stockfresh_7102501_college-debt_sizeS-300x300Graduation is coming soon. It might not be the grand occasion it used to be because of the coronavirus pandemic, but for many young people, their time in school is about to end. They will be facing real-world challenges and a major one involves money. Graduation is when they must start paying back all their college loans. Few are ready for the task of paying those large bills. Their financial wellness could take a hit.


The Mountain of Debt


College loans were the primary funding vehicle for their college experience. It isn’t surprising the resulting debt can be in the six figures. The monthly repayment statement is a big shock to many graduates. Continue reading

stockfresh_3433722_man-and-woman-signing-contract-paper_sizeS-e1578694746271-300x183Paying a visit to a government agency is like taking a trip to the dentist for many people. There is paperwork to complete and the wait to see anyone is painfully long. Folks get frustrated by what they see as poor service.


Anxiety and stress can be thrown into the mix. An individual might need public services for either personal reasons or a family member, and they need it as soon as possible. Submitting incomplete information or the wrong data will mean scheduling the new appointment. It is enough to drive anyone’s blood pressure through the roof. Continue reading

stockfresh_6387113_gavel-and-stethoscope-on-table_sizeS-300x200A crisis needs a calm mind. Someone who does not panic in emotional situations will make the best decisions and solve any problems. A medical emergency is an example where a cool head must prevail.


An Unresponsive Victim


A traffic accident or a massive stroke can automatically change reality. The victim may be unresponsive and on life support systems. There are some significant decisions to be made on behalf of the victim. Continue reading

stockfresh_225020_eraser-and-word-debt_sizeS-300x200Many employees are frustrated by personal finances. They are making decent money, but they aren’t sure where it is all going. Big purchases or medical bills can be a hit to the wallet, and the person doesn’t know what to do.


The money problems don’t always threaten financial wellness. However, anyone will get anxious if personal finances appear out of order. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services knows that money matters can stress out a person. We have a benefit plan that assists members as they negotiate financial waters. Continue reading

dollar-sign-stones-240x300COVID-19 has disrupted ordinary lives and that is an understatement. It is more than just quarantines and stay-at-home orders. The financial wellness of ordinary citizens is placed in jeopardy and certain arrangements are threatened. Alimony is one of those.


The court establishes in the divorce decree how much a spouse needs to pay the other. It is based on the financial information at the time. Granted, the loss of a job or income can be an issue. The difference between an ordinary job loss and the coronavirus pandemic is that the temporary loss of employment was the result of a state decree. Continue reading

stockfresh_260360_read-the-fine-print_sizeS-200x300Newly minted college graduates are enthusiastic. They are now part of the real world and are drawing paychecks. Many have new jobs that they always dreamed about. They are feeling mature and responsible, but they are also learning a firm lesson about life. The real-world treats them like adults, whether they like it or not.

Reality Comes Wrapped in Paper

These young workers learn the hard way about the danger of fine print. They signed agreements and leases without understanding the content. An apartment lease might have invalid language or a warranty that specifies coverage for certain parts only. Other documents stipulate that disputes can be settled solely by arbitration, denying the person the right to file a lawsuit. Continue reading

stockfresh_1345661_happy-family-near-new-house_sizeS-300x200It is easy to be anxious about big purchases. These can require loans that take years to pay off. Buying a house is an enormous six-figure commitment with potentially harsh consequences. Real estate is not for the faint of heart or for the uninformed.

It Is a Major Adjustment

House ownership is a significant middle-class status symbol. It tells the community a person is successful enough to afford a mortgage. That mortgage, however, could be a grenade waiting to explode.

A problem that surfaced in the Great Recession of 2008 was the mortgage ignorance of many people. Folks didn’t know the dangers of balloon mortgages or other debt instruments. Their financial wellness consequently suffered. Continue reading

small-claimsEmployees struggle with both work-related and personal stress issues. Money is at the top of the worry list. It sometimes seems that creditors are in a conspiracy to drive a person insane.


Major Causes of Anxiety


Financial wellness takes hits from all directions. Credit card debt, with the double-digit interest rates, can keep folks pacing the floor at night. Other problems impact specific demographics harder than others. College debt weighs heavily on young employees and especially recent college graduates. People in their mid-30s may be worried whether they can finally afford to buy a house. Older employees are grateful for the company’s health insurance, but the high deductibles are a serious mountain to climb. The need to save some money becomes an issue the older a person becomes. Continue reading

stockfresh_2662466_last-will-and-testament-concept-of-estate-planning_sizeS_124228-300x196Folks like to save money and DIY (Do It Yourself) appears to be the way to save some cash. We will not deny that DIY is cost-effective in some cases. Drafting the last will and testament isn’t one of them.


Do You Understand the Language?


Legalese has a dictionary of words and terms that are not easy to understand. The meaning and enforcement of a legal document depend on the correct use of statutory language. Making a mistake or error of omission in a will is going to result in an estate problem. Continue reading


stockfresh_3665498_cost-and-value_sizeS-300x200Tax season is the time when we realize how much the government takes from our paychecks. Our dollars fund public services at all levels, but how can an employee get required help from the government? It isn’t always easy.


Tons of Paperwork


The public sector needs completed paperwork. Licenses, permits, and exemptions have forms to fill out and be filed by the right agencies. Mistakes may force a person to start all over again; the same is true for missed deadlines. Dealing with a government department can be frustrating. Continue reading