
Group legal plans will help members with routine legal challenges. They do an excellent job of resolving such issues, but there is a limit to what an ordinary attorney can do.


The law is a service that has many facets and specialties. People sometimes need help in areas that go above and beyond writing simple wills. Immigration law is something that many employees need specialized support in, and the same is true regarding adoption law. It requires asking uniquely trained lawyers to provide help, and a referral to those legal professionals is necessary. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services provides high-quality advice, but we will not hesitate to refer a Group Legal Plan member to other attorneys if that will help. Continue reading


Private citizens are easily frustrated when they deal with public agencies. It appears that a simple request rarely gets a response and when people ask for help, they are turned away because of a technicality. People begin to think that government employees don’t care or that the bureaucracy is intentionally incompetent. That is a misconception, but experience will make people sincerely believe public employees are lazy and stupid.

Group legal plans offer service to help with public agencies, but the quality provided might not be the best. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services can help a person deal with government offices, and we are successful in getting a Countrywide Group Legal Plan member what he or she needs.

Misconceptions Cause Anxiety

Customer service is a major issue in the private sector. Companies that deal with the public are expected to provide superior service all the time and respond quickly to any inquiry. People have gotten used to this kind of attention and they don’t understand why government agencies cannot do the same. Continue reading


People can stunned be by their credit card debt. They are not always sure how things got out of control, but they face a financial obligation of thousands of dollars. Anxiety goes through the roof as financial wellness appears in danger. Panic does not do any good, because it results in poor decisions. Anyone with a lot of credit card debt must stay calm and plan a way out of the financial mess. It is not difficult to create a credit card debt strategy. The plan relies on common sense and some careful, serious thought. There are some easy steps to follow.

  1. Know What You Owe

You can start at the end of the month by collecting all your credit card bills and then adding up all you owe. It is not easy to confront the size of the debt, but you should have an idea of how much it is before you can begin to look at means of eliminating this financial burden. Continue reading


More employers are switching to high deductible health insurance plans. It is a means of keeping health costs under control, as well as making premiums more affordable. The deductibles can be $5000 or more per year. Without proper planning or information, a medical deductible can pose a threat to any person’s financial wellness.


You Protect Yourself by Managing Your Deductibles


You do not have to let deductibles destroy your budget. There are ways to manage the medical deductible and keep the cost under reasonable control. It means a person must be conscious about the overall expense of medical care.


*Understand the Plan. Health insurance plans spell out coverage, and the plan member bears the costs. Learning more about the value of procedures permits an employee to save money to pay for those expensive treatments. Some medical procedures are prevented and are low cost or even free of charge. This is the kind of information any individual can use. Continue reading


Estates can be orderly or chaotic; the individual determines the state of affairs. A simple will can make life easier for everyone. Too many people keep putting off drafting a will until the future. Kicking the can down the street has consequences that are rough for beneficiaries. Group legal plans promote simple wills as a pre-paid legal services benefit, and plan members should not ignore this chore.


The Probate Hassle


The mission of the probate court is to assure the distribution of the estate to the rightful beneficiaries. Dying intestate, without a will, makes matters difficult as the state tumbles into probate bureaucracy. Probate court can be a spider’s web of regulations and procedures. The court appoints an administrator to supervise the estate’s distribution. That person reports directly to the court. Seeking court approval for various actions will slow down the process. It can take months before the estate is formally closed. Continue reading


Legal documents mystify people. The language is not something they are familiar with, but the consequences of misinterpreting the words can be significant. Contracts, leases, and other written forms of agreement can carry clauses that will penalize somebody for noncompliance. The same is true for various government applications and requests for information.

Group legal plans offer a variety of services to people that cover ordinary situations. A review of legal documents is a benefit that employees will appreciate. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services have legal documents reviewed as a benefit option for a Group Legal Plan. It is well worth being considered by employers.

It is a good idea to have documents reviewed before signing them. The individual should be aware of the responsibilities he or she must accept by signing any legal paper. Countrywide has a nationwide network of attorneys who provide pre-paid legal services. These legal professionals can quickly interpret a document and define its meaning. Continue reading


Many first-time home-buyers are frightened about buying a house. The cost is enormous, and the obligation will last for years. People are going to make some mistakes when it comes to financing and these errors can be expensive in money and time. Several common slip-ups include the following.

  1. Being Unprepared for Post Purchase Expenses

These bills happen after a person has taken possession of the house. That new home may need repair work on the roof, new electrical wiring might be required, and ordinary appliances such as a new refrigerator or dishwasher are necessary. New owners don’t ordinarily plan for such expenses and are faced with bills they did not initially expect. Continue reading


Personal finances can be a significant source of stress and worry. It is not always easy to balance the books and people are often required to live from paycheck to paycheck. Any sudden emergency can upset matters and lead to private chaos. Too many bills and money concerns can disrupt financial wellness.

Some Sense of Order

People will try to bring order to their financial house, but they are not always successful. Inexperience can create problems. Recent college graduates may have no experience with budgeting. Someone who is recently promoted or gets a pay raise may not understand how to allocate the extra cash efficiently. The resulting confusion can range from minor headaches to a real crisis. No one wants either. Receiving good financial advice helps a person chart a sensible course.

Countrywide Uses Financial Professionals

Financial wellness consists of paying bills properly, managing emergencies effectively, and planning for future costs or investments. No employer should expect all employees to be money experts. Professional guidance is an appreciated benefit. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has a Financial Wellness Plan that gives the best cash counseling. Continue reading


The advances in modern medicine are nearly miraculous. People who were once considered terminal cases now have a fighting chance to recover, survive, and thrive. Consumers are becoming aware of new therapies and treatments and they are also more cost-conscious. They want second opinions and will decide what they would like to have as their treatment. That freedom of choice is excellent, but it does not mean anything if the patient is unresponsive.

Following the Protocols

Healthcare providers will follow standard protocols of treatment if they have no other instructions from the patient. These procedures might not be what the patient wants. The treatments could also be costly. Nevertheless, without the patient’s instructions, the protocols will be followed. It would be beneficial if group legal plans provided living wills and medical powers of attorney benefits. The documents offer these valuable benefits:

  1. The living will specifies what medical procedures will be used if the patient is not responsive;
  2. Medical powers of attorney authorize a trusted person to make decisions for an unresponsive patient. That person knows what the patient wants and instructs the healthcare providers accordingly.

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The law is a significant influence in everyone’s daily life; it is more than obeying traffic rules. There are leases, contracts, agreements, licenses, and other documents to regulate our activity.

Group Legal Plans will help make sense of things. Pre-paid legal services will assist with drafting wills, reviewing legal documents, and offering consumer protection advice, among other matters. These are excellent benefits that are made better with quality service. Good communication is essential.

Being Personal and Approachable

Business literature will buzz with articles about artificial intelligence and robotics. It’s right that machines will play a major role, but there will still be a need for emotional intelligence in service-related industries. The law is a service and it can get confusing. Continue reading