Articles Posted in Group Legal plans

The Emotions Behind a Will

Anger can Change Decisions

Cropped image of hand signing Last Will and Testament document

Cropped image of hand signing Last Will and Testament document



There is considerable emotion wrapped up in drafting a will, which is perhaps why so many people delay doing it. It is more than just the thought of death. The will means assigning to certain people portions of the estate. This can result in the feeling that you are picking favorites and that doesn’t always sit right. A group legal plan offering will assistance can be crucial

Anger Causes Problems

An individual maybe angry with a family member and not have that person in the will at all. Later on, those feelings of rage are gone but the decision is still on legal paper. A commonly used benefit of a group legal plan is drafting a simple will. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services offers this type of assistance. Continue reading

It Doesn’t Have to be a Life Long Burdendebt-on-top-of-man-300x279

College is not always a happy experience. There are many long hours late at night and lots of stress over grades. It would be nice if that anxiety ends on graduation day but it does not. Most college graduates are saddled with student loan obligations. These are controllable for some people, but others have the financial wellness threatened.

The Figures Can Be Enormous

It is the immense size of the debt which staggers people. The amount of student loan owed can be in the six figures for some people. This can make a significant difference in a lot of economic decisions. Life expenses such as buying a house could be delayed for decades. In some cases of desperation, a college graduate may elect to default or declare bankruptcy. Either can cause a lot of financial harm. Countrywide Pre- Paid Legal Services wants to help college graduates. It is why we have a financial wellness program. Continue reading

Image of attractive woman with charming smile on the background of business people

Any group legal plan administrator will agree drafting wills is the benefit option most commonly used. Many people understand the importance of this legal document, but a few still need a little persuading. Should you be one of those sitting on the fence . There are some excellent reasons why having a will written is a very smart move.


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The Plan should have themMagnifying Glass - Best Choice

The mailbox of the human resources director is always stuffed with literature from vendors. They are quick to promote the quality of the group services they have to offer. A person can get awfully confused with all the jargon and the verbiage, not to mention the sales pitch that doesn’t seem to stop. To better help determine what is a really good group legal plan, here are four qualities that should be there.

  1. Usable Legal Options.

Legal Networks are important  legal advice road sign illustration design over a white backgrou

Your company may have asked you to relocate for the sake of business. This may include a promotion and a raise in pay, and you are happy to do it. There is a relocation package that helps you get squared away but it covers just so many things. The new location may have a whole different set of rules. If you are closing on a house the relocation package might not cover the legal paperwork. A group legal plan can provide assistance, but only if it has a network of attorneys.

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Consumer Protection works best with Legal Support

Nobody wants shoddy merchandise. It is not a pleasant surprise to discover that a major appliance is defective, or that an expensive entertainment system breaks down after it is turned on. Some of the problems may be product defects that are potentially dangerous. Some unscrupulous merchants get away with this because they figure the individual doesn’t know enough to file a complaint. They change their attitude immediately when they discover they are dealing with a person who is a group legal plan member.

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Laws are enacted to both serve and protect citizens. There are benefits such as veterans hospitalization, help with energy bills, and physical disability intended to help those who are caught a disadvantage, and to make the quality of life better for them. There are also statutes that protect the consumer against fraudulent behavior and a tenant from environmental danger. The good that is intended is sometimes bound up in ropes of bureaucracy.

Government has its own way of doing things and can be a mystery to most people. There are requirements for evidence, procedures to be followed, and these must be done in a certain way for government to work effectively. Sometimes getting civil servants to move is like asking a glacier to speed it up. It can result in a number of telephone calls from a cubicle or time taken off from work to resolve matters. A group legal plan that can provide help in sorting through government forms is a great service.

Regulations Change without Warning

Prepaid Legal Services Includes Legal Referral

Pennsylvania law covers an awful lot of legal ground. The Keystone State is rich in laws intended to protect and assist all of its hard-working citizens. These statutes run the range from adoption laws all the way to zoning requirements. Everything is written in plain English, but sometimes it doesn’t seem that way.

There is so much to cover in any legislation with exact wording needed to cover various situations. There are subsections and details that go beneath the surface to define things such as liability in the case of auto collision, and what to do when planning an estate. It often gets way too confusing for the average person to decipher, since the language is often very unfamiliar. These are situations where some good legal advice would help. The problem there is that attorneys will charge a fee for such consultations, and maybe more than the average person can afford. The expense becomes just one more load on the back; there still remains trying to understand what the law is saying. If that individual works for a company that has a group legal plan, he or she will have access to a large referral network.