Your Loved Ones Will Be Grateful



Financial advisors will suggest having a will, but many people try to ignore this obligation. No one wants to admit they’re going to die one day and they keep putting things off. That is a mistake. Young and old employees ought to think about creating a last will. A group legal plan can help draft the document.

Defending the Rights of Loved Ones

A will protects surviving loved ones. Death can be as unexpected as an auto accident, perhaps leaving children to mourn the death. They will cry a lot more when they find out what happens in probate court. The delays can be maddening. Moreover, without an executor, the court will appoint an administrator. It just keeps adding to the delays. Important bills will go unpaid, and any money for college may have to wait. Any estate is finally settled, but it may take years, and Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services wants no one to face that. We allow for the creation of a simple will as part of our pre-paid legal services benefits. Plan members get the opportunity to provide for loved ones in the event of a calamity. Continue reading

Contract Language Has Consequences



Ordinary contracts are not large documents. It takes a few pages to determine what one party must do and what the other party is obligated to pay or give. Nevertheless, even in a small contract, there are clauses that hold consequences. Not being aware of what the words mean can be dangerous.

The part of the contract that can be the biggest problem are those clauses that involve penalties for work not performed, or products not provided. The contract can stipulate exactly what a person needs to do and the penalty is in force when the person doesn’t do it. Too many people are in a rush and sign contracts without carefully reading them. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has seen too many people run into problems because of not reading a contract. Our group legal plan benefit includes a review of contracts for the plan members. Continue reading

It Can Lead to Hurt Feelings




Employees appreciate health insurance. They are grateful when their employer provides coverage to handle medical costs. Nevertheless, there is the deductible to worry about. Modern deductibles are as high as $5000 or more. These impact on financial wellness. It can be difficult to pay a deductible when you are already cash-strapped. Some people will borrow the money to pay the deductible. They will ask family and friends to help. This gets old quickly.

Parents are willing to offer assistance, but they have their own problems, and the same is true for friends. A person ends up owing money to those closest to him or her, creating bad feelings which can last for years. It is better to be able to budget sensibly. There are employees you don’t know much about budgeting and could use some advice. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services is here to help out.
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Constant Vigilance is Needed to Stop Identity Theft



Identity theft is a sneaky business. We often think that if we have secure passwords and high protective walls around our information, we will be safe. It isn’t always true. A person may be in a busy downtown area using an ATM. That same person is an unsuspecting victim of the person standing right behind. This individual happens to be a thief who is looking over the shoulder of the person using the ATM, copying down their password. The same thing may happen at a point-of-sale location in a very busy store. Somebody is watching you, and they want your information.

They will get it and then use it. It will not be for opening a bogus credit card account. Cyber thieves know where the money is and it is in selling the passwords to someone else. That third-party is the one who is going to invade your credit account or your bank account. You will not know the damage until you receive your bill at the end of the month. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services is aware of identity theft. We have worked with companies developing group legal plans for years, and we heard horror stories about identity theft. It is why we offer services to help prevent a financial disaster. Continue reading

Our Service Comes in Many Fashionsdebt-relief-pill-300x255

Financial wellness has become more than just a topic of discussion. Employees are increasingly more concerned about their personal budgets and want management to help. Financial wellness programs are benefits that can resolve problems. However, the success of any plan depends on the tools used. The wrong procedures will result in no real changes.

Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has worked with organizations for 30 years to develop sensible benefits for employees. Our financial wellness program has a number of benefits such as help with medical costs or dealing with college loan debt. These have good intentions, but success rests on how we provide service to the plan members. Here is how we do it. Continue reading

Referrals for Special Cases


Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services is proud of the assistance we offer to clients. We have been helping organizations for the last 30 years to provide group legal plan benefits all employees can enjoy. We cannot, however, rest on our laurels. Even though we provide superior service in drafting wills or preparing small claims court cases, Countrywide knows it cannot directly provide support for all parts of the law.

Law Has Many Avenues

It would be impossible to do that. The law is a highly sophisticated and very complex matter. There are subsections such as the Internet and Marine law that are a little bit off the beaten track. The Countrywide attorneys are proficient in many areas, but the specialized law is the domain of certain attorneys. It does not mean that a group legal plan member cannot have access to this unique advice. Countrywide is here to help in those situations. Continue reading

Countrywide Offers Home Buying Advice




Apartment living has its setbacks. The neighbors can be very noisy, and the landlord can be unpredictable. The rent is not always stable and can go up without warning. These are some reasons why people want to buy a house and live there. It is not out of the question even though prices seem a bit high. A good financial wellness program is going to help somebody find a house and make it home.

An obstacle for many home seekers is a glut of information on the market, most of which is useless. Folks get confused by various offers and financing programs. Incidentally, not all those programs are on the level; some have serious flaws. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services can appreciate the frustration. We have a house education program within our financial wellness plan. It seeks to help people make the right decisions about the financing of a home. We have certified counselors nationwide who are there to provide service. Continue reading

                                                         Countrywide is Proud of the Assistance We Give


An exceptional group legal plan is defined by the service it provides. There are certain options a client should expect within the plan document, but pre-paid legal services has to go the distance. There should be an ability to communicate one-on-one, and have all questions answered. Anything less is unacceptable. It’s sad, but some of the plan vendors don’t seem to care about the service. They believe that web-based assistance is more important than direct contact. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services does not subscribe to this low-quality. We know what people really want when it comes to good service.

The Personal Touch Matters

Our clients get the very best. It starts with attorneys who understand the law thoroughly. We screen candidates very carefully to make sure that we are getting high-quality legal professionals. We also look at personal skills. No Countrywide group legal plan member should feel embarrassed. The face-to-face meetings are a fundamental part of Countrywide service. We have a nationwide network of attorneys and setting up a conference with the Countrywide lawyer is not that difficult. We realize that people sometimes forget to ask questions on certain points. We allow an unlimited number of telephone calls to the Countrywide lawyer in given situations to cover this. We encourage people to develop a relationship with the attorney that produces positive results. Continue reading

It is a Lifesaver for Many


Financial anxiety affects many people. Millennials are worried about their bills, and the same applies to baby boomers. One problem which causes a great deal of stress is the spending habits of a person. People use plastic quite a bit, and the credit cards generate large debt sums. It happens a person owes more than the income he or she makes. Auto repairs or unexpected medical bills can drive credit card balances sky high. These, in addition to mortgages and student loan obligations, can adversely affect financial wellness.

Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has helped many people get out of the financial crisis through our financial wellness program. We understand that some people have situations that have gone out of control and need special help. Our debt management plan means to do that. Continue reading

Countrywide Lawyers Can Help


Consumer protection laws maintain the health and safety of the American consumer. Statutes protect the person from faulty products, poor service, and essentially unethical practices in the marketplace. Many understand this but do not file a complaint. It is because they do not have the services of a group legal plan they are hesitant.

There is a Method to be Followed

Consumer protection is a process to get justice. There are forms to be filed, evidence to be collected, and deadlines here and there to be met. The unethical and unscrupulous vendor or merchant knows this, and they will act with impunity because they know the complexity of the procedure. Most people don’t understand what to do and therefore did not make use of the laws. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services wants to help. Consumer protection is one of our services. It is a benefit option which allows a person to seek a remedy four poor service or products. Continue reading