
The cost of education is steep. The room and board, tuition, and books are so expensive that even public universities are barely affordable. Student loan debt can be a substantial threat to any young employee’s financial wellness. These hard-working people need help.

Major Decisions Are Affected

Reality hits a person’s budget within six months of graduation. A freshly minted graduate confronts a bill that sharply cuts into his or her income. The monthly payments are in addition to existing rent, utilities, and credit card obligations. New graduates may not be familiar with budgeting and make poor decisions on cash allocations. Plans for buying a house, getting married, or starting a family may be delayed because of paying college loans.

Employers need to be concerned. The new graduates have the technical and social media expertise an organization needs. However, these young people might start looking for other jobs if their financial wellness is threatened. No organization can have a revolving door employment problem and still stay competitive. It is good business sense for an employer to offer some help. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services can provide required assistance. Continue reading


Group legal plans will obviously promote their pre-paid legal services to prospective clients. The ability to write wills or review legal documents are stressed but that is insufficient. There are member services to consider as Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services well knows. Communication is important

Relationships Are Essential

Amazon’s Alexa appears to be the latest trend in customer service. Help chat rooms also are frequently used. These will not cover all the bases in a group legal plan. Plan members want a relationship with the service provider.

It can be brief but having a face identified with the voice means a lot. A person wants a face-to-face meeting with an attorney to discuss consumer protection among other matters. Drafting a living will and medical powers of attorney are emotional issues. It helps to deal directly with an attorney who has excellent people skills. Continue reading


Group legal plans will advertise their ability to write wills. It is an excellent idea to have one and a last will should be on everyone’s bucket list. It isn’t. Too many people put off one until later. They believe they are too young to need one. It is a mistake to think that way and survivors pay for the error.

Time and Trouble

An excuse for not drafting a will might be state law. More states are eliminating estate taxes (by the way, you still need to report estate information to determine if you must pay other taxes). It’s only an excuse and not a real justification for ignoring something very important.

The will directs how an estate is to be managed and how assets are dispersed. No will means the probate court gets involved. It results in every estate decision requiring court approval. Delays are expensive. Survivors with large bills or college tuitions must wait months or even years for the final disbursement. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services knows how frustrating all of this is for family survivors. We provide a will writing option as a group legal plan benefit. Continue reading


Young employees want to buy a house. Being able to have a home in which to raise a family is something they all want, and it is a dream they wish to see come true. Many are concerned, however, that they may not be able ever to own a house. An organization that helps its employees in purchasing a house will gain the respect and loyalty of those hard workers.

Finding the Resources

The purchase of a house is the largest financial investment most people are going to make in their careers. It is understandable that an employee might worry about financial wellness, knowing that a mortgage can be hundreds of thousands of dollars and the commitment is for decades. The anxiety can make anyone hesitate. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has been helping organizations provide superior benefits to employees for over 30 years. We have a benefit plan that can help anyone realize the dream.

We provide financial wellness services through a nationwide network of certified counselors. These are professionals who understand how a person should get ready for buying a house. Finding the resources to afford a mortgage is not as difficult as it appears. A Countrywide counselor will do a budget analysis to determine how a plan member can pay for the mortgage. This may include readjusting existing payments so that enough cash is made available. The counselor can also do an asset inventory. The inventory uncovers what holdings can be easily sold to allow a reasonable down payment. Continue reading


Employees who transfer into town are looking for place to live and not just stay. They want an apartment as soon as possible and are delighted when they find a place that is just right. The individual wants to move in as soon as possible and is anxious to sign a lease. That can be a problem.

The new tenant forgets to read the lease. That document is more than an agreement; it is a legal document. A tenant is bound to the terms and might accidentally sign away certain rights. Group legal plans should offer some protection against deceptive documents. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services provides for a review of legal documents that includes parental leases.

Experts Will Check the Clauses

The Countrywide national network of attorneys has legal professionals to review legalese for group legal plan members. Those lawyers know what should and should not be in a lease. Continue reading


Tales of credit cards are the horror stories of personal finance. Consumers get anxious about their plastic and worry about staggering debt amounts which threaten financial wellness. Credit card anxiety may lead to some drastic decisions that are not the best.

Ignorance Is Not Financial Bliss

Folks might want to swear off credit cards but that is a mistake. You need those cards to establish a personal credit rating. A person might try to pay large monthly amounts to reduce the credit card balance. That can be at the expense of other essential needs and the proposed cure might be worse than the disease. Most cardholders could use a sensible plan of action to handle the debt. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services can help design one.

Our Counselors Will Protect Financial Wellness

Countrywide provides service with a nationwide network of certified counselors. They are professionals who assist with personal finances and know how to deal with credit card debt. Many consumers have no idea about budgeting. Our counselors can advise on creating a workable budget. Continue reading


The Explanation of Benefits statement (EOB) is a shocker. It details the cost of a medical procedure and the figures can be substantial. Relax. That is Not the final bill and health insurance can cover a large portion of the cost. The deductible and the copayments, however, can produce a large expense. That may threaten a person’s financial wellness.

Panic over the Cost

The EOB is the first jolt to the system. The bills that follow can drain a person emotionally. Picking out a way to pay the costs may lead to poor decisions. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services knows how panic will create more problems than solutions. We have a financial wellness plan to assist people with ordinary financial dilemmas. Helping a plan member deal with medical bills is one of our benefits.

With All Deliberate Speed

The Countrywide network of certified counselors will work with plan members to resolve financial problems. Many people do not have a grasp of their finances; there is no working budget. A Countrywide counselor will do a budget analysis to uncover the cash flow of the household. This professional can point out where changes can be made so that medical bills can be affordable. Continue reading


Good service is important today. People insist on it and expect group legal plans to provide exemplary pre-paid legal services. Not all of them do that.

The Internet world is becoming impersonal. FAQ pages and blog postings appear to be the preferred ways of helping plan members. Call centers, if used, are staffed with people who are not legal professionals. Group legal plan members deserve more than scripted answers. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services goes the distance to give the very best member services.

Efficient Member Services

Legal problems are not cut and dried. Difficulties with public agencies or warranties can be complicated and simple answers are not enough. Countrywide believes that face-to-face conferences matter. We encourage direct meetings with our attorneys. It is easy to do, and our nationwide network of attorneys can quickly respond to meeting requests. Continue reading


The American economy is fortunate to have so many tech-savvy young employees. They grew up with social media and Internet business apps and hit the ground running once they are hired. They can be very productive if there are no restraints. However, recent college graduates come with a heavy burden and management must lighten the load.

Debt Harms Financial Wellness

The average college student graduates with loan obligations of thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars. The grace period for most college loans is ordinaraily over in six months and young graduates must start paying the debt. Monthly loan bills can be as much as a mortgage payment.

The college debt impacts financial wellness. Personal decisions such as getting married or buying a house will be affected. Recent college graduates may not understand budgeting or have credit card issues. Their financial stability is in trouble and these tech smart young people need help. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services can be a real lifesaver with its Financial Wellness Plan. Continue reading


A will is something everyone needs, but not everyone drafts one properly. There are those who will write their own on a piece of paper and others who use an online template. Such methods have the potential of creating drastic consequences. Wills composed this way can leave behind a great deal of confusion and trouble for survivors.

Doing Things on the Cheap

An individual may want to avoid legal fees and use an online website to draft a will. Such templates are not as good as a pre-paid legal services benefit. These DIY wills may not contain all the right words or be updated to include new language. The average person doesn’t know all the right phrases and will make composition errors. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services wants to help people avoid serious legal accidents. We have drafting wills as a group legal plan option.

Professionals Draft Simple Wills

Countrywide allows for wills of up to six pages to be written. We believe that is enough for the average group legal plan member. Our nationwide network of attorneys has considerable experience in drafting wills. They write a document which will have no issues with probate court. Continue reading