Legal documents have their own special language. “Whereas” and “sine die” are words of history used in modern times. The language can confuse and that isn’t good.
People worry they may be falling into a trap. A contract, lease or warranty may have a double meaning, or at least a person may think they do. Fear of the nouns and verbs will make a person hesitate to sign a document. Group legal plans aid in explaining the language. Countrywide Pre-Paid legal services offer such help.
Countryside Reviews the Legal Documents
Legal documents ordinarily are brief and Countrywide attorneys review up to six pages. Our nationwide network of attorneys are experts in legal language. They will analyze the pages and explain the meanings. Our group legal plan lawyers spot traps in the clauses. They will alert the plan member to these pitfalls, permitting that individual to request changes be made to any contract or lease. Continue reading