stockfresh_121705_tax-calculator-and-pen_sizeS-300x199Employees are beginning to come back to work and are adjusting to the new normal. Quarantine furloughs were not easy, and the stimulus checks helped make ends meet. These are tough times, but it is an evil wind that blows no good. Now is a good time for folks to put their financial house in order.

The Paycheck to Paycheck Routine

Many have no idea about budgeting. They exist from paycheck to paycheck and they have no concept of their cash flow. Terrible habits jeopardize financial wellness. Good advice and guidance help a person become more fiscally responsible. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has a benefit that assists people with many financial wellness issues.

stockfresh_2064336_identity-theft-word-cloud-concept_sizeS-300x300Working from home sounds great. Anyone would enjoy getting away from the office gossip and arrange work schedules to better fit in with personal time. Still, an individual must be careful. There is danger lurking in the dark places of the Internet.

The Hacking Industry

Outsiders peeking into personal space is a real danger on the Internet. Cyber thieves are busy with phishing trips and hacking down security walls. Working from home is relaxing and people get careless. Opening an innocent-looking email can invite a lot of unwelcome guests into a person’s cyberspace. The damage may be extensive.

stockfresh_2261463_business-people-team_sizeS_5562cb-300x137It means a lot for employees to get back to work after a quarantine. Most do not enjoy staying at home, and the job routine is welcome. What is not are the legal hassles that sprang up during the furlough.

The Courts Were Still Working

The legal system never entirely shuts down. There were some deadline extensions, but the wheels of jurisprudence were slowly moving. Licenses had to be granted, applications for government assistance completed, and probate court issues needed to be resolved. Everything moved a little slower but kept going. Continue reading

stockfresh_1104622_falling-credit-cards_sizeS-300x200The COVID-19 pandemic will leave behind a severe legacy: large credit card debts. People who were quarantined are dependent on plastic; it is used for everything. Medicine, groceries, and other necessary purchases are charged on the card. Credit card companies inadvertently made the problem worse by being lenient with late payments. Those days of leniency are ending. Consumers are starting to face a grim reality.


The financial wellness of many employees is at risk. Minimum payments could swallow most of a paycheck and make other bills harder to pay. Employers can help relieve stress with the right benefits. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has a program that provides the proper assistance.


There Is Hope for Financial Wellness  Continue reading

road-to-recovery-300x300America is still faced with coronavirus and the consequences of the quarantines. People are starting to come back to work, but there is always the cost of being furloughed and not receiving a full paycheck. 


The government has been helpful with stimulus packages, but these are starting to dry up. Many employees are about to face the consequences of the past few months. It can include filing for bankruptcy. Continue reading

stockfresh_6387113_gavel-and-stethoscope-on-table_sizeS-300x200Group legal plans are especially important in times of emergency. They offer benefits that a person can use to get out of a difficult situation or prepare for the worst and be ready for it when bad times come. The coronavirus pandemic is causing many people to think of situations they ignored in the past. They believe they can no longer put certain things off.


Imagining a Dark Side


Death comes to all of us, but it does not always come suddenly. A traffic accident or a heart attack might be a surprise, but the victim might linger. Instant death does not happen, and the individual is sent to the hospital for treatment. That is where a sad episode slowly develops. Continue reading

stockfresh_1104622_falling-credit-cards_sizeS-300x200America is beginning to recover from the coronavirus quarantines. People are practicing social distancing and are getting back to work. There is a new normal in society and it is healthy. There remain some of the problems people had before the pandemic and the issues are beginning to get out of hand. Some people need to cure themselves of a dependence on credit cards.


It Was not Irresponsible Spending.


It was all innocent at the start. People were stuck inside their houses and the shops were closed. Instead of going out to the store, folks began to use Amazon for shopping and asked the supermarkets to deliver groceries. Everything was paid with credit cards online. It became so easy that many became accustomed to doing everything online and sometimes overspending. Continue reading

stockfresh_260360_read-the-fine-print_sizeS-200x300Group legal plans will offer a variety of pre-paid legal services to their memberships. Some of these benefits are significant, such as writing simple wills or helping with consumer protection issues. Other services might seem small but are just as crucial for plan members. The review of legal documents is one.


There Is a Mystery in the Paragraphs


Society is governed by pieces of paper that are easily misunderstood by the average person. Legal documents have a language that is not often used on the street, and misinterpretations have serious consequences.  Continue reading

95322156-attorney-clients-shacking-hands-deal-contract-negotiations-300x200Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services takes pride in offering solutions to common legal challenges. It can be drafting simple wills, reviewing legal documents, or other legal matters that an employee might face. Our nationwide network of experienced attorneys is ready to help. There are situations requiring specialized assistance, however.

The Different Faces of Law

There are areas of the law that happen to be unique niches. Immigration, Marine, and Real Estate law are examples. Problems in specialized areas require different kinds of legal help, the kind our lawyers do not ordinarily handle. Countrywide is committed to helping our group legal plan members. We will not hesitate to do a referral if needed. Continue reading

stockfresh_5532754_home-mortgage-concept_sizeS-300x300The pandemic is causing considerable depression. People worry about their future and wonder if any dreams will come true in the current circumstances. Buying a house is something many young employees want to do. They are afraid this wish might be just a fantasy.


There Are Some Challenges


Furloughs and quarantines are digging holes in savings. The money that was intended for a down payment on the house is being eaten up by daily needs-even those who are getting back to work face some problems. Continue reading