Articles Posted in Group Legal plans


Knowing the Law


Consumer warranty rights are defined under the Magnuson-Moss Act. Automobile warranties need to include specific coverage information and the seller must allow the consumer to read the warranty before buying it.


The warranty does not mean that a consumer is bound to have all their automotive maintenance work done at a dealership. Another establishment can do routine maintenance such as oil changes, replacing pads on the brakes, and working on the distributor. The warranty must show how long the warranty is in effect (ordinarily three years) and over how many miles (36,000 miles is the standard mileage limit). Aftermarket parts (AFP) are different from those of the original equipment manufacturer (OEM). Using the former does not necessarily mean the warranty is void. Continue reading

stockfresh_2064336_identity-theft-word-cloud-concept_sizeS-300x300Working from home sounds great. Anyone would enjoy getting away from the office gossip and arrange work schedules to better fit in with personal time. Still, an individual must be careful. There is danger lurking in the dark places of the Internet.

The Hacking Industry

Outsiders peeking into personal space is a real danger on the Internet. Cyber thieves are busy with phishing trips and hacking down security walls. Working from home is relaxing and people get careless. Opening an innocent-looking email can invite a lot of unwelcome guests into a person’s cyberspace. The damage may be extensive.

stockfresh_2261463_business-people-team_sizeS_5562cb-300x137It means a lot for employees to get back to work after a quarantine. Most do not enjoy staying at home, and the job routine is welcome. What is not are the legal hassles that sprang up during the furlough.

The Courts Were Still Working

The legal system never entirely shuts down. There were some deadline extensions, but the wheels of jurisprudence were slowly moving. Licenses had to be granted, applications for government assistance completed, and probate court issues needed to be resolved. Everything moved a little slower but kept going. Continue reading

stockfresh_6387113_gavel-and-stethoscope-on-table_sizeS-300x200Group legal plans are especially important in times of emergency. They offer benefits that a person can use to get out of a difficult situation or prepare for the worst and be ready for it when bad times come. The coronavirus pandemic is causing many people to think of situations they ignored in the past. They believe they can no longer put certain things off.


Imagining a Dark Side


Death comes to all of us, but it does not always come suddenly. A traffic accident or a heart attack might be a surprise, but the victim might linger. Instant death does not happen, and the individual is sent to the hospital for treatment. That is where a sad episode slowly develops. Continue reading

stockfresh_260360_read-the-fine-print_sizeS-200x300Group legal plans will offer a variety of pre-paid legal services to their memberships. Some of these benefits are significant, such as writing simple wills or helping with consumer protection issues. Other services might seem small but are just as crucial for plan members. The review of legal documents is one.


There Is a Mystery in the Paragraphs


Society is governed by pieces of paper that are easily misunderstood by the average person. Legal documents have a language that is not often used on the street, and misinterpretations have serious consequences.  Continue reading

95322156-attorney-clients-shacking-hands-deal-contract-negotiations-300x200Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services takes pride in offering solutions to common legal challenges. It can be drafting simple wills, reviewing legal documents, or other legal matters that an employee might face. Our nationwide network of experienced attorneys is ready to help. There are situations requiring specialized assistance, however.

The Different Faces of Law

There are areas of the law that happen to be unique niches. Immigration, Marine, and Real Estate law are examples. Problems in specialized areas require different kinds of legal help, the kind our lawyers do not ordinarily handle. Countrywide is committed to helping our group legal plan members. We will not hesitate to do a referral if needed. Continue reading

1Working from home does have great benefits. Commuting and daycare costs are drastically reduced, and irritating office politics is gone. Organizations are noticing increased productivity but that could be temporary. Some intangible benefits of the office are missing and need replacement.


The Informal Communications Network


People chat and share information in the office. Experiences one employee has are shared with another and that can help the second person. These informal communications include how to deal with government agencies. Loss of break room sharing takes away an essential source of information. An individual does not know how to work with bureaucrats and fellow employees are there to give advice. The stress of not knowing what to do can affect performance. Group legal plans might offer help and Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services provides guidance on how to deal with the government. Continue reading

stockfresh_181218_last-will-and-testament_sizeS_72a2cb-300x225Stoics will talk about “memento mori.” (remember death) to remind people to make the most of living. It is taking a more dramatic meaning to the era of coronavirus. Employees recognize that mortality could come with a sneeze. More want to take precautions to protect their loved ones. Group legal plans offer to draft simple wills as a benefit option. It is an excellent pre-paid legal services benefit.


Protecting the Estate


Folks may think they have little to leave behind and they are usually wrong. Anyone who owns a house or has a company-provided life insurance policy has reportable assets. Probate court moves quickly if there is a will. Everything slows to a crawl when there is no will. Continue reading

stockfresh_356578_hand-with-help-flag-sticking-out-of-papers_sizeL-201x300Everyone loves the idea of working from home. The pandemic has convinced management that more people can be remote workers and do not need to be at the office physically. It is great until the honeymoon is over. Situations change after that.


Stress and Depression Issues


Working from home means the individual creates the work structure. That is radically different from workplaces with clearly defined borders. Schedules are no longer set, and everything is fluid. It can take a while to get used to the new normal.


Remote employees have the stress of creating their workspace and hours. They do not have the traditional human contact of the office and feel isolated. It can result in depression that can affect work quality. Continue reading

stockfresh_3091602_good-service-makes-the-difference-chalk-illustration_sizeS-300x168The quarantines imposed by the coronavirus pandemic have  given everybody a chance to reflect on their lives and changes needed. Some legal issues that have been placed on the back burner for too long are now becoming urgent. There is a mood of unfinished business among many employees. Group legal plans provide services to help.

Some of the Issues

A group legal plan can successfully resolve several situations that are everyday legal matters. Continue reading