Consumers Can Be Protected in the Holiday Season – Countrywide Can Help with Complaints


Holiday shopping is beginning to ramp up. Retail makes its profits between Black Friday and New Year’s Eve and stores aggressively push their products. Sometimes, though not often, the goods are defective. People discover the problem after a few days of use. It will cause frustration and anger since no one wants shoddy merchandise. Group legal plans should offer consumer protection services. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has such assistance available.

Consumer Protection Can Be Aggravating

Not everyone is going to file a complaint. Small purchases are ordinarily not worth the time and trouble. However, appliances such as washing machines, which cost hundreds of dollars, should not be defective. The same is true for laptops and computer tablets. A consumer has every right to expect quality and file a consumer protection complaint if the product is defective.

Filing a consumer complaint can be a hassle. It can be more than completing the form. There is a need for evidence and documents to support the grievance. Consumers don’t always know the process. Countrywide group legal plan members can have access to a pre-paid legal services option that helps.

A nationwide network of qualified attorneys is ready to assist. They know the process and what gets results. It is easy to schedule a conference with one of our lawyers because they are working in the community. Our professionals guide a person through the consumer protection process. What, at first glance is confusing becomes obvious as the lawyer provides the pre-paid legal services. A plan member can file a complaint and get an acceptable resolution.

Our secondary services can be just as valuable for a group legal plan member. The complaint might not have to be filed thanks to a Countrywide lawyer’s presence. We permit network attorneys to write letters and make telephone calls on behalf of the plan member. Retailers often agree to a settlement of the issue because the lawyer is involved.

Employers Appreciate Countrywide

Since 1987, we have assisted organizations with benefit plans to help employees. Our benefit options will address common legal issues and resolve problems employees must confront. We know not every Countrywide pre-paid legal services benefit meets the employee needs of an organization. We offer an easy solution.

Decision-makers can select those benefits which will be part of their group legal plan. We know that some of our benefits are going to be left out of the mix and that is fine with us. Our concern is that a client’s employees are given the best service possible. Quality is the primary goal Countrywide pursues.

Countrywide attorneys are recognized as highly competent practitioners, but that is not enough. We want lawyers who can relate to individual plan members. The level of emotional intelligence required of a Countrywide attorney is very high. These people must have good communication skills and be able to relate to any person. We insist on it. Furthermore, we expect that our plan members be given priority attention by all lawyers who are part of our network. A complaint that a lawyer is not responsive to the needs of a plan member is enough to have that lawyer removed from the network.

The holiday season can be one of fun and frantic shopping all at once. We do not want defective products to spoil the season of giving. Consumer protection is the right of every person in the United States and we are here to help a plan member to get the consumer protection he or she deserves. The gifts they buy for somebody else must be without a blemish.

You may have some questions about the Countrywide group legal plan benefits. We would appreciate the chance to explain what we can do for employees. Please feel free to contact us at your earliest convenience and ask those questions. We are willing to answer every one.