Articles Posted in Group Legal plans


Settling agreements with a handshake alone is not just old school; it is ancient history! This is not your grandfather’s society, and everything must be in writing. Contracts, leases, warranties, licenses, and all other types of arrangements are drafted in specific language that can be very confusing to an ordinary person. Group legal plans recognize that the average person is not a legal scholar. It is why document review is such an important pre-paid legal services benefit.

Legal Paper Scares People

We are told all the time how to read the fine print and avoid bad deals. The trouble is that too many people don’t understand even the plainest language in a legal document. It happens because the terminology is not in modern language. Instead, phrases used in the past are found in the text and these Latin words are important and have consequences. An individual can easily get trapped into a bad deal or purchase useless services because he or she is unfamiliar with the terminology. It helps to have a lawyer look at the papers. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services includes legal document review among its Group Legal Plan options.

Working with Experienced Professionals

Countrywide has a nationwide network of attorneys to provide the pre-paid legal services. These professionals will review contracts and legal documents up to six pages long. That is enough for most plan members. Continue reading


Capital One was a recent victim of hacking. Approximately 100 million subscribers were compromised, and their personal information was stolen. A theft this large should remind all of us about the magnitude of the danger posed by Internet pirates.

Cyber theft is a multi-billion-dollar crime industry. Hackers live anywhere on Earth and do business with global clients. Purloined data is sold in batches and bogus credit card accounts are created for dishonest use. Individuals’ existing bank and credit accounts are exploited. Most victims don’t know of the crime until they receive their monthly statements.

Companies will offer Group Legal Plans and Pre-Paid Legal Services. They don’t always provide Identity Theft Prevention or Credit Monitoring Plans. A victim often must restore credit ratings and financial integrity alone. It is a long process and can be stressful. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services offer Group Legal Plan benefits to organizations. We also offer Identity Theft and Credit Monitoring services to individuals. Continue reading


Group legal plans have benefits that assist people in everyday legal problems. Pre-paid legal services such as drafting wills and consumer protection are standard options. Nevertheless, a good employee benefit must have more than just primary aid. A good group legal plan will have secondary benefits which support the main ones. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services offers comprehensive help to the employees of our clients.

Access to Required Help

There must be more than a call center for people who have legal issues. The law is a service best rendered in face-to-face conferences. This is not easy if the primary service providers are far away. Countrywide uses a nationwide network of attorneys. What is nice about our arrangements is the attorney practices law in the same community as our client. A face-to-face conference with a Countrywide attorney is convenient and easy to arrange.

The plan member may get nervous in the meetings and forget to ask some questions. Ordinarily, a follow-up telephone call is a billable service but not when it comes to the Countrywide benefit. We will allow an unlimited number of telephone calls on a given situation. That way, there is less confusion or misunderstanding about the assistance provided. Continue reading


Death will come unannounced. An individual may die while asleep or from an unexpected heart attack. While we can’t always prepare for death, we can protect our loved ones from the consequences with a simple will.

People Forget

You can’t take it with you is an old saying. It is true, but you can leave a hot mess when you exit. Dying without a will leaves your loved ones in a state of limbo. Probate court appoints an administrator who reports directly to the bench. There is no executor of the will and the estate settlement will drag on for months or even years.

People forget to write wills and families pay for such negligence. There are bills to be paid such as tuition and badly needed money from an estate is not available. Moreover, there can be bitter squabbles over the estate that result in long-term family feuds. Group legal plans will draft simple wills for plan members. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services will prepare those final documents as a benefit option. Continue reading


Graduation presents are not always gift cards. A smartphone, tablet, car, or another very expensive product might be the reward for getting a diploma. Smart shoppers will get a repair warranty on those big-ticket items. Unfortunately, buying the warranty doesn’t always mean you can use it.

The Murky Wording of the Warranty

Consumers will purchase warranties sight unseen. They buy the protection without understanding the details. A warranty is a contract with specific action required. Warranty language might also specify only certain repair parts may be used. Moreover, only certain repair shops can be used and the warranty is good only for a given period of time.

Retailers will take advantage of a buyer overlooking important details. They, the retailers, might not volunteer the information needed to use a warranty and the buyers are left with a worthless piece of paper. That person feels frustrated because he or she spent money for nothing. Continue reading


Many group legal plans will emphasize the primary services which they offer. It is understandable they do this, but the quality of pre-paid legal services does not rest only with the major features. Indeed, the other services, those which are offered regardless of the selected benefit options, do a lot to enhance the value of the group legal plan. The additional benefits cannot be taken for granted.

Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services provides the kind of benefit options any organization would like to have. We go one step further by giving additional service that makes our overall benefit that much more appealing. These are offered regardless of what options a client selects for the group legal plan.

  1. Face-To-Face Conferences

Countrywide has a nationwide network of attorneys who will assist plan members. We will not rely on website pages or call centers. Instead, we make it easy to have face-to-face meetings with an attorney. Our lawyers practice in the community where an organization does its business. It is very simple to arrange for a meeting with a Countrywide attorney. That Countrywide plan members have priority treatment makes things even easier. Continue reading


Group legal plans will proactively market their pre-paid legal services. Prospective clients receive all information about the benefits and how their employees will be served. A big question which some vendors try to avoid answering is: what happens when the attorneys can’t perform the needed service?

Law Is Not Simple

The rules of law in the United States depend on the type of jurisprudence. There are several niche legal areas where specialized attorneys practice. These can include consumer law, immigration law, probate and estate, and HOA law. Not every attorney is familiar with the practices of specialized law and, therefore, those attorneys with a unique set of legal skills are called upon. The problem is that their services are not cheap.

But the advice of these attorneys might be needed by a group legal plan member. This same person may be frustrated by a group legal plan which does not allow for referrals. Even if referrals are included, there may not be a discount for this service. The plan member is constantly forced to bear the cost which might be rather steep. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services is proud of the quality of advice and guidance our network of attorneys provide. However, we understand that these attorneys may have no expertise in highly specialized law. Rather than not provide a needed service, we will provide referrals in situations where a lawyer with a legal specialty is needed. Continue reading


Consumer protection is not intended to be a corporate headache. It is a means by which any company, including a service provider, is held accountable for its marketing claims. Promises of high-quality efficiency are used to encourage consumers to purchase goods and services. Consumer protection law guarantees these assurances are kept.

Group legal plans should help with consumer protection. People are often frustrated by inferior products. They are not able to properly file a consumer protection complaint, and this adds fuel to an angry fire. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services wants to help folks with consumer-related issues. We offer consumer protection services as a group legal plan benefit option.

Making the Case

Consumer protection claims require forms to be completed and the right evidence provided. Tantrums will not accomplish anything. Countrywide has a national network of skilled attorneys who practice in the local community. They provide highly professional pre-paid legal services to plan members. Continue reading


In our society we must always deal with all kinds of contracts, leases, permits, and other types of paperwork. Legal documents are part of doing almost any kind of business. An important question all consumers should answer is:   “Do you know what you are signing?”

Legal documents are drafted in a special language. Latin phrases such as sine die will pepper the paragraphs of many important forms. Phrases are written in a dry and tedious style, but a person must be careful. Those boring clauses contain obligations and penalties for noncompliance. Anyone who signs a legal document without understanding the content is taking a major risk. Some group legal plans offer document review as a benefit. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services is a vendor offering that option.

We Rely on Professionals

Our nationwide network of attorneys assists with group legal plan member needs. Our lawyers prepare legal documents such as simple and living wills. They are familiar with legal language and know what parts of a document are important. Continue reading


Legal issues are ordinarily not the courtroom dramas seen on television. Law is primarily a system of paper processing and filings. There are deadlines and evidence requirements which most people do not understand. Group legal plans promote services that help plan members deal with ordinary situations. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services offers a benefit that will address any legal issues.

It Starts with Professionals

The Countrywide network of attorneys is the primary benefits provider. The lawyers practice in our client’s communities and a meeting is simple to arrange. Group legal plan members are encouraged to ask questions. Countrywide attorneys will address issues such as consumer protection or document review and give superior guidance. People sometimes forget to ask a question in a meeting. Countrywide allows an unlimited number of telephone calls on a given subject.

Warranties are documents that people don’t always understand. Countrywide attorneys will interpret and help a person get what they are supposed to receive. If a consumer protection complaint must be filed, the Countrywide attorney will guide the plan member in preparing the evidence and the documents. This legal professional also knows what public agency to approach and help dealing with all branches of government is a Countrywide benefit option. Continue reading