The cost of education is steep. The room and board, tuition, and books are so expensive that even public universities are barely affordable. Student loan debt can be a substantial threat to any young employee’s financial wellness. These hard-working people need help.
Major Decisions Are Affected
Reality hits a person’s budget within six months of graduation. A freshly minted graduate confronts a bill that sharply cuts into his or her income. The monthly payments are in addition to existing rent, utilities, and credit card obligations. New graduates may not be familiar with budgeting and make poor decisions on cash allocations. Plans for buying a house, getting married, or starting a family may be delayed because of paying college loans.
Employers need to be concerned. The new graduates have the technical and social media expertise an organization needs. However, these young people might start looking for other jobs if their financial wellness is threatened. No organization can have a revolving door employment problem and still stay competitive. It is good business sense for an employer to offer some help. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services can provide required assistance. Continue reading