
Legal documents have their own special language. “Whereas” and “sine die” are words of history used in modern times. The language can confuse and that isn’t good.

People worry they may be falling into a trap. A contract, lease or warranty may have a double meaning, or at least a person may think they do. Fear of the nouns and verbs will make a person hesitate to sign a document. Group legal plans aid in explaining the language. Countrywide Pre-Paid legal services offer such help.

Countryside Reviews the Legal Documents

Legal documents ordinarily are brief and Countrywide attorneys review up to six pages. Our nationwide network of attorneys are experts in legal language. They will analyze the pages and explain the meanings. Our group legal plan lawyers spot traps in the clauses. They will alert the plan member to these pitfalls, permitting that individual to request changes be made to any contract or lease. Continue reading


Companies are beginning to plan for the college recruiting season. They are developing schedules for campus visits, candidate interviews, and internships in the coming weeks. Competition for the best talent is going to be fierce. Interesting projects and better-than-average wages help convince the future college graduate to accept the job offer. There needs, however, to be a little bit more.

The competition with other companies for the best turns into a horse race. The benefits package can give an employer a competitive edge. Providing benefits a person can use will seal the deal in many cases. New graduates can use a financial wellness plan.

These young people are bright and are well educated. They face a serious financial challenge. Many finance their college years with loans that must be repaid. Five and six-figure debt burdens weigh down on their shoulders. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has a financial wellness plan to take the weight off them. Continue reading


Group legal plans will specialize in drafting simple wills. It is the type of pre-paid services benefit everyone likes. Even though it is sensible financial planning, writing a will can also prevent a major domestic problem: the family feud.

Estate Battles are Brutal

Estates will bring out the worst even in tightknit families. A cousin or a sister may lay claim to a certain item, while a nephew insists he was entitled to some money. Arguments can even start up at the viewing or the funeral. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services provides a will writing service for group legal plan members.

We do not use templates or fill in the blank forms. Our clients are all over the country and different states have unique rules about estates. Countrywide services rely on our nationwide network of attorneys. These professionals sit down with group legal plan members and go over the mechanics of the last will. We must remind you that we compose simple wills. Anything more than six pages is not part of the pre-paid legal services benefit. Still, most employees don’t need elaborate wills with lengthy clauses and codicils. We provide the services most truly need. Continue reading



Vendors will promote primary services when selling group legal plans. They will stress legal document reviews or simple will drafting, but not mention secondary services. That was a mistake. There’s more to a pre-paid legal services benefit, and secondary services will enhance the plans quality.

We understand the importance of the secondary benefit. The Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services attorney is provided with tools necessary to provide excellent service. A plan member can quickly set up a face-to-face meeting with our lawyer. All questions are answered fully, and all services are explained. If a person needs to ask additional questions later, we make it easy. A plan member may make an unlimited number of telephone calls on a given issue.

The Group Legal Plan Secondary Benefits Add Quality

The secondary services provide a little extra. Countrywide offers a consumer protection service that can go beyond the lawyer’s advice. Additional help in getting a consumer complaint resolved comes from communication. A Countrywide lawyer can make telephone calls and write letters on behalf of the plan member. The additional services may persuade a stubborn retailer to honor a warranty agreement.
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Everyone has dreams. It might be starting a family, buying a house, or anything requiring a sizable cash investment. Recent college graduates, unfortunately, feel their dreams are slipping away. The reason is their student loans

The Debt Is Staggering

Many of these young employees leave school with five or six figures of debt burden. The obligations will take years or even decades to pay off. The size of the debt is life altering for many. They must either delay certain decisions, such as starting a family, or even forego dreams entirely. There are college graduates who are making good wages but don’t understand budgeting. The entire situation increases anxiety and frustration in highly talented workers. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services wants to help these young people realize their dreams. We offer a financial wellness program that works.


Consumer protection Internet boards try to make fraud nonexistent. Consumers can alert others to faulty products with their posted comments but, unfortunately, it does not mean that the problems go away. There still are merchants who have no problem committing consumer fraud and depriving people of their money.

Consumer Protection Complaints Become Frustrating

These unscrupulous merchants rely on public ignorance of how to process a consumer protection complaint. Moreover, they will use vaguely worded documents to protect themselves. Too often people get warrantees for the wrong services, or do not get what they asked for in merchandise. It can be difficult for somebody to file a consumer protection claim alone. It is more than just the paperwork which will cause frustration.

Evidence of shoddy craftmanship or proof of a deliberate attempt at fraud are critical parts of any consumer protection complaint. It can get complicated and people give up pursuing the case due to frustration or just an inability to file properly. The unethical merchants count on this, and many are not too concerned about threats of filing a case. They know all too well how things will fall apart. It makes it important to have a seasoned professional working with an employee.

Group legal plans need to have a way of protecting people and Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has an option for computer protection assistance.
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Retirement is coming sooner than you think. There will come a day when an employee cleans out the workstation and leaves. What happens next depends on prior planning. An individual must be financially ready. He or she cannot rely only on a company pension. Preparing for retirement requires knowing what you have and what you owe. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services can help.

We have a financial wellness program to give people a better sense of their finances. We have a nationwide network of certified counselors who could assist plan members.

Gaining the Information You Need


Government spends tax dollars on public services. There is a wide variety of government levels and the services are intended to solve problems. Regrettably, that does not always happen. People might run into an obstacle course trying to get their needs met by public agencies. Help dealing with government bureaucracies something group legal plans should do. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services does assist clients when dealing with the government.

Cutting to The Chase

Government can be a maze of cubicles and getting to the right desk is often just short of amazing. The Countrywide group legal plan has a nationwide network of attorneys. These legal professionals provide many pre-paid legal services and know how to work with public agencies.

People do not always just deal with government because of problems. Often, employees are looking for services which they have a right to request. You can include health for children with educational problems, or other dependents who need help with their medical condition. People are intimidated by the government and are worried they may make mistakes. Countrywide has help available to make it easier to get what is needed.

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Employers want to help with medical bills. Decision makers know the stress and anxiety of health issues and benefits such as health savings accounts (HSA’s) are appreciated. Organizations can go one step further by having a financial wellness plan in operation.

Offering a financial wellness benefits plan will assist employees in addressing issues such as medical bills. The better plans have a nationwide network of certified financial counselors there to help plan members. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services is one of the best in the industry. We not only aid with medical bills, we also have certified counselors all over the country waiting to provide guidance and support.

Medical debt can come from other places besides a hospital. Dental expenses can be as high as minor surgery and a root canal can be costly. The group dental plan will not cover all the fee. Employees might not understand the cost structure of health care. They might think an EOB (Explanation of Benefits) is a bill (it isn’t). Some education about medical charges would help. Countrywide furnishes the instruction.
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o-POWER-OF-ATTORNEY-facebook-300x200Anyone who has watched a loved one die knows how painful it can be. A medical emergency or accident causes a person to be in the hospital on life-support. The doctor tells the family nothing more can be done, and a decision is needed. Who is going to make it? What type of guilt, confusion, and anxiety will wash over the patient’s family? Group legal plans are offering a worthwhile service if they can make the decision easier. It is what Countrywide Pre- Paid Legal Services tries to do.

We have group legal plan options which include living wills and medical powers of attorney. A living will is a straightforward document. Essentially, the living will contains instructions a person provides for medical staff and family. The living will documents what treatments are not desired and when to turn off life support. Continue reading