is one of the most crucial elements to ensure assets are properly distributed. Beneficiaries should be identified in a simple will and how it can benefit your loved ones.


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95322156-attorney-clients-shacking-hands-deal-contract-negotiations-300x200In many companies, government agencies are a big part of their work processes as they work to ensure that their business operations follow the law. However, foreign employees often need help with government agencies due to language barriers, unfamiliarity with local laws, and cultural differences. This can lead to frustration and delays, which negatively impact the business. Addressing these issues is essential to ensure a smooth operation and avoid legal problems. Foreign employees encounter some common issues when dealing with government agencies, and organizations can help make everything easier for their hardworking associates.

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stockfresh_138092_read-the-fine-print-magnifying-glass_sizeXS-300x240Legal documents that shape our lives in different ways. These legal documents protect our assets and loved ones in various scenarios, from contracts to estate plans. However, we may make mistakes or overlook important details that may end up costing us dearly. That is why it is essential to have a lawyer review your personal legal documents periodically. Group legal plans usually have them, and there are advantages to having this review.

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legal-forms-300x152Legal issues can arise at any time, and employees need to have access to legal services. Pre-paid legal services are becoming increasingly popular among employees and for good reasons. They are the type of assistance that makes life more straightforward and less stressful. There are some critical reasons why employees are attracted to these benefits.

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