Articles Posted in Review Documents


Legal issues are ordinarily not the courtroom dramas seen on television. Law is primarily a system of paper processing and filings. There are deadlines and evidence requirements which most people do not understand. Group legal plans promote services that help plan members deal with ordinary situations. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services offers a benefit that will address any legal issues.

It Starts with Professionals

The Countrywide network of attorneys is the primary benefits provider. The lawyers practice in our client’s communities and a meeting is simple to arrange. Group legal plan members are encouraged to ask questions. Countrywide attorneys will address issues such as consumer protection or document review and give superior guidance. People sometimes forget to ask a question in a meeting. Countrywide allows an unlimited number of telephone calls on a given subject.

Warranties are documents that people don’t always understand. Countrywide attorneys will interpret and help a person get what they are supposed to receive. If a consumer protection complaint must be filed, the Countrywide attorney will guide the plan member in preparing the evidence and the documents. This legal professional also knows what public agency to approach and help dealing with all branches of government is a Countrywide benefit option. Continue reading


Pre-paid legal services include creating documents. There are many forms of legal paper an individual might use and some that are essential. In fact there can be serious consequences for not having the latter. Effective group legal plans offer a variety of document drafting service.

Protecting Your Survivors

Everyone should have at least a simple will. This protects survivors of loved ones if an untimely death occurs. An estate without a will is considered intestate and the beneficiaries are at the mercy of the probate court. It could take years before the estate is finally distributed to the heirs.

Accidents or a medical crisis may leave a person comatose and living only because of life support systems. Families have the heartache of watching a victim lie in a vegetative state, with no chance of final closure. Decisions about a victim’s care could be delayed if there is no living will or medical powers of attorney. Continue reading


Legal documents can be a mystery. The text is very precise, and the words are not commonly used. Agreements and obligations are hidden in plain sight and the average consumer is unaware of that. The confusion or uncertainty may compel an individual to stay away from what could be a beneficial agreement. Group legal plans ought to have pre-paid legal services to help folks better understand legal documents.

What to Look for in Legal Papers

Every legal document has its own features which may be slightly different from another. It helps to have an expert review the paperwork. Contracts have agreement clauses that can include what each party must do and the consequences for noncompliance. This is especially true with rental leases which are a form of contract. Warranties might only cover specific services or the use of only certain parts. Individuals may receive letters that serve formal notice of various actions. The intent might not be clear to the average person.

Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services wants to assist people in understanding legal documents. We believe this should be more than just an information page on the website. Our group legal plan benefit provides the services of a national network of attorneys. These people can review legal documents for a plan member. Continue reading


Employees who transfer into town are looking for place to live and not just stay. They want an apartment as soon as possible and are delighted when they find a place that is just right. The individual wants to move in as soon as possible and is anxious to sign a lease. That can be a problem.

The new tenant forgets to read the lease. That document is more than an agreement; it is a legal document. A tenant is bound to the terms and might accidentally sign away certain rights. Group legal plans should offer some protection against deceptive documents. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services provides for a review of legal documents that includes parental leases.

Experts Will Check the Clauses

The Countrywide national network of attorneys has legal professionals to review legalese for group legal plan members. Those lawyers know what should and should not be in a lease. Continue reading


No one can ignore legal documents. Like it or not, these papers are a part of everyone’s daily life. Legal documents are not just contracts. They can be apartment leases, product warranties, fishing licenses, and powers of attorney. These all carry levels of authority and have consequences for noncompliance.

The difficulty for an average person is in the text. Legal script is not ordinary composition. The phrases are unfamiliar and some of the words are not commonly used (e.g. sine die= without delay). Anyone can get flustered and feel nervous about signing legal papers. Group legal plans should have document review as a benefit option. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has this benefit as a group legal plan option.

Reviewed by a Professional

A customer service representative should not give pre-paid legal services. Countrywide has a nationwide network of experienced attorneys. They are the ones who will give direct service to a plan member. It is easy to contact a Countrywide attorney; at least one practices in the local community. A meeting with an attorney can easily be arranged. Continue reading


It is not always easy to deal with government agencies. It appears as if a bureau or commission is asking for all your information, including DNA samples. It gets frustrating and you need to be careful. Providing the wrong information can lead to accusations of fraud.

Benefits Require Evidence

Government benefits are more than cash payments. They can include licenses and other documents allowing you to have certain privileges. There are rules and regulations which govern the benefits and you must be able to provide the right information. It is unfortunate, but some people try to cheat, and agencies are on the alert for fraud. It can happen in the crush of supplying information that you give the wrong data, and that leads to trouble. You can be accused of fraud and the penalties are severe. Group legal plans should help people deal with public agencies and situations where suspected deception arise. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services will help plan members as they work with government.

Avoiding Careless Mistakes

Mistakes can happen, but they need to be avoided. Countrywide has a nationwide network of lawyers who can assist in providing the right information. These legal experts can look at applications and advise legal plan members about what is required. The lawyers can caution a person about making the right statements and how to comply with mandated requirements. Continue reading