Articles Posted in Legal documents


Legal documents are frustrating. There appears to be a need to report almost everything in a person’s life. Information is needed for many things in the document process to help people get what they need. However, it all seems to be a mountain of mysterious pages. Group legal plans must be able to help people with all the documents.

Those Documents Can Protect a Family

Drafting simple wills is a pre-paid legal services option the average group legal plan provides. The same is true for living wills. Family beneficiaries can easily get their portion of an estate if a simple will has been filed. A living will takes the burden of decision-making off the shoulders of a loved one and the same is true about medical powers of attorney. These legal documents allow a group legal plan member to prevent their death from becoming emotional theater.

Understanding the Words Help

Consumers will purchase warranties on appliances, automobile parts, and computer equipment. These contracts will make repair work less expensive. The language can be confusing, and an individual might need someone to interpret the sentences. Continue reading


Employees who transfer into town are looking for place to live and not just stay. They want an apartment as soon as possible and are delighted when they find a place that is just right. The individual wants to move in as soon as possible and is anxious to sign a lease. That can be a problem.

The new tenant forgets to read the lease. That document is more than an agreement; it is a legal document. A tenant is bound to the terms and might accidentally sign away certain rights. Group legal plans should offer some protection against deceptive documents. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services provides for a review of legal documents that includes parental leases.

Experts Will Check the Clauses

The Countrywide national network of attorneys has legal professionals to review legalese for group legal plan members. Those lawyers know what should and should not be in a lease. Continue reading


No one can ignore legal documents. Like it or not, these papers are a part of everyone’s daily life. Legal documents are not just contracts. They can be apartment leases, product warranties, fishing licenses, and powers of attorney. These all carry levels of authority and have consequences for noncompliance.

The difficulty for an average person is in the text. Legal script is not ordinary composition. The phrases are unfamiliar and some of the words are not commonly used (e.g. sine die= without delay). Anyone can get flustered and feel nervous about signing legal papers. Group legal plans should have document review as a benefit option. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has this benefit as a group legal plan option.

Reviewed by a Professional

A customer service representative should not give pre-paid legal services. Countrywide has a nationwide network of experienced attorneys. They are the ones who will give direct service to a plan member. It is easy to contact a Countrywide attorney; at least one practices in the local community. A meeting with an attorney can easily be arranged. Continue reading


Employees will be sitting down with their financial advisors in the coming weeks to look at money affairs. It is a time when some serious financial decisions are going to be made, which will affect the clients saving and spending in the future. Something that every financial professional is going to recommend to his or her clients is the importance of a will. It is a cornerstone of sensible money management.

Keeping Things in Order

A will is a legal document that prevents estate chaos. Beneficiaries and loved ones will receive what the will specifies, and an executor will be tasked with making all disbursements and presenting required reports to tax officials. Those who die without a will leave behind considerable legal trouble.

The lack of a last will means that probate court takes charge. A court-appointed administrator assumes the management of the estate, but this person has limited authority. He or she must report back to the court on various decisions and this can delay disbursement. This is going to harm beneficiaries. Group legal plans will draft last wills and testaments. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services does this and adds a little bit more. Continue reading


It is not always easy to deal with government agencies. It appears as if a bureau or commission is asking for all your information, including DNA samples. It gets frustrating and you need to be careful. Providing the wrong information can lead to accusations of fraud.

Benefits Require Evidence

Government benefits are more than cash payments. They can include licenses and other documents allowing you to have certain privileges. There are rules and regulations which govern the benefits and you must be able to provide the right information. It is unfortunate, but some people try to cheat, and agencies are on the alert for fraud. It can happen in the crush of supplying information that you give the wrong data, and that leads to trouble. You can be accused of fraud and the penalties are severe. Group legal plans should help people deal with public agencies and situations where suspected deception arise. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services will help plan members as they work with government.

Avoiding Careless Mistakes

Mistakes can happen, but they need to be avoided. Countrywide has a nationwide network of lawyers who can assist in providing the right information. These legal experts can look at applications and advise legal plan members about what is required. The lawyers can caution a person about making the right statements and how to comply with mandated requirements. Continue reading


Warranties might appear to be simple, but they are not. These are agreements which are legal documents and have specific requirements. Salespeople will try persuading customers to purchase warranties with pressure sales tactics that sometimes work. The individual pays a hefty price for a warranty that will never be enforced. Some group legal plans help with warranties. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services is one of them.

Warranty Nuances

Warranties can be complicated. For example, an automobile warranty might cover Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) auto parts but not After Market parts. Labor costs may have certain provisions such as the warranty only paying 50% of the bill. The warranties will last only for a few years. Going to the wrong repair shop could void the warranty, depending on the terms.

Countrywide has a national network of attorneys who provide required pre-paid legal services. We strongly urge people to have a lawyer review the warranty before signing it. A Countrywide attorney can look at the language point out the major clauses. Some small stores might use warranty documents that are outdated and invalid. Our lawyers will spot that and alert the group legal plan member. Continue reading


Group legal plans will specialize in drafting simple wills. It is the type of pre-paid services benefit everyone likes. Even though it is sensible financial planning, writing a will can also prevent a major domestic problem: the family feud.

Estate Battles are Brutal

Estates will bring out the worst even in tightknit families. A cousin or a sister may lay claim to a certain item, while a nephew insists he was entitled to some money. Arguments can even start up at the viewing or the funeral. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services provides a will writing service for group legal plan members.

We do not use templates or fill in the blank forms. Our clients are all over the country and different states have unique rules about estates. Countrywide services rely on our nationwide network of attorneys. These professionals sit down with group legal plan members and go over the mechanics of the last will. We must remind you that we compose simple wills. Anything more than six pages is not part of the pre-paid legal services benefit. Still, most employees don’t need elaborate wills with lengthy clauses and codicils. We provide the services most truly need. Continue reading

o-POWER-OF-ATTORNEY-facebook-300x200Anyone who has watched a loved one die knows how painful it can be. A medical emergency or accident causes a person to be in the hospital on life-support. The doctor tells the family nothing more can be done, and a decision is needed. Who is going to make it? What type of guilt, confusion, and anxiety will wash over the patient’s family? Group legal plans are offering a worthwhile service if they can make the decision easier. It is what Countrywide Pre- Paid Legal Services tries to do.

We have group legal plan options which include living wills and medical powers of attorney. A living will is a straightforward document. Essentially, the living will contains instructions a person provides for medical staff and family. The living will documents what treatments are not desired and when to turn off life support. Continue reading


Employees are concerned about financial wellness. They budget for loan payments, medical bills, and contribute to a 401(k) retirement plan. These are all financially prudent behaviors, but there is more to fiscal responsibility. Those concerned about personal financial wellness might forget about their dependents.

Estate Realities

An inheritance is not always the path to a pampered life. An estate can pay large bills and help a son or daughter pay for college. People forget about drafting wills and die intestate without a will. This could jeopardize the financial health of survivors. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services helps employees plan for the financial wellness of family members with a simple will plan option. Employees usually don’t require a lengthy document; six pages will suffice. A Countrywide group legal plan attorney can draft a simple will. It is not complicated, but there is power in the paragraphs.

Delays are the greatest challenges to an estate. Probate court takes its time moves at a slow, judicious speed. Things will go even slower when there is no will. Continue reading

Countrywide Has a Referral System




Social media was primarily something worked on in dorm rooms 15 years ago. Today, it is a major force in American culture and it is the source of a lot of litigation. There are new laws and court cases regarding the use of social media and not all attorneys know what to do. Some, however, have become experts in this type of jurisprudence. They are not ordinary lawyers and they command large fees. They’re the kind of attorneys that most group legal plans do not have in their networks.
Legal Referrals Are Sometimes Necessary

Regrettably, not every general practitioner in the law courts is familiar with the laws and rules governing special areas of law. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has a nationwide network of attorneys, but we readily admit there are certain areas of the law that requires special help. If we do not have attorneys that are expert in certain situations, we have no problem making referrals. Continue reading