Your Loved Ones Will Be Grateful
Financial advisors will suggest having a will, but many people try to ignore this obligation. No one wants to admit they’re going to die one day and they keep putting things off. That is a mistake. Young and old employees ought to think about creating a last will. A group legal plan can help draft the document.
Defending the Rights of Loved Ones
A will protects surviving loved ones. Death can be as unexpected as an auto accident, perhaps leaving children to mourn the death. They will cry a lot more when they find out what happens in probate court. The delays can be maddening. Moreover, without an executor, the court will appoint an administrator. It just keeps adding to the delays. Important bills will go unpaid, and any money for college may have to wait. Any estate is finally settled, but it may take years, and Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services wants no one to face that. We allow for the creation of a simple will as part of our pre-paid legal services benefits. Plan members get the opportunity to provide for loved ones in the event of a calamity. Continue reading