Consumer Protection Guards the Buyer
Caveat emptor, “let the buyer beware” is an age-old warning to anyone who purchases a product from someone whom they do not know. It puts a lot of responsibility on the shoulders of the buyer, but in modern society it is an unfair weight. Consumers have every reason to expect protection from unethical merchants or salespeople. There are some agencies to help but the process is long and complicated. That is something that an unscrupulous salesperson counts on; the inability of a trusting buyer to process a complaint. That smirk vanishes when it is discovered that the wronged consumer has the protection of a group legal services plan.
Consumer Protection is a Process
What bewilders most consumers is the procedures necessary to file a successful consumer protection complaint. Anyone who is unfamiliar with consumer protection law can very easily give up, taking the whole experience as a lesson in life. That doesn’t have to happen. Countrywide Pre- Paid Legal Services provides network of attorneys to offer the kind of assistance a person needs to seek restitution. Our Personal Legal Protector Plan is a plan that provides a variety of means to resolve a consumer protection issue. The attorneys can offer any advice necessary to fill out the proper forms, and provide evidence sufficient to prove that consumer rights were violated. Any unscrupulous repairman or sales associate will quickly discover that what they have done did not go unnoticed. The attorneys also will provide correspondence on behalf of the group legal plan member, and make telephone calls to the proper agencies and the other party as well. It is quite possible with the assistance of superior group legal services the other party may see reason, and agree to a settlement of the issue. That often is the best way to bring such problems to closure.
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