Holiday shopping is beginning to ramp up. Retail makes its profits between Black Friday and New Year’s Eve and stores aggressively push their products. Sometimes, though not often, the goods are defective. People discover the problem after a few days of use. It will cause frustration and anger since no one wants shoddy merchandise. Group legal plans should offer consumer protection services. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has such assistance available.
Consumer Protection Can Be Aggravating
Not everyone is going to file a complaint. Small purchases are ordinarily not worth the time and trouble. However, appliances such as washing machines, which cost hundreds of dollars, should not be defective. The same is true for laptops and computer tablets. A consumer has every right to expect quality and file a consumer protection complaint if the product is defective.
Filing a consumer complaint can be a hassle. It can be more than completing the form. There is a need for evidence and documents to support the grievance. Consumers don’t always know the process. Countrywide group legal plan members can have access to a pre-paid legal services option that helps. Continue reading