01the-importance-of-a-comprehensive-legal-plan-article-4102-thumb-320x210-86253-thumb-320x210-86254-300x213There are consequences for living from paycheck to paycheck. Emergencies arise when a person has no reserves to meet the crisis. Student loan debt can appear, and those monthly payments are required. An individual can get out of trouble if he or she knows what to do.

Young employees lived on Ramen noodles and an allowance during college years. Sizable paychecks are generous and credit cards are easy to get. It does not take too long before that new worker struggles with significant credit card debts and has trouble making the monthly payments. Continue reading

stockfresh_2553181_consumer-protection-concept_sizeS-300x219Warranties help people with repair costs. These expenses can be significant if the damaged product is a washing machine or automobile. Many will purchase more when they buy a big-ticket item to help pay for repair costs.

Things might be going wrong with that major Christmas present. The buyer may be having some trouble understanding the warranty. Group legal plans will sometimes have a benefit option that includes warranty help. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services offers that kind of assistance.

Read the Warranty! Continue reading

stockfresh_3433722_man-and-woman-signing-contract-paper_sizeS-e1578694746271-300x183People will sometimes think that legal services are all about jury trials. Although courtroom dramas are entertaining, most legal work is not performed in the courtroom. Instead, it is the processing of paperwork and the advice which is given by skilled professionals.


Paper abounds in the legal world. Titles deeds, wills, and notifications are significant. Group legal plans give services that might appear minor but have a considerable impact. It is indeed the small things that count in any group legal plan benefits. Continue reading

stockfresh_4665102_student-loan_sizeS-300x300There is a lot of positive chatter about student debt loan forgiveness these days. Some are predicting as much as $50,000 per student and everyone is eagerly awaiting more news. We hope things happen that will benefit students; they deserve a break! However, we remain a little skeptical. Politicians often promise too much and deliver too little.

Employers often help financially beleaguered employees. They offer tuition reimbursement and those employees who are still in school much appreciate that. This generosity does not impact existing debt. An organization can add to its help by offering a financial wellness plan. This is a form of pre-paid assistance that does not have to cost the employer anything. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has one of the best programs in the industry. Our financial wellness options include help with college debt. Continue reading

stockfresh_2662466_last-will-and-testament-concept-of-estate-planning_sizeS_124228-300x196Employees have a bucket list of resolutions they want to achieve. Many objectives are matters which have been delayed, and now people are intent on getting stuff done. Financial planning is an important topic of the annual to-do list.

Financial planners have many ideas and suggestions their clients can use. Retirement is something employees over 40 are concerned about. Professionals recommend part of a retirement plan should be drafting a will, something many group legal plans are glad to do. Employers help an individual prepare for those golden years by offering a group legal plan. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services provides this benefit, and it includes a simple will option.

Avoiding Probate Hell

stockfresh_1104622_falling-credit-cards_sizeS-300x200It is a brand-new year, and everyone has a resolution or two on their bucket list. Some of these goals are short term and will be completed by February. Others are intended to last for months, if not years. Those can be life-changing events. A significant resolution is taking control of those credit card balances.

Folks were generous during the holiday season and now it is time to pay up. Credit balances ballooned and so did the minimum payments. The debt may have caused a person to reach the maximum on a credit card, which generates a big challenge. Double-digit interest charged on an existing balance can threaten financial wellness.

Home remedies for credit card debt do not always work and can result in dramatic changes to a personal budget. It helps if a person can connect to an expert who can offer sound advice on safeguarding financial wellness. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services can provide the type of assistance that a money-conscious employee can use.

stockfresh_2912650_what-do-i-do-now-thinking-person-thinker-question_sizeS-297x300January is the start of a new year and a new tomorrow for many. Resolutions are made with every intention of being met. Some of these good thoughts can use a little help from experienced professionals.


Financial Wellness Is Pondered


Folks often take stock of their finances as the new year starts. They want to plan how to meet expenses and save for large purchases. These are common planning objectives, and some are quite important. Continue reading

stockfresh_132711_senior-couple-meeting-with-agent_sizeS-300x201Change is coming for better or worse; public agencies may start the year with new guidelines and procedures. These developments can be a big hassle for employees and a challenge for some group legal plans.

Mistakes Can Happen

Government employees are not trying to act mysterious. They need to apply regulations that were not on the books in 2020 but are there now. People can make mistakes and that includes ordinary citizens. Continue reading


stockfresh_6387113_gavel-and-stethoscope-on-table_sizeS-300x200Employees care about their loved ones. They want them to be happy and financially safe. People will have last wills prepared to assure their family benefits from the estate. There is another type of will that is essential for protecting survivors: the living will, and group legal plans offer this as a benefit option.


Calamity Strikes Hard


Accidents are often unexpected. Heart attack or industrial accident can do more than render a victim helpless. The incident might leave a person comatose. That victim cannot communicate with anyone. It often happens that he or she is placed on a life-support system and remains unresponsive. That is when the real tragedy is played out. Continue reading

stockfresh_7102501_college-debt_sizeS-300x300COVID-19 has caused big changes in the academic world. Football games are canceled and classes on Zoom are more frequent. Campuses are going virtual, but something has not changed: tuition.

Students are required to pay for their classes and may take out major loans to afford the price. Loans are creating higher levels of anxiety among students. College debt is threatening the financial wellness of many, and many important life decisions are being delayed or given up on because of the figures. Organizations offer tuition assistance, but additional help is necessary. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services offers a financial wellness benefit that gives substantial support. Continue reading