stockfresh_8381213_senior-couple-smiling_sizeS-300x179They are the old war horses of the organization. Employees who are in their fifties or older, and who have been reliable and productive for years, deserve respect and a little bit more. These veterans of countless staff meetings require some help with legal issues.

Guarding the Estate

Older employees  are not suing people or going before the bench for other reasons. They are having some issues dealing with all the paperwork that comes with advancing age.

Many worry about what they will leave behind. Dying without a will tosses an estate into probate court. Everything will go slower than cold molasses and it may be months or years before everything gets settled. Beneficiaries are forced to wait but drafting a simple will can speed things up. Continue reading

stockfresh_4170119_what-is-next-black-marker_sizeM-300x200Nothing lasts forever, and that includes hard times. We all have endured quarantines and other sacrifices for over a year. Now we have the vaccines and COVID-19 figures are going down. It is time to plan for the financial future.

Readjusting Almost Everything

The stimulus checks helped, but these economic boosts to the wallet are history. People must now rely on their own resources to pay the bills. Those expenses, by the way, may come as a shock. Eviction prohibitions are going to be lifted and tenants must pay back rent. The school loan holidays are not going to be around, and Congress might not pass debt forgiveness. Everyone is facing a significant adjustment. Continue reading

o-POWER-OF-ATTORNEY-facebook-300x200Nobody likes to think of it, but devastating accidents can happen. These will come unannounced and wreak havoc on the unprepared. The medical emergency might leave the victim unresponsive.


Wishes Ignored


It is not true that everyone wants the same medical treatment. Patients who embrace different lifestyles might not want to be given certain medications. Religious backgrounds can persuade someone else that they must follow specific rules for health care. The desires of the patient, unfortunately, might be ignored. Healthcare providers are ethically charged to keep a patient alive. These caregivers will follow standard procedures unless they are told otherwise. Someone who is in a coma cannot communicate treatment requirements. A living will make decisions more straightforward, but not all group legal plans provide them. Countrywide Pre-paid Legal Services writes living wills as a group legal plan service. Continue reading

stockfresh_1676251_happy-young-family-in-front-of-sold-real-estate-sign_sizeS-300x200Employees appreciate benefits that have obvious value. The assistance an employer gives, which helps with a challenge or improves a person’s well-being, is what employees enjoy. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has one that is more than worth the cost.

House Buying Weather

Spring is a time when real estate agents are frantically busy. Folks have been saving their money and want to spend the cash surplus on a house. It is no surprise many springtime shoppers are first-time buyers. Being a homeowner is a great life goal. Getting a home might be a significant hassle. Continue reading

stockfresh_7255035_consumer-protection_sizeS-300x150We want to think that everyone is honest and ethical. It is sad, but that is not always the case. Some are quite willing to take advantage of unsuspecting consumers.

Warranties might not be honored and purchased products can have serious flaws. Landlords might be using outdated rental leases or even documents that are not valid (e.g., using a New Jersey rental lease for an apartment in New York). It is not always surprising that unscrupulous people get away with these frauds. Continue reading

stockfresh_5525954-300x200There is a rite of passage for many young employees: getting off their parent’s health plan. Those young people now have employer-based health coverage and taking responsibility for personal well-being is a significant step forward into the adult world. It can also be a headache.

Welcome to the EOB

The Explanation of Benefits (EOB) is the medical world’s version of sticker shock. This document gives a detailed explanation of medical expenses for a given treatment. THIS IS NOT A BILL (Every EOB contains that phrase). The EOB, however, is a surprise for anyone who never received one before. Continue reading

stockfresh_5472698_hand-signing-last-will-and-testament-document_sizeS-300x200People get a bit nervous about the subject of a last will and testament. It centers on death and no one has control over when that will happen. However, everyone does have the opportunity to make choices when a simple will has been drafted. You get to decide who gets what from your estate.

Drafting a simple will drafting a simple is a pre-paid legal services benefit group legal plans will provide. An obvious benefit is the ability to name beneficiaries. But there is more a person can do with a simple will.

  • Disinherit People a person can expressly name those who are to receive nothing from the estate.
  • Make Donations and Gifts.

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stockfresh_7709431_stressful-bristle-man-with-headache-using-laptop-computer_sizeM-300x200COVID-19 is a fantastic teacher. Management has learned so much from the pandemic experience and discovered ways to make employees more productive. One discovery is that remote working does improve the figures. People enjoy working from home and there have been performance increases. Nevertheless, there are some challenges regarding remote working that need attention.


One Is the Loneliest Number


It is the title of the hit song from the 60s and it is relevant today in the world of remote working. Employees must adjust to technology and how to manage their time. Management helps, but more needs to be done for someone who is working alone. Continue reading

stockfresh_6378534_financial-freedom-concept_sizeS-300x192We have been fortunate with the stimulus checks, but we have undoubtedly seen the last of them. Many used the money to pay down credit card debt, but there are still people in credit trouble thanks to the pandemic.

Coping with Costs

Consumers got used to delivery service during the quarantines. Instead of going to the supermarket for groceries, the supermarket came to the consumer. Delivery cars and trucks became frequent visitors. People used credit, not cash, to pay for the services. They are now in the habit of shopping on the Internet and paying for the delivery with plastic.

College debt holidays are going away soon. These bills must be paid, and personal budgets must be re-calculated to pay the cost. Financial wellness can be taking a beating. Continue reading

stockfresh_3962479_identity-theft-revealed-in-computer-code-through-a-magnifying-gl_sizeS-273x300Identity theft is a fact of life in our society. Firewalls have been breached and security systems compromised in all industries, especially finance and retail. Periodically changing passwords and upgrading the security helps, but cyber theft continues. The pandemic has added a new wrinkle to the emergency.  


More employees are working from home. Corporate security systems are more advanced than the home variety, and while doing business, a remote worker may accidentally let in a virus that can harm the computer. The results are devastating.


An employee’s confidential and financial data might be compromised. Bank accounts could be wiped out through bogus electronic transfers. Credit card accounts might be maxed out or new ones created and plundered. Hard-working employees should be protected from these assaults. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has credit monitoring and identity theft benefits in addition to group legal plans. Continue reading