No Need to Stress About Debt

It Can Be Managed


It can feel like a tidal wave hitting every month when the bills come in. If a person tries to stay current and sometimes forgets to pay one of the bills, it can cause penalties and harm credit ratings. Not everybody has major problems, but some people do. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has a Debt Management Plan to help those in chronic trouble.

It Starts with Information Gathering

Countrywide begins the Debt Management Plan with the budget analysis. We have a nationwide network of certified financial counselors who are ready to help. These people will sit down with a financial wellness plan member and go over the figures. They will see where the money is coming in, where is going out, and what reductions are necessary. They can suggest a way of moving the money from one obligation to another. The information also drives further efforts.

The Debt Management Plan is a means of handling a desperate situation. The certified counselor is looking for ways to alleviate the debt burden. This includes dealing directly with creditors in attempts to lower the interest rate on certain debt, or perhaps even waive it. Strategies may also include waiving fees. Creditors may seem heartless that they’re willing to work with people. They want to have the assurance that payments are coming in. A Debt Management Plan is a formalized blueprint which can be presented to any bank or loan company. The plan can persuade the other party to make alterations that are beneficial to the financial wellness plan member. Because a certified counselor is involved in the composition, the Debt Management Plan carries greater weight and authority. We have found that it has reduced debt stress in quite a few people.

Plan Members are Treated with Courtesy

Creating a Debt Management Plan be a tough exercise for some. They grew up in the importance of being thrifty and moderate in financial spending. Our counselors understand the feelings of the plan member. No session with the counselor is one to be feared. These professionals look for reliable answers to often difficult problems. It is not their business to judge anyone, and they do not do that. Any financial wellness plan member can feel very comfortable in dealing with the Countrywide counselor.

Employers Also Benefit from This

An employee who is stressed out about finances is going to be less productive. He or she is going to be more anxious about paying off debt then getting deadlines met. It is a smart move to help this person out with great advice. What Countrywide offers is a means that allow a person to address the situation, and still be highly productive. The Debt Management Plan is just one benefit option which we will offer to employees. We also have bankruptcy counseling education, financial education, and medical debt assistance plan, and other benefits meant to provide the right answers to money problems. We know that decision-makers have a better idea of what their employees want and need. Consequently, we permit choice the drafting of the overall benefit plan. The client decides will be part of their unique financial wellness plan; we make sure it is part of the final document. Regardless of what is selected, Countrywide stands ready to provide superior service and streamlined administration. Nobody is going to be waiting a long period to get the right kind of help.

We must let people know that there is an extra charge for the Debt Management Plan. It is because more effort is expended in developing, the program, and it is an attempt to bring an end to a very extreme situation. The price is not something that is too extravagant, and those who took advantage of this benefit option appreciated the service. We encourage decision-makers to contact us about this benefit option. We also suggest asking any questions about other benefits Countrywide provides for employees.