Articles Posted in Group Legal plans


A will is something everyone needs, but not everyone drafts one properly. There are those who will write their own on a piece of paper and others who use an online template. Such methods have the potential of creating drastic consequences. Wills composed this way can leave behind a great deal of confusion and trouble for survivors.

Doing Things on the Cheap

An individual may want to avoid legal fees and use an online website to draft a will. Such templates are not as good as a pre-paid legal services benefit. These DIY wills may not contain all the right words or be updated to include new language. The average person doesn’t know all the right phrases and will make composition errors. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services wants to help people avoid serious legal accidents. We have drafting wills as a group legal plan option.

Professionals Draft Simple Wills

Countrywide allows for wills of up to six pages to be written. We believe that is enough for the average group legal plan member. Our nationwide network of attorneys has considerable experience in drafting wills. They write a document which will have no issues with probate court. Continue reading


No one can ignore legal documents. Like it or not, these papers are a part of everyone’s daily life. Legal documents are not just contracts. They can be apartment leases, product warranties, fishing licenses, and powers of attorney. These all carry levels of authority and have consequences for noncompliance.

The difficulty for an average person is in the text. Legal script is not ordinary composition. The phrases are unfamiliar and some of the words are not commonly used (e.g. sine die= without delay). Anyone can get flustered and feel nervous about signing legal papers. Group legal plans should have document review as a benefit option. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has this benefit as a group legal plan option.

Reviewed by a Professional

A customer service representative should not give pre-paid legal services. Countrywide has a nationwide network of experienced attorneys. They are the ones who will give direct service to a plan member. It is easy to contact a Countrywide attorney; at least one practices in the local community. A meeting with an attorney can easily be arranged. Continue reading


Employees will be sitting down with their financial advisors in the coming weeks to look at money affairs. It is a time when some serious financial decisions are going to be made, which will affect the clients saving and spending in the future. Something that every financial professional is going to recommend to his or her clients is the importance of a will. It is a cornerstone of sensible money management.

Keeping Things in Order

A will is a legal document that prevents estate chaos. Beneficiaries and loved ones will receive what the will specifies, and an executor will be tasked with making all disbursements and presenting required reports to tax officials. Those who die without a will leave behind considerable legal trouble.

The lack of a last will means that probate court takes charge. A court-appointed administrator assumes the management of the estate, but this person has limited authority. He or she must report back to the court on various decisions and this can delay disbursement. This is going to harm beneficiaries. Group legal plans will draft last wills and testaments. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services does this and adds a little bit more. Continue reading


It is not always easy to deal with government agencies. It appears as if a bureau or commission is asking for all your information, including DNA samples. It gets frustrating and you need to be careful. Providing the wrong information can lead to accusations of fraud.

Benefits Require Evidence

Government benefits are more than cash payments. They can include licenses and other documents allowing you to have certain privileges. There are rules and regulations which govern the benefits and you must be able to provide the right information. It is unfortunate, but some people try to cheat, and agencies are on the alert for fraud. It can happen in the crush of supplying information that you give the wrong data, and that leads to trouble. You can be accused of fraud and the penalties are severe. Group legal plans should help people deal with public agencies and situations where suspected deception arise. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services will help plan members as they work with government.

Avoiding Careless Mistakes

Mistakes can happen, but they need to be avoided. Countrywide has a nationwide network of lawyers who can assist in providing the right information. These legal experts can look at applications and advise legal plan members about what is required. The lawyers can caution a person about making the right statements and how to comply with mandated requirements. Continue reading


There is a little bit of a letdown after the holiday season. There are emotions and expectations that surround the gift giving and people want to be able to enjoy the presents they received. Big-ticket items such as widescreen TVs, personal computers, smartphones, and other electronics should work. Unfortunately, some of these expensive toys are going to break down due to overuse or faulty merchandise. Many shoppers are going to buy a warranty to cover any problems that may arise. However, not everybody knows what their warranty covers. Group legal plans don’t always help with warranties, but Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services does help.

Knowledge Is Power!

People don’t fully appreciate the cost of those little electronic gadgets until one breaks down. It is possible that a repair bill of over one hundred dollars is going to be required to fix things. Consumers will buy warranties as a hedge against the debt but might not know what the warranty covers.

The warranty may only cover labor or certain parts. There may also be a time limit during which the warranty can be exercised. People don’t always understand the wording of the warranty and get frustrated. Countrywide group legal plan members, however, have an opportunity to use the pre-paid legal services of a competent attorney. Continue reading


Service is rapidly becoming automated. Consumers deal with automated telephone service, Q&A pages, and Amazon Alexa. These can be very efficient but cold. Group legal plans that offer pre-paid legal services must remember the human side of member service.

The Law Is Filled with Emotion

Those who face legal problems can endure emotional roller coaster rides. Legal issues, such as writing simple wills, are filled with personal feelings. Anger or fear are not always calmed by taped messages on answering services.

The law can be confusing. The language is unique to the profession and questions need answers that address the circumstances. This kind of service is not always possible with automated systems. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services offers group legal plan benefits to all sorts of organizations. We believe service with a human touch matters. Continue reading


Libertarians want a world where there is little government involvement in daily life. It might be a nice thought but there is little substance to that wish. Government is a part of our lives and we depend on government services. Not all group legal plans offer help in dealing with public agencies. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services does.

The Extent of Government Involvement

Ordinary folks take for granted the help they receive from government. It might be assistance for a special needs child or permission to add on a room to a house. Public agencies follow a set of rules and public employees will not deviate from those mandates. People get frustrated by all the paperwork. They blame the public agency even though that office is only following the rules. Countrywide gives needed assistance.

Countrywide participation speeds up the process. Our national network of attorneys offers a variety of pre-paid legal services to Countrywide group legal plan members. These are legal professionals who live in the community. A Countrywide lawyer will educate a plan member in the process. The attorneys work with public agencies routinely and know which desk to approach for filing.

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A fantastic corporate New Year’s resolution is a new employee benefit everyone can use. It lets the rank and file know that management appreciates their efforts and is concerned about their well-being. Group Legal Plans are an excellent and very useful service that an organization can offer. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has a Group Legal Plan that our clients like.

The Services Have High Quality

The courtroom dramas are the stuff of television. Most people will never have a day in court, but they still need a lawyer’s services for various reasons. Countrywide has provided pre-paid legal services since 1987. Our benefit options reflect the kind of legal help commonly used.

A simple will is a necessary component of sound financial planning. Countrywide attorneys will prepare this document for any Plan member, pointing out the critical clauses and answering all questions. Continue reading


Legal documents are unsettling. Language is formal and there are Latin phrases sprinkled through the text. People get nervous about the lease or contract they might be signing. Group legal plans need to have a means of reviewing legal documents. It is a benefit which Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services will provide.

Our Attorneys Are Available for Legal Document Review

Our nationwide network of lawyers are professionals who are well-versed in the language of the law. They will gladly review legal documents for a group legal plan member.

The devil is in the details. Legal paperwork is rarely drafted to deceive people, but an individual might not understand his or her obligations. Those requirements will be quickly discovered by the Countrywide lawyer. A worst-case situation involves outdated or invalid documents. This problem can arise if a landlord uses an out of state lease. Countrywide will spot the danger and point out the problem to the plan member. Our attorneys are well known for inspecting even the smallest details. Continue reading


Group legal plans assist with routine legal issues. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services is no exception and we are proud of the benefit options we provide. However, there are services we do not routinely offer. We will provide referrals in those cases.

The Law Is Diverse

Writing wills and helping with consumer protection are among the benefits our nationwide network of attorneys gives. Jurisprudence has many specialized areas such as adoption, divorce, and immigration. A group legal plan member may be better served by an attorney who concentrates on a specialized area. Continue reading