Articles Posted in Group Legal plans


Service is rapidly becoming automated. Consumers deal with automated telephone service, Q&A pages, and Amazon Alexa. These can be very efficient but cold. Group legal plans that offer pre-paid legal services must remember the human side of member service

The Law Is Filled with Emotion

Those who face legal problems can endure emotional roller coaster rides. Legal issues, such as writing simple wills, are filled with personal feelings. Anger or fear are not always calmed by taped messages on answering services.

The law can be confusing. The language is unique to the profession and questions need answers that address the circumstances. This kind of service is not always possible with automated systems. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services offers group legal plan benefits to all sorts of organizations. We believe service with a human touch matters. Continue reading

Payments can be met spider-pocket-189x300


Employees generally like the employer-sponsored group health insurance. They appreciate the assistance given with medical expenses, particularly catastrophic bills. Employees grumble, however, about the deductibles. The deductibles in most employer-sponsored group health insurance policies have been rising steadily over the last few years. They’re at a point where the deductible can be a threat to financial wellness.

Deductibles Can Grow Medical Debt

An employee must use all the deductible before the full health benefit can be utilized. It is why those who file for bankruptcy due to medical debt ordinarily have health insurance; the deductible stands in the way of the health benefit. Continue reading

Our Assistance Makes Dealing with Government Easy



The government can confuse people. Bureaucracies are both national, state, and local. You may have to deal with one and not the other two or, all three at the same time. The average employee is going to find all this frustrating. Many group legal plans do not bother with helping but Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services does. Our group legal plan benefits include assistance with government agencies.

Your tax dollars fund various services through public agencies. These organizations require certain types of information. What can get confusing is what is needed by a federal agency, may be entirely different than what is requested by a local municipality. On top of everything else, some deadlines need to be met. The wrong information will probably result in an application returned to the individual for corrections. It creates an administrative delay that might end up with a missed deadline. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services offer group legal plan benefits for organizations. Our attorneys provide help with those public agencies. Continue reading

Expert Advice Makes It Easy



College loans have a time trap. Certain loan programs allow for a fixed period of time to get a degree. If a student’s time in school is accidentally prolonged due to being closed out of a class, it doesn’t matter. Loan programs also have a short grace period of perhaps no more than six months. After that, payments are expected on a routine basis. It is a situation where the overall cost can grow, and a student has very little control over that.

Recent college graduates who are in their first full-time job feel the pressure and the mounting anxiety. Their college loans must be paid, but the same is true for the rent and utilities. Financial wellness is under serious threat, and the person may be looking at possible bankruptcy. Organizations can help fix the problem if they look at the Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services program.

Some of the Special Deals Aren’t That Great




Black Friday will soon be here, and the Merry mayhem of holiday shopping begins. People love to go out to the stores or go online to buy things at this time of year. The increased sales activity, however, brings with it a challenge. Consumer protection is something people don’t think about until they have to deal with a defective product. A group legal plan which assists in consumer protection activity is providing very worthwhile pre-paid legal services for the holidays.

Product Mistakes Will Happen

Selling defective products is not always intentional. Mistakes happen on the assembly line or in the delivery of goods. Nevertheless, no one needs to deal with a defective product. Some merchants are a little hesitant to reimburse customers. Perhaps it is because the defective product is expensive such as a washing machine or refrigerator. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services appreciates the frustration over defective merchandise in the holiday season. We have been providing group legal plan benefits for organizations since 1987, and consumer protection advice is one of the options we allow. Continue reading

Plastic Creates Havoc credit-cards-300x200


Folks love it when things are easy. Convenience is desirable, and people take advantage of it whenever possible. Expediency is the reason why people use credit cards so often. No one has to worry about carrying large amounts of cash, and all it takes is a swipe of a card to get a purchase transacted. Credit cards, however, are dangerous to financial wellness. They can cause some serious problems.

Plastic Can Be Overused

Retailers will not openly admit it but they appreciate the use of credit cards because of potential over purchasing. It is a well-known fact that customers will buy more if they use the plastic. It does not take long before a cardholder has a large balance on the credit card. The balance carries with it an interest charge that is in double digits. The interest charge means that the balance can quietly grow to larger and larger figures. Continue reading

01the-importance-of-a-comprehensive-legal-plan-article-4102-thumb-320x210-86253-thumb-320x210-86254-300x196Unique Legal Help Can be Used


Law in the United States is rich in its diversity. There are various kinds of legal specialties such as marine law, domestic and juvenile, Internet law, and various types of property law where an attorney can specialize. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services offers one of the best group legal plan benefits in the country. However, we admit that our attorneys do not know every single type of law. Sometimes, a pre-paid legal services plan member needs special service.

Countrywide has a nationwide network of attorneys ready to assist plan members. If there is a need for specific legal advice, Countrywide will make a referral to the right attorney. This is where many group legal plans stop, but we will go a little bit further for our members. Continue reading

The Right Words Matter a Great Deal


We are surrounded by technology. There are mobile apps, Internet websites, and social media intended to connect us to other people and the services we need. That’s nice, but it doesn’t always work. There are some needs, such as pre-paid legal services, that need a little bit more than the tap of a mouse pad to connect. A group legal plan is judged by the quality of the services provided.

Human Contact is Essential

People need answers that are more developed then a recording or script on a website. The legal dilemmas folks encounter may require separate answers for individual concerns. It is something that is not easily done with technology. People matter when it comes to pre-paid legal services. Arranging a meeting with a lawyer is not always done by other group legal plans. Countrywide not only makes meetings easy but encourages such conferences. Our nationwide network of attorneys allows for a plan member to easily get in contact with a lawyer. The consultation can be arranged, and a face-to-face discussion allowed. Continue reading

Budgeting is easy the More You Know



It is an old story about domestic finances. People are living from paycheck to paycheck. There doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to what is going on. It happens when people refuse to budget. That doesn’t seem to be a problem until other expenses besides groceries come into the picture. Financial wellness is threatened by a refusal to itemize expenses against income.

The Source of the Problems

Budget difficulty springs primarily from debt. It isn’t gasoline or the cable bill, but credit cards, mortgage loans, student loans, and perhaps some medical expenses. These can add onto obligations and an emergency bill can make things even worse. People end up spending more than they are making. It can happen to anyone, especially somebody who feels obligated to pay everything at the end of the month. Continue reading

The Medical Bills Can Be Staggering



Employees expect to pay medical premiums either bi-weekly or monthly. They’re able to budget for these expenses and know what the figures will be. Something that is extremely difficult to budget for, and catches a person by surprise, is the medical deductible. It has the potential of harming the financial wellness of anyone.

Employers in the past few years have tried to contain medical insurance costs by raising the deductible. It means that deductibles that were once one or $2000 are now up to $5000 per year. The crisis sets in when someone has an illness or condition that is not temporary. Continue reading