Articles Posted in Legal documents

Budgeting is easy the More You Know



It is an old story about domestic finances. People are living from paycheck to paycheck. There doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to what is going on. It happens when people refuse to budget. That doesn’t seem to be a problem until other expenses besides groceries come into the picture. Financial wellness is threatened by a refusal to itemize expenses against income.

The Source of the Problems

Budget difficulty springs primarily from debt. It isn’t gasoline or the cable bill, but credit cards, mortgage loans, student loans, and perhaps some medical expenses. These can add onto obligations and an emergency bill can make things even worse. People end up spending more than they are making. It can happen to anyone, especially somebody who feels obligated to pay everything at the end of the month. Continue reading

Countrywide Counselors Provide the Best Advice



More and more surveys are noting that Millennials want help with their college debt. The figures each graduate owes is very high and has a serious impact. The financial wellness and quality of life of the individual can be harmed by college debt. If these bills are left untended, bankruptcy and credit problems will surface. There are other consequences as well.

The amount of money owed will impact on life decisions. Recent college graduates may have to forgo buying a house or saving money for other reasons. The college debt must be paid and other bills are still waiting for cash. Organizations do not have to give direct financial subsidies to these people who are facing tough financial situations. Many times, expert advice works just as well. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has a nationwide network of certified counselors stands ready to offer assistance. These are professionals who have experience with telling people how to best manage large amounts of debt. Continue reading

Credit Monitoring Will Sound Alarms



We all have good reason to worry about hacking. It is the most common form of cyber theft and is an industry by itself. Hackers are very sophisticated in the work that they do and pose a very serious threat to financial wellness. It takes more than a standard group legal plan to confront these criminals.

Hackers Are Getting Better

Hackers have become increasingly more ingenious and bold. This year has already seen both Chipotle, and Verizon hacked by outside parties. These Internet thieves are not creating individual credit card accounts with the information. Instead, they are selling bundles of stolen data to others who will then use the information for their own purposes. It can be very frightening. Continue reading

Legal Paperwork Doesn’t Have to be a Mystery



Legal documents sometimes seem to be an ocean of words. People get very easily confused by the language, but they cannot take any of it for granted. What is in a document or contract can be binding and group legal plans are effective if they allow for review of these papers.

We Will Review the Documents

The nationwide network of Countrywide attorneys can review up to six pages of a contract. That is ordinarily the size of a standard legal document. The review is not just restricted to contracts, however. There are other legal papers that regular citizens encounter all the time. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services can help. Continue reading

Medical Powers of Attorney Are Critical



Paper, paper, paper. Everything seems to have a form or a document attached to it. Many people don’t bother with certain legal papers because they’re tired of the pile. An example is medical powers of attorney. Not everybody understands the importance but good group legal plans allow for help with this document.

It is important to Have Medical Powers of Attorney

The reason is clarity. Anyone who is the victim of a major car accident or medical disaster might be in a coma. The hospital does not know what this person wants as far as treatment. This can extend to life support systems which do not automatically turn off. The hospital staff is justifiably concerned about any lawsuits and will keep patient on life support indefinitely. That can cause expenses to skyrocket as time goes on. There’s also cost that is highly personal and very emotional. A patient who is near death can linger on life support systems. This causes agony of hope for love ones who pray for America which may never come. At the same time, these people are looking over their shoulders at the possibility of mounting debt. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services is very familiar with the anxiety and suffering. We have the drafting of medical powers of attorney as a group legal plan benefit. Continue reading

Countrywide Has the Right Answers


Nobody intends to be spendthrift. Employees do try to live within their means and spend less than what they make. Life sometimes comes at a person from out of left field. It might be an auto repair, a medical charge, or something else that just throws the budget out the window. It often is hard to regain financial wellness. A major expense may have several smaller bills from several different places. It is tough to try to get things under control. People will panic and just throw up their hands. It is important to have good advice to get out of a financial crisis. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services provides a plan to help.

Information Gathering is the First Step

We take a proactive approach to dealing with financial wellness problems. The cornerstone of all our services are the certified counselors who are part of a nationwide network. These people provide the type of guidance a person needs. Information gathering is critical, and a budget analysis is the means Countrywide uses to collect personal financial data. The counselor looks at the cash; where it is coming from and where it is going. Continue reading

Contract Language Has Consequences



Ordinary contracts are not large documents. It takes a few pages to determine what one party must do and what the other party is obligated to pay or give. Nevertheless, even in a small contract, there are clauses that hold consequences. Not being aware of what the words mean can be dangerous.

The part of the contract that can be the biggest problem are those clauses that involve penalties for work not performed, or products not provided. The contract can stipulate exactly what a person needs to do and the penalty is in force when the person doesn’t do it. Too many people are in a rush and sign contracts without carefully reading them. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has seen too many people run into problems because of not reading a contract. Our group legal plan benefit includes a review of contracts for the plan members. Continue reading

College Debt Must Be Managed



There usually is a graduation speaker who urges students to take some time off and go exploring. It may sound inviting, but it is not a good idea. Many students have the six-month grace period before the student loan payment bill comes in. That is when reality hits like a slap in the face. That space of time goes by fast, and the new graduate must be ready for a significant cost. It can impact the financial wellness of anyone.

The size of the monthly payment can be substantial. That is very understandable because many students have debt burdens in the high five to even six-figure categories. It can be comparable to a mortgage payment for some. Many young people have their budgets blown off the road trying to make the payments needed. A forbearance is an option, but it is a risky one. Sooner or later those bills have to be paid, and a student may be paying them for decades. There may be some options they are not aware exist. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services recognizes the confusion a young graduate may have. Our financial wellness program includes assistance handling the repayment of student loans. Continue reading

Good Advice Makes All the Differencespider-pocket-189x300

We all face challenges with money no matter how old we are. Millennials have difficulty setting up budgets, but older employees fret about retirement. It ‘d be great to be able to take charge of finances and have a better cash flow going in and coming out. It sometimes takes seasoned advice to develop reliable financial wellness.

Finances can make a person feel he or she is juggling far too many balls in the air. People are accustomed to a mortgage payment on a car loan, but others have to deal with student loan payments, harsh credit card problems, and any other number of bills needing cash. It is easy to have the trees block and hide the forest. People don’t always know how to handle a budget properly. They’re not stupid; things are just too complicated. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services sympathizes with this kind of confusion. We have a financial wellness program that is intended to help people take better control of their financial situation. Continue reading

Government Regulations Will Change


Change is constant in life. You can expect to see different ways of doing things all the time, and the adjustment ordinarily is not a major event. The new administration in Washington is causing a change in rules and regulations governing various public agencies. It trickles down to the state and local levels, as elections change the bureaucratic landscape. Change can be necessary, but some revisions are going to cause sizable headaches. Help from a group legal plan is something a lot of people require.

A Flurry of New Rules

Public employees are sensitive to regulations. They will follow them regardless of any inconvenience it may cause. What frustrates people are all the changes in deadlines and information requirements. Rules on the books in December can be entirely different in April. The changes can require a person to go back to square one and start all over with the application process. It gets aggravating. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services understands the frustration the change can produce. We know that regulations will be revised from time to time, but we also know the anxiety new rules will cause. Our group legal plan provides legal assistance. A Countrywide attorney can help a plan member deal with public agencies on all levels. Continue reading