You Don’t Have to Accept Faulty Merchandisestockfresh_3665498_cost-and-value_sizeS-300x200


Your child gets a brand-new toy for Christmas while you get an innovative appliance or perhaps a very interesting computer gaming. It’s all a part of the excitement of Christmas to get something new, and Christmas presents are used quite a bit in the following days. It is when trouble may begin. For no apparent reason, that new gizmo breaks down. You get frustrated and try to find a way to fix things. The present may have a warranty attached to it, and a group legal plan could help you make things right.

They are Guarantees of Repair Service

Warranties are agreements in which a manufacturer guarantees repair work if something breaks down. However, the language of the warranty can be very confusing. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has a nationwide network of attorneys. One of our fundamental benefit options is help with warranties. Our lawyers know the language and can point out what the manufacturer will and will not do as defined in the warranty. Continue reading


Christmas has come and gone, leaving wrapping paper all over the floor and boxes waiting to be tossed out. It is no secret people enjoy this holiday and they want to be generous with family and friends. A person may become a little too generous and overuse the credit card. It creates a situation that threatens financial wellness. The same person who acted like Santa Claus will face a credit card bill that is above and beyond what he or she can afford.

Credit cards are convenient. There is no question about that. Retailers will admit they prefer people using credit cards because the shoppers will spend more money than if they use cash. These conveniences, which are almost necessities for some, will carry double-digit interest rates. There also may be other penalties, depending on the card. Anyone can get overwhelmed by the bill received in January. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services understands the anxiety of post-holiday debt. We have a program that assists in making the payments without drastic decisions.

Last Minute Shopping Is Expensive

Last minute Christmas shopping is frantic, and buyers won’t always look at the price tags. The day of reckoning arrives in January and the cost of Christmas presents becomes obvious. Folks can panic and wonder how to pay the bill. Countrywide has the answer. Continue reading

It is a Sensible New Goal 


The New Year is approaching and now is when many people create New Year’s resolutions. Some of these goals for 2018 include matters such as clearing up credit card debt, getting a better handle on student loan payments, and finding ways to work with medical debt. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services believe that financial wellness is one of the best New Year’s resolutions a person can have. We offer a benefit that organizations can provide for employees that address this.

Financial Wellness Varies

People have distinct needs. One person may want to have information about how to buy a house properly and another needs assistance with medical bills. Someone else might want to know more about what assets he or she might have, and another person may only need a personal budget analysis. Unfortunately, some people are in such financial despair that only a debt management plan will get them out of trouble. Countrywide offers all kinds of services. It could be as simple as a budget analysis or as complex as how to best deal with credit cards. It depends on the person. Continue reading


Service is rapidly becoming automated. Consumers deal with automated telephone service, Q&A pages, and Amazon Alexa. These can be very efficient but cold. Group legal plans that offer pre-paid legal services must remember the human side of member service

The Law Is Filled with Emotion

Those who face legal problems can endure emotional roller coaster rides. Legal issues, such as writing simple wills, are filled with personal feelings. Anger or fear are not always calmed by taped messages on answering services.

The law can be confusing. The language is unique to the profession and questions need answers that address the circumstances. This kind of service is not always possible with automated systems. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services offers group legal plan benefits to all sorts of organizations. We believe service with a human touch matters. Continue reading

Financial Welfare of Beneficiaries is Protectedstockfresh_2662466_last-will-and-testament-concept-of-estate-planning_sizeS_124228-300x196


Financial planning is not for the living alone. You should think about how you will disburse your assets during your life, but you also need to consider how money and property will be divided after you are gone. Too many people forget that and put off writing a will for some later day. The day finally arrives, however. Your estate may be forced into a situation where there is trouble for your survivors. A group legal plan can help prevent a financial tragedy.

The Court May Have to Decide

The state law is intended to protect the beneficiaries and survivors. The courts try to guarantee people get what they justifiably deserve. Regrettably, estate without a will is in the hands of the court and an appointed court administrator. Final disbursement could take months or even years. It creates a financial difficulty for survivors. A group legal plan must provide an option for drafting a simple will. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has such a benefit as an integral part of its group legal plan format. Continue reading

It Can End Employee Worry



You may think of financial wellness is not important, but MetLife disagrees. A survey conducted a few months ago by this company indicates that employees are increasingly more concerned about financial wellness. It is a benefit trend that may be picking up speed in 2018. Employers must look at this as more than just a boutique benefit. Their employees certainly consider it essential.

Employees Will Worry About Finances

Financial anxiety peaks in January. The reasons are quite simple: 1. The six-month grace period on college loans is over for the new graduates, and they face having to pay back on the loans. 2. Credit card balances from Christmas holidays show up. It’s enough to drive anybody off the wall. A New Year’s resolution for fiscal austerity may go out the window rather quickly. Continue reading

The Holiday Season is Full of Thievesindex


Holiday shopping brings out the best and the worst in people. In this season of giving there’s also some underhanded taking going on. It can be someone standing behind you in line at the point-of-sale. That person is looking over your shoulder and memorizing your credit card number or your debit card number. It doesn’t take much more for that person to hack into your accounts and start doing a little illegal shopping. Group legal plans often provide a base program and nothing else. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal services is different. We do offer group legal plan benefits, but we also have a means to protect your identity.

Time Helps the Thief

Christmas bills do not show up on credit cards until January. It gives an identity thief plenty of time to make some mischief. This individual can easily max out your credit card with purchases, selling the stuff on eBay or from a car trunk. You don’t know the damage until weeks later. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services offer protection using email alerts. These Internet sent warnings tell an individual that there’s been some unusual activity on the credit card, allowing the owner to take corrective action immediately. These alerts come from the three top credit reporting bureaus and are highly reliable. Continue reading

Countrywide Offers Proactive Strategies



College students often live in a ramen noodle atmosphere where money is scarce. It comes as a pleasant shock when the same people land their first real job and start getting paychecks. Flush with cash, they start spending, and the spending can get out-of-control. Reality hits when the six-month grace period ends, and it is time to start paying down the college debt.

Financial wellness can be stressed because spending habits have settled in just as the loan repayment cycles begin. Millennials who have used credit cards in the past to buy groceries are now using them for other purchases, and that simply drives the debt higher. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services wants to help a person get out of what is turning into a financial sinkhole. We have a financial wellness program that can do a lot to correct the situation. Countrywide has a nationwide network of certified financial counselors. These professionals work with plan members to sturdy the boat. A budget analysis is the first part of the service. The results might not be encouraging. Continue reading

Payments can be met spider-pocket-189x300


Employees generally like the employer-sponsored group health insurance. They appreciate the assistance given with medical expenses, particularly catastrophic bills. Employees grumble, however, about the deductibles. The deductibles in most employer-sponsored group health insurance policies have been rising steadily over the last few years. They’re at a point where the deductible can be a threat to financial wellness.

Deductibles Can Grow Medical Debt

An employee must use all the deductible before the full health benefit can be utilized. It is why those who file for bankruptcy due to medical debt ordinarily have health insurance; the deductible stands in the way of the health benefit. Continue reading

These Documents Provide Terminal Guidance



We often think our last moments will be in a bed surrounded by loved ones. It is a very romantic picture, but it is not often the case. Instead, a dying or comatose person is surrounded by nurses and doctors wondering what to do. Healthcare professionals are required to keep a person alive as long as possible. It can stretch out into days, weeks, and months. A living will is an important benefit a group legal plan should offer.

Living Wills Are Instructions

The final stage of a person’s life could be brought on by a catastrophic emergency. It could be an auto accident or a massive heart attack either of which might leave a person still living, but barely. The  victim may be completely unresponsive and is surviving due to life support system. Modern technology can extend life, but it might not be what the victim wants. Continue reading