Articles Posted in Group Legal plans

stockfresh_3802975_legal-advice-road-sign-illustration-design-over-a-white-backgrou_sizeXS-300x140The coronavirus pandemic is an emergency that is causing citizens to turn to government agencies for help. The anxiety these folks have is only increased by the frustration they experience in dealing with public bureaucracies.

Attempts were to make things easier and the CARES Act is helping with unemployment compensation filing. However, there are still rules and regulations that government agencies are required to follow. Public servants are not deliberately unresponsive, but they must follow mandated procedures. Group legal plans need to be able to help people deal with the red tape. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services offers help with government agencies as a benefit option.

Dealing with Delays

vacation-rental-home-warranty-300x300-300x300Appliances such as refrigerators or washing machines are expensive to buy and expensive to fix. People will purchase warranties from the manufacturer to protect their wallets from repair expenses. When one of those appliances breaks down, the warranty ought to cover most, if not all, of the repairs. It does not always happen.


Some manufacturers are not willing to follow the terms of the warranty, while others provide horrible customer service. Group legal plans cover a range of services, but not all of them are going to help with warranty disputes. Countrywide Pre-Paid legal services include help with warranties as a benefit for group legal plan members. Continue reading

fmIt would be nice to think that being together during a quarantine would make a married couple closer. Sadly, this is not the case for all people. The enforced isolation can put a severe strain on a relationship and lead to divorce. Experts in domestic social behavior are predicting there will be a significant increase in divorce filings because of the enforced isolation. People can use some help in these cases, but many group legal plans do not take into consideration the need for divorce counsel.


Taking Care of the Ordinary


Understandably, a group legal plan might not include the help of a divorce attorney. The pre-paid legal services benefits are intended to help with ordinary situations such as consumer protection. Divorce is a different breed of cat. Moreover, divorce attorneys do not come cheap and their rates are expected to rise because of the sudden demand for their expertise. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services knows that a basic group legal plan cannot cover all areas of law. Consequently, we provide a benefit option that helps a person get reduced rates. Continue reading

stockfresh_1532919_senior-couple-medical-bills_sizeS-300x200COVID-19 has presented unusual challenges to the judiciary system and the public. What used to be routine administrative work for the courts is being adjusted because of lockdowns and efforts to keep law courts and judiciary buildings safe. Conservatorships are means of protecting someone who can’t adequately care for himself/herself. Group legal plans have a reputation for providing advice and guidance to plan members on all kinds of legal issues. These programs must be able to help with conservatorship matters.


Protecting the Elderly


The primary beneficiaries of the conservatorship are the elderly. This demographic may be dealing with both physical and mental health conditions. They can be easily deceived by scams and false promises. The old are also the primary targets of coronavirus. They may not be able to do simple errands or visit banks and financial institutions. A conservator is someone who can perform necessary duties on behalf of an older person. Continue reading

stockfresh_709412_problems-and-solutions_sizeS-300x272The coronavirus quarantines forced families to pay a terrible price. Strained relationships finally snapped under the lockdowns and led to divorce. This is not the only domestic damage due to COVID-19. Children whose parents divorced are now caught in limbo regarding custody and visitation. An already emotional situation has escalated with even more significant problems that group legal plans must be able to address. Child custody and visitation are primary issues.

Custody and Visitation in a Pandemic

Courts have already decreed what the custody arrangements will be and who gets the custody of a child. Quarantine or not, the courts are not going to suspend visitation rights. Refusal to permit visitation based on social distancing is unacceptable; contempt of court proceedings are not out of the question for ignoring court instructions. Nevertheless, there may be situations where the child’s health could be placed in jeopardy, particularly if a former spouse has been exposed to coronavirus.

stockfresh_8439488_keyboard-with-blue-keypad-consumer-protection-3d-illustration_sizeS-300x200The coronavirus pandemic has created a disaster for many small business establishments. They were not able to survive the quarantine lockdowns and are being forced into bankruptcy court. This creates a problem for those who have claims against any of those companies. These can include consumer protection and violation of warranties. Group legal plans need to help those with legitimate grievances against companies, even if those businesses are in bankruptcy.


Bankruptcy Law


Everyone thinks that Chapter 11 is the only type of bankruptcy filing. It is not. Chapter 7 is the part of bankruptcy law that a business will ordinarily file under. It permits a company to liquidate its assets to pay as much debt as possible. Chapter 11 will enable a firm to reorganize to continue operations. A consumer needs to know under which chapter a company filed for bankruptcy. Continue reading

stockfresh_181218_last-will-and-testament_sizeS_72a2cb-300x225It may appear that the coronavirus pandemic has shut down everything, including the law courts. Indeed, the legal system is now moving a little bit slower, but it does not mean that a court holiday has been declared. There are still matters a person must attend to that requires dealing with legal issues.

Establishing the trust is something that many must consider during this time. Coronavirus is not the Black Blague, but it can strike, and there have been many fatalities. Group legal plans provide pre-paid legal services that help a person prepare for many legal problems. Employers should take a moment and consider introducing this type of benefit.

Creating trusts requires paperwork, and many ordinary employees have no idea what type of information is needed. Going online and using templates may not be a good idea; professional help is essential. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services offers a group legal plan benefit plan that can assist in everyday legal situations. Continue reading

p126-1-jpg-300x214The quarantines imposed because of the pandemic create enormous stress in domestic affairs. People are living closer together, with little opportunity to socialize, and tempers flare. We must point out that coronavirus is not the primary cause of the divorce. However, a relationship that was already on the rocks before quarantines might now be damaged beyond repair. 


Divorce might be the only way to resolve matters, but coronavirus makes legal procedures challenging. Employers do not have to sit on the sidelines as their employees struggle with these issues. Offering the right employee benefits helps make an already tense situation easier to experience. Continue reading

stockfresh_3046191_no-to-fraud_sizeS-300x300Criminals think of the coronavirus pandemic as an opportunity. These thieves and scammers are ready to play on the fears and anxieties of people stuck in their houses during the quarantine. They have become creative in how they use fraud and price gouging to take what little money a person has, and these felons could not care less about the damage they cause. Group legal plans must provide pre-paid legal services to prevent honest people from being deceived.


Some of the More Common Frauds


There are billions of dollars of stimulus money floating around and swindlers want a piece of the action. A common scam is to be contacted by a so-called authority who claims that he or she can get your stimulus money to you faster. It all requires a small fee on your part. The government does not charge any processing fee, but that does not deter some people. A professional thief has operated similar frauds in the past. Continue reading

stockfresh_2753643_medical-and-gavel_sizeS-300x300Coronavirus figures appear to ebb and flow like time. One day the new cases of infection are up and the next day they come down. We are still not out of danger, unfortunately, and people need to practice social distancing. The pandemic has made many people more aware of their mortality and the possibility of getting sick.


Young employees do not always worry because they are not the target population. Older employees are deeply concerned. Those who have diabetes, or a cardiovascular condition know they are susceptible to coronavirus. They need to prepare for any possibility. They could use some help and employers can provide valuable support. Group legal plans provide excellent assistance in these days of a pandemic. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services offers a group legal plan benefit that includes help with a living will. Continue reading