Articles Posted in Group Legal plans

Government Regulations Will Change


Change is constant in life. You can expect to see different ways of doing things all the time, and the adjustment ordinarily is not a major event. The new administration in Washington is causing a change in rules and regulations governing various public agencies. It trickles down to the state and local levels, as elections change the bureaucratic landscape. Change can be necessary, but some revisions are going to cause sizable headaches. Help from a group legal plan is something a lot of people require.

A Flurry of New Rules

Public employees are sensitive to regulations. They will follow them regardless of any inconvenience it may cause. What frustrates people are all the changes in deadlines and information requirements. Rules on the books in December can be entirely different in April. The changes can require a person to go back to square one and start all over with the application process. It gets aggravating. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services understands the frustration the change can produce. We know that regulations will be revised from time to time, but we also know the anxiety new rules will cause. Our group legal plan provides legal assistance. A Countrywide attorney can help a plan member deal with public agencies on all levels. Continue reading

Good Communications is a Calming Force


Legal issues cause anxiety. Whether it is contracts that are vague or preparing cases for a small claims court, folks get extremely nervous. It makes sense because they do not know all about the law. It is a mystery that a good group legal plan can make clear. However, this clarity happens only when a good rapport and sound communication is present.

Good Communication is Critical

Communication is where many online legal assistance programs fail. They encourage subscribers to get in touch with any questions but do not establish a rapport. Frequently Asked Question pages pop up and these do not help. Pre-paid legal services require more. An opportunity to interact with an attorney face-to-face is critical. That kind of contact will help calm people’s nerves. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services knows this. We have worked with organizations since 1987 to establish group legal plan benefits. Communication is an essential service. Continue reading

The Right Person Must Have the Authority



Having a medical power of attorney document makes sense. If a medical calamity happens and you are comatose, then someone can make the decisions you want pertaining to your care. However, this document is not something that ought to be composed on a website template. Whoever has the medical power of attorney needs to have certain qualities. A group legal plan which allows conferences with an attorney can make the medical powers of attorney document more competent.

What Is Needed

Selecting who will have medical powers of attorney is crucial. It can be a good friend or relative, but it takes more than that. The individual is going to be making some very firm decisions that affect your medical condition. Certain traits are necessary including:

  • Complete Understanding. Individual selected must know precisely what you want to have done in the event of a calamity. This may include end of life care and the person must know what type of treatment you want.
  • The Ability to be Objective. Major medical emergencies can be extremely emotional for everybody. There is a lot of anxiety and worry. Nevertheless, the one who has medical powers of attorney must be clearheaded. He or she must make sure your wishes are followed, regardless of any opinion about a given procedure.
  • Courage in the face of the crisis. The expertise of physician or professional healthcare provider can be intimidating. A person may give in and follow their directives, even if what the medical professional wants is contrary to your wishes. Whoever has the medical powers of attorney cannot be intimidated by what a physician recommends. This person must be willing to ask very pointed questions and any procedures followed must be in line with what you have specified. It must be made clear to any physician.

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College Debt is Manageable


Spring break is in full force, and many college seniors are getting the resumes together for work in the real world. Generation Z, those who are just entering the job market fresh from college, are going to start becoming a part of the workforce in greater numbers. They’re facing major college debt hassles. It is not easy for them to do it alone.

College Debt Can Be Frightening

The challenge is that the amount can be comparable to the cost of a house. It is something these young people have little understanding about. Many know about the grace period, but that is about it. What they need is excellent advice that comes from a financial wellness program. Being able to talk to experts can make things easier. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services offers the kind of support these new employees need.

We have a nationwide network of certified counselors who could help a person deal with his or her college debt. Our professionals have the expertise necessary to show how a debt hassle is easily managed. Everything starts with a budget analysis that indicates where income and expenses are. On that information, the counselor then begins to help with the financial wellness plan member develop a means of resolving any difficulty. The Countrywide counselor will take a careful look at all the outstanding loans a plan member may have. This financial professional will then check to see with the payment options are. Depending on the loan source, there may be opportunities for easier payments. Continue reading

Organizations Cannot Ignore It


Consumer protection is not a matter for individuals only. Companies and other business establishments need to be concerned because bad service or inferior quality merchandise reflects poorly on their respective industries. Companies who are looking for group legal plan benefits want to have the best possible service. Allowing for consumer protection also can enhance the prestige of the employer.

Unethical practices are a danger in the marketplace. A consumer is at personal risk due to malfunctioning merchandise, or services that not completed correctly (For example, water pipes in the house that supposedly were fixed but breakdown a few weeks later). The offender ordinarily doesn’t worry about repercussions because of the paperwork involved in processing consumer protection complaint. This unscrupulous individual knows that many will not bother to go through the hassle of dealing with consumer protection agencies. It changes when an attorney gets involved. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services gives this kind of help. Continue reading

It Can Be Managed


It can feel like a tidal wave hitting every month when the bills come in. If a person tries to stay current and sometimes forgets to pay one of the bills, it can cause penalties and harm credit ratings. Not everybody has major problems, but some people do. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has a Debt Management Plan to help those in chronic trouble.

It Starts with Information Gathering

Countrywide begins the Debt Management Plan with the budget analysis. We have a nationwide network of certified financial counselors who are ready to help. These people will sit down with a financial wellness plan member and go over the figures. They will see where the money is coming in, where is going out, and what reductions are necessary. They can suggest a way of moving the money from one obligation to another. The information also drives further efforts. Continue reading

It is More than Just a FAQ page


You read about it in every business periodical and here it on television and radio customer service is the most important quality any business can have today. Consumers are demanding, and they want the best possible attention. Smart vendors understand this, but it doesn’t mean customer service is world-class. Any group legal plan which pays little attention to its plan members will deliver poor quality.

Overreliance on Text

Vendors would like to provide as much pre-paid legal services to as many plan members as possible. Because of this, these companies will set up FAQ pages, or invite those with problems to type in a message in a small box on one of the site pages. It does not mean that the request or complaint disappears in the shuffle. It is, however, an inconvenience. Continue reading

Countrywide Does an Efficient Joblastwilltestament-300x200

Sensible people though how critical it is to have a will. It is the main way to prevent hassles in probate court and see to it beneficiaries receive their portion of the state. Many people want to use online will writing services, but that is not a good idea. It is better to use a group legal plan. The online sites appear convenient, but they come with some significant drawbacks. One is the template itself. It might not te right one for the state in which you reside. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services will offer the kind of assistance needed to write a solid will.

There is a More to Writing a Simple Will

A simple will of just a few pages may not seem like a major project. That is not the case at all. There is language that has to be in a simple will to protect beneficiaries and to make certain that an individual’s wishes are carried out. The regulations covering wills are not cast in stone. Laws regarding probate may change, but there’s no guarantee the templates are going to be current. There is the risk of the drafted will be declared invalid. The pre-paid legal services offered by a group legal plan can help write an effective will. Continue reading

Good Advice is Essential


Millennials are becoming a dominant force in the working world. These people have incredible talent and desire to succeed. They’re the kind of workers every organization would love to have, and they are faced with severe financial wellness challenges. Youth and enthusiasm are being confronted by debt. These young people are coming into the working world with burdens, not faced by earlier generations. These include:

  1. College Loan Obligations. Many have college loan debts that are in the five and even six figures. After the six-month grace period is finished, the bills for payment come into their mailbox. The size of some of these bills can force Millennials to make drastic changes in their decisions for the future, including whether to buy a house or have children.
  2. Credit Card Debt. Recent college graduates are targets for many credit card companies. These financial institutions offer incredible interest discounts to get younger workers signed up. Millennials will run up credit card debt in a short period. Forgetting to pay even one bill can result in trouble.

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It Can Be Manageddebt-on-top-of-man-300x279

March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb. You could almost say the same thing for credit card bills, but many times they only come in like a lion. Whether they go out gently depends on the balances a person already has. It could be a problem for financial wellness. The card companies are very firm about the due dates on balances. The individual must provide the minimum by a specified date at least or face penalties. These can impact on a person’s credit rating, and anyone looking for a car or house might suffer. Credit card debt can get out of hand if there are several cards whose payments are due within a day or so of each other. The cardholder can think all the bills are paid when only one has been. A sense of order must be created. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services is here to bring sanity to financial difficulty.

Counselors are There to Help