Warranties help people with repair costs. These expenses can be significant if the damaged product is a washing machine or automobile. Many will purchase more when they buy a big-ticket item to help pay for repair costs.
Things might be going wrong with that major Christmas present. The buyer may be having some trouble understanding the warranty. Group legal plans will sometimes have a benefit option that includes warranty help. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services offers that kind of assistance.
Read the Warranty!
There are ways to avoid trouble with the warranty.
- Read the Warranty before You Buy It
The warranty’s language must clearly state the terms and conditions and what repairs are covered. A consumer should read the warranty and ask questions if there is any confusion.
- Keep a Record of All Repairs
The warranty owner must be able to justify using the warranty. A record of all repair work must be kept, including what parts were used.
- Be Careful about the Service
It is particularly true when it comes to car repairs. The repair shop might recommend aftermarket parts. These are inexpensive and easy to install but might not be covered by the warranty. A consumer should first check the warranty before approving repair. Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) might be the only warranty-approved parts.
- Have the Warranty Reviewed
A group legal plan might permit an attorney to look at the warranty. Countrywide suggests that a lawyer review any warranty before it is purchased. Help with warranties and consumer protection are pre-paid legal services we will provide.
Our Attorneys Know Warranties
Countrywide has a nationwide network of lawyers, and a group legal plan member can quickly contact one. A Countrywide attorney can review the warranty and point out important parts. There may be some confusion about the repair services allowed. Countrywide attorneys can make telephone calls or write letters on legal stationary to find answers. We try to resolve any issues before going to the next step.
Consumer Protection Assistance
If the store hesitates to honor a warranty, the consumer may need to file a consumer protection complaint. Countrywide will help group legal plan members go through the process. Evidence, deadlines, and other procedures relating to consumer protection will be explained and advice given. Our pre-paid legal services plan members find it is easy to work with consumer protection agencies because Countrywide is there to help.
The Client Guides Our Actions
We think pre-paid legal services must be available and usable by all plan members. We do not know the client’s workforce, and we ask the decision-makers to guide our steps in designing the plan document.
Countrywide will explain all our benefit options and point out the value of each one. We do not try to force any benefit on a prospective client, and we answer all the questions the decision-makers might have. We then asked the client to decide what benefits will be part of their group legal plan. Those selections are part of the final program. Countrywide has a streamlined administration so that services are rendered immediately. We also have state-of-the-art member services, and that makes our assistance both convenient and useful. We do everything we can to satisfy the needs of our plan members.
Warranties are essential documents and consumer protection is the right of anybody. Help with both is provided by Countrywide. These are not the only benefits that we offer. We will also draft wills and help people deal with government agencies. Our services are comprehensive, and they complement each other.
You may have questions about what Countrywide can do for your employees. We welcome any opportunity to discuss who we are and what we can do. Please feel free to contact us at your convenience and ask as many questions as you like. We are ready to answer all your inquiries.