Articles Posted in Phone Consultation

Our Service Comes in Many Fashionsdebt-relief-pill-300x255

Financial wellness has become more than just a topic of discussion. Employees are increasingly more concerned about their personal budgets and want management to help. Financial wellness programs are benefits that can resolve problems. However, the success of any plan depends on the tools used. The wrong procedures will result in no real changes.

Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has worked with organizations for 30 years to develop sensible benefits for employees. Our financial wellness program has a number of benefits such as help with medical costs or dealing with college loan debt. These have good intentions, but success rests on how we provide service to the plan members. Here is how we do it. Continue reading

                                                         Countrywide is Proud of the Assistance We Give


An exceptional group legal plan is defined by the service it provides. There are certain options a client should expect within the plan document, but pre-paid legal services has to go the distance. There should be an ability to communicate one-on-one, and have all questions answered. Anything less is unacceptable. It’s sad, but some of the plan vendors don’t seem to care about the service. They believe that web-based assistance is more important than direct contact. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services does not subscribe to this low-quality. We know what people really want when it comes to good service.

The Personal Touch Matters

Our clients get the very best. It starts with attorneys who understand the law thoroughly. We screen candidates very carefully to make sure that we are getting high-quality legal professionals. We also look at personal skills. No Countrywide group legal plan member should feel embarrassed. The face-to-face meetings are a fundamental part of Countrywide service. We have a nationwide network of attorneys and setting up a conference with the Countrywide lawyer is not that difficult. We realize that people sometimes forget to ask questions on certain points. We allow an unlimited number of telephone calls to the Countrywide lawyer in given situations to cover this. We encourage people to develop a relationship with the attorney that produces positive results. Continue reading

Financial Worries Can be Reduced


A MetLife study on employee benefits trends discovered millennials are very risk adverse when it comes to finances. They are frightened about the possible loss of income and health costs is something they dread. Of course, for many of them college debt obligations cause nightmares. The high anxiety these young people experience about finances make financial wellness benefits very important.

Sign of the Times

The millennial generation grew up in a period of severe financial distress. The Great Recession of 2008 played a role, but the cost of college tuition increased the worry these recent graduates have. They have an almost instinctive anxiety that their budgets will not cover all their expenses. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has a great deal of empathy for this population. We have a financial wellness plan to help them sort out their financial issues to arrive at a sensible strategy. Continue reading

Countrywide Lawyers have Superior Communication Skills 



Communication is a cornerstone of every Countrywide group legal plan. We understand how essential it is for effective pre-paid legal services. Many people are understandably confused about legal issues. They do not deal with them daily. When they face an issue such as a warranty problem or the need to draft a will, anxiety goes right up through the roof. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services wants to help

A Complete Service Package

The assistance we provide is more than just a web page. We want our group legal plan members to be able to talk to an attorney directly. Our nationwide network of lawyers allows for face-to-face conferences to be easily arranged. We also permit unlimited telephone calls to a lawyer on any given situation. It may appear to be a small consideration, but these phone calls help answer questions which may arise after the conference. Such attention allows channels to be open in communication to flow back and forth. Continue reading

Good Advice Makes All the Differencespider-pocket-189x300

We all face challenges with money no matter how old we are. Millennials have difficulty setting up budgets, but older employees fret about retirement. It ‘d be great to be able to take charge of finances and have a better cash flow going in and coming out. It sometimes takes seasoned advice to develop reliable financial wellness.

Finances can make a person feel he or she is juggling far too many balls in the air. People are accustomed to a mortgage payment on a car loan, but others have to deal with student loan payments, harsh credit card problems, and any other number of bills needing cash. It is easy to have the trees block and hide the forest. People don’t always know how to handle a budget properly. They’re not stupid; things are just too complicated. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services sympathizes with this kind of confusion. We have a financial wellness program that is intended to help people take better control of their financial situation. Continue reading

Good Advice Gets ResultsCONSUMER-PROTECTION-LAW-278x300

“Let the Buyer Beware” is a major rule of the marketplace. It reminds people that there are unethical folks out there, looking to take an unsuspecting person’s cash. Things have gotten worse the last few years for the average American. Deceivers are getting more talented, and they are practicing their craft in other areas. It takes a good group legal plan to help protect the consumer from the damage.

The Internet sales are one area of clever deception. It is the only place, though. Services, as well as products, are danger areas. Example are home-improvement companies who charge one price, wait until the job is only half completed, and then demand more money. Being charged for services not rendered or online purchases that are never received by the buyer are other areas of consumer fraud. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has worked with organizations since 1987 to provide great group benefits. Consumer protection advice is one of the services we offer. Continue reading