Forbearance or Bankruptcy are Not the Only Options




Many recent college graduates may be facing a serious financial wellness issue in the coming weeks. The grace period provided by many college loan programs is ending, and a person must face the reality of making payments. This can cause an enormous amount of anxiety and lead to some very poor decisions if an individual does not get the right advice.

Counselors Outline the Options

The enormity of the debt is something most young people never encountered before. The debt can be as large as a house mortgage, and the figures can be bewildering. There are various options, such as forbearance, but these might not be the best alternatives. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services does not want to see anybody caught in a financial mess. We have a financial wellness program to help.
The challenge can is easily resolved by knowing more about personal money. College graduates don’t always understand budgets and consequently come up short at the wrong time of the month. Countrywide has certified counselors whose first active service is to help newcomers to the working world prepare a budget. The professionals will look at income expenses and determine if any reallocation of funds can be accomplished. Continue reading

Countrywide Makes the Language Clear 




Some the largest everyday mysteries are found in legal documents. The language can be extremely vague and complicated for most people, and it makes the ordinary person suspicious. Is it hard to decide whether a contract is going to be in the best interests of the signer. Group legal plans do not always provide service with review of contracts. Fortunately, Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services does. We do everything possible to end the mystery.

A Countrywide plan allows a client to take advantage of our nationwide network of attorneys. These are professionals who work with contractual terms every day. The lawyers will review a contract up to six pages in length as well as other legal documents. Continue reading

We Educate People on House Purchases



It is only natural for a person to dream of buying a house. It is something every consumer would like to have: a place to set down roots and raise a family. Homeownership is not out of the question but for some people it can be a challenging experience. This is particularly true of Millennials who may be buying their first home. There’s so much to go into the decision and financial wellness can be affected. Anyone would be a little bit nervous.

Buying a House Can Be Confusing

The process of buying a house can be an anxiety minefield for the first-time buyer. There are so many options as far as the financing of a home, and the buyer may not be sure what to look out for in the process. What type of advice is honest and which advisers are ethical? A lot goes to a person’s mind and lack of knowledge hurts. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services appreciates the dilemma a person can be in. One of the options in our financial wellness program is a course on how to buy a house. This is the kind of education many people need. Continue reading

Countrywide Helps You Work with Bureaucrats stockfresh_3232926_woman-shouting-into-smartphone_sizeS-300x226


Government provides various services to people. While a few may grumble, it often happens that government assistance solves a problem. The difficulty arises when the average citizen does not quite know how to work with a public agency. There are forms to be filled out, evidence to be provided, statements to be filed, and all other sorts of paperwork. It could be a mountain of forms and very confusing. Group legal plans do not always address the need to work with government. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services, however, recognizes the importance of folks getting the right type of help.

Rules Can Make Things Difficult

Public agencies have rules and regulations which they must follow. This is in addition to legislation that specifically tells what is to be done, what deadlines must be met, and the consequences of not doing an adequate job of filing. It is where many people run into problems. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services wants to provide the best possible help. We included as one of our group legal plan options assistance dealing with government agencies. Continue reading

Giving Comprehensive Legal Assistance



Group legal plans are not all the same. Even though vendors may have almost identical benefit options, pre-paid legal services will differ. It is how the various benefits are administered, along with secondary benefits, they create the disparity. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services is a leader in the industry because of the overall quality of what we give.

Countrywide will provide basic group legal plan benefits such as writing a simple will, consumer protection advice, and drafting medical powers of attorney. We go a little bit further than other vendors, however, by some of the other activities we will do for the sake of a plan member. These include the following:
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The Bills Are Controllable


Folks need to understand deductibles will renew annually. For example, let us suppose that a person has a deductible of $5000 and a medical procedure consisting of a surgery and physical therapy each costing $5000. Let us also suppose that the surgery is performed in 2017 and the physical therapy is scheduled for 2018. Even though the patient has paid $5000 in 2017, this person will need to pay an additional $5000 out of pocket BEFORE the insurance pay anything. It is because meeting the deductible starts all over again with the new year. This scenario is not fiction; it happens all the time. People run into serious deductible debt when medical procedures span more than one year.

The bills can mount up and the providers expect to be paid. Failure to meet the obligations can result in collection agencies knocking on the door. Employers should help their staff with medical bills. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has a financial wellness plan that provides needed assistance. Continue reading

Quality Adds Value to a Group Legal Plan



Decision-makers can take the opportunity of a new year to insist on better service. Benefits offered to employees should not only solve problems, but provides necessary assistance that makes all the effort convenient for employees. Some group legal plans will stay with the old-fashioned way of doing things. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services strongly feels that it is how we provide help that determines the quality of the benefits we offer.

We Combine Experience with Professional Help

We provide pre-paid legal services for organizations of all sizes, and have done so for the last 30 years. What we offer is a group legal plan benefit which can resolve the issues of many people. These options are what employees need, but, frankly, an organization can expect more and should. Good service is more than a website with a frequently asked questions page, and some pages explaining various benefits. Hard-working people enjoy personal contact with a real professional. They need to have serious questions answered. Continue reading

You can Manage the Credit Cards with Countrywide Helpcredit-cards-300x200


The Christmas holiday season is now over. No doubt, you have probably cleaned up all the mess and the empty boxes have been picked up by the garbage collection. You may be looking back at the holidays as a fun time with your family. That’s nice but there may be something coming ahead that is going to cause problems for your financial wellness. Christmas cheer comes at a price.
Credit Debt Grows

Shoppers use plastic for many purchases and those cards come out during the shopping season of December. Your generosity may be amazing, but the bill is coming. The Grinch didn’t steal Christmas but the charges on the credit cards can rip a hole in your finances. Your January statement may show that you have spent more you needed to, and you are in very serious credit card debt. It is not easy to figure out how to get out of the problem and help may be needed. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services is here to help. We have a financial wellness program that can provide needed assistance. Continue reading

Any Assistance Means a Lot to Them



Newly hired Millennial employees for a face many challenges. Quite a few are experiencing independent, adult living for the first time. While the paycheck looks great, financial responsibilities take away much of the money. It isn’t long before the grace period on college loans end, and a person has start making payments. There’s a certain amount of confusion which could lead to trouble with financial wellness. It is important to help these new staff members as they learn how to manage their cash properly. The individual determines the need to be addressed. To be sure, Millennials will perhaps be dealing with college loan debt but there are other financial difficulties. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has, in addition to group legal plans, a financial wellness program that has the objective of providing necessary information and guidance to all employees, particularly Millennials.

Professionals Teach the Financial Wellness Lessons

College debt is something that these young employees are forced to deal with, and many do not know all the ways to manage college debt. It is no surprise that Millennials who are doing well financially have no idea about refinancing their education loan obligations. Countrywide has a nationwide network of certified counselors. These are professionals who deal with modern money problems, including how to deal with college loan repayment. They can instruct a plan member on how to go about refinancing, and warn this individual against possible problems. Ignorance is the biggest threat to any Millennial. Not being able to develop a sensible budget can cause difficulty later. Our counselors will gladly talk with these young employees and do a budget analysis of their existing situation. It is amazing how often these hard-working employees discover they’re not quite sure how to manage their finances. A simple budget analysis performed by Countrywide counselor can clear up any confusion. Continue reading

It Makes Medical Care Decisions Easier



Employees will plan their healthcare for the coming year. They will look at the calendar and determine when they will make medical appointments, and when certain procedures will be scheduled. This is often to manage better the deductibles that they must pay. It all makes sense, but there’s one thing that many of these people are forgetting. What is going to happen if something truly drastic occurs?

Tragedy Comes Unexpectedly

Accidents can happen, and chronic seizures strike without warning. These can leave a person in a coma, unable to tell doctors what type of treatment is preferred. Drastic situations may include a person being on life-support with no chance of revival. Hospitals are required to keep a person alive as long as possible. Living wills can help provide guidance, and good group legal plans have them. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services include drafting of a living will in the group legal plan benefit options. Continue reading