stockfresh_5943479_african-american-family-with-ghosted-house-drawing-behind_sizeS-300x200A house purchase is a significant event in most lives. The buyer goes into mortgage debt that is two or more times his or her annual income. Young employees want to have a house but worry about what to do to get one.


Ignorance Creates Anxiety


An employee might be making great money. Technical skills command top dollar in and there might also be a performance bonus. The housing market, though, is a mystery. Learning how real estate purchasing works will relieve any anxiety. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services can help. Continue reading

employee-benefits-300x207We are coming to the end of the year and organizations are thinking of any new benefits. Employees still recovering from COVID-19 quarantines will appreciate any extra help from their employers. Group legal plans might not appear to be useful, but we disagree. These benefits are an excellent form of assistance for hard-working employees.


A World Wrapped in Paper


We cannot escape the fact that paper dominates our world. Legal documents determine who gets government services and whose estate is protected. Medical procedures are intended to prolong life even if a person objects to the process. There are other pieces of legal parchment that will have a significant influence if they do not control our lives completely. Continue reading

stockfresh_765008_help-me-please_sizeM-225x300The holiday shopping season is about to begin. Many people are excited and a little Christmas spirit helps get folks out of a funk. Some employees, unfortunately, are profoundly depressed and worried. These have personal debts, which have stressed their budgets to the breaking point. They face bankruptcy or foreclosure.

They Don’t Deserve Blame

The past year has been extraordinary. COVID-19 has severely hit everyone’s finances. Stimulus checks helped, but economic hardships still prevail. College debt, credit cards, and emergency medical expenses hammered many consumers. Their financial wellness is being compromised. Anxiety will lead to poor decisions that create formal mistakes. Those in financial danger need help as soon as possible. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services knows the risks that financial panic creates. We have a program to help employees regain their economic balance. Continue reading

stockfresh_1627257_estate-planning-word-cloud-concept_sizeS-300x300We are all going to die and that is a fact of life. A person may think that his or her estate is not significant enough to have a will, but no estate is so small that no one will argue or contest it. Estates bring out the worst in many families and dying without a will can create a feud that lasts for generations.


Your Wishes Should Be Respected


Simple wills are a pre-paid legal services benefit that many group legal plans promote. The document allows you to designate who receives what from your estate. That is especially important. You may have family members who are estranged from you and you do not want them to reap the benefit of your passing. Unfortunately, if you die without a will, the same relatives can contest any estate distribution and lay claim to part of it. Continue reading

auto-warranty-300x203Christmas is just around the corner. If you do not think so, all you have to do is look at the displays starting to pop up in the stores. Retailers get ready for the holiday early and some of them are already emphasizing great deals. It does not matter whether it is in a regular store on the Internet, bargains are cropping up, and warranties attached to many of them.


Warranties are an easy sale for many merchants. A consumer can defray some of the cost of repairing an appliance with the warranty. However, not all warranties are good, and not all warranties are honored. Group legal plans should have a service that allows people to deal with warranty issues. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services happens to offer that assistance. Continue reading

stockfresh_132711_senior-couple-meeting-with-agent_sizeS-300x201It is the start of the benefits enrollment period for many organizations. Employees are busy either enrolling in a new employee benefit or renewing their status. The medical benefit is the one that concerns people the most. It has the potential to be a significant protector of a person’s financial security.


Medical bills are large and a person without insurance can be in a desperate situation. However, having medical insurance does not get anyone out of the woods entirely. Healthcare benefits have changed over the last few years, and deductibles have gone up while the coverage percentage for various treatments has been reduced. An individual needs to schedule any medical procedures to prevent being hit with a sizable cost. Continue reading

stockfresh_7560715_multitasking-woman_sizeS-300x300Remote workers are learning to cope with the challenges of being away from the office. They know how important it is to check in frequently and try to connect with their team. Remote workers do face a lot of anxiety about money. They get concerned that an emergency may cause a financial disaster.


Medical emergencies can come like a shot in the dark and they can cost a lot of money. If other emergencies arise, such as an auto accident, an employee needs money right away. Not everybody has saved for a rainy day, and a financial loan is necessary. It is unfortunate, but people may be forced to seek out a payday loan.


The cash is immediate, but the interest rates are astounding. It may be challenging to repay a loan that has a three-digit APR. It can damage anybody’s financial wellness, and a compassionate employer needs to find an alternative to help a beleaguered employee. Continue reading

stockfresh_6387113_gavel-and-stethoscope-on-table_sizeS-300x200You can expect a medical crisis will come unannounced. It can take the form of a debilitating stroke or a serious automobile accident that leaves you unresponsive. The best thing to do is prepare for such an emergency ahead of time. It can save your family a lot of distress. Group legal plans will offer to draft a simple will and medical powers of attorney as a group legal plan benefit. It is something that a smart employer will consider offering employees.

Respecting Your Wishes Continue reading

stockfresh_7251761_consultant-showing-document-to-couple_sizeS-300x200The marketing strategies of most group legal plans are to promote the primary benefits. Services such as drafting a will or assisting with consumer protection are good things to point out, but there is more to providing excellent pre-paid legal services.


It is often the secondary benefits, the ones that are always a part of the plan regardless of the options that make the real difference. Communication is critical these days.


This is more than just talking to a plan member. Communication must be instrumental in achieving the goals of the benefit plan. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services pays a great deal of attention to our benefit plans’ quality of communications support activity. Continue reading

stockfresh_7560715_multitasking-woman_sizeS-300x300Making money is always exciting but managing it can be frightening. Employees appreciate being paid and, ordinarily, the wages received are sufficient to cover daily living expenses. Managing financial resources should not be difficult, but sometimes people lose control of their money, which creates problems.


How Is It Being Spent?


Folks know where the money is coming from because it shows up on payday. What happens next can be a mystery for those who lived from paycheck to paycheck. Somehow, a person is in trouble only days after receiving wages. Continue reading