Financial Worries Can be Reduced


A MetLife study on employee benefits trends discovered millennials are very risk adverse when it comes to finances. They are frightened about the possible loss of income and health costs is something they dread. Of course, for many of them college debt obligations cause nightmares. The high anxiety these young people experience about finances make financial wellness benefits very important.

Sign of the Times

The millennial generation grew up in a period of severe financial distress. The Great Recession of 2008 played a role, but the cost of college tuition increased the worry these recent graduates have. They have an almost instinctive anxiety that their budgets will not cover all their expenses. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has a great deal of empathy for this population. We have a financial wellness plan to help them sort out their financial issues to arrive at a sensible strategy. Continue reading

Plastic Cards Do Not Need to Rule Your Life


Folks often live by credit, and that plastic will destroy financial wellness. The tragedy happens when people forget the small print credit card companies are so famous for writing. Within the agreement for a credit card are stipulations for penalties and interest rates. They can be very sobering.

Make no mistake about it; financial institutions make a lot of money from credit card interest. Double-digit interest charges are standard, and this is at a time when the prime rate is incredibly low. The loss of financial wellness may not be due to the purchase but of the interest charged on the credit balance. People look for ways to get out from underneath the load but don’t always understand what to do. Continue reading

It is a Valued Part of Financial Planninglastwilltestament-300x200

Smart financial planning considers an end game. It is what will happen if you die unexpectedly. It is not something many employees care to think about it but it should be on the table. What is going to happen to your family if you die and leave no will? Concern for loved ones is a primary reason why drafting a will a basic part of any group legal plan.

The document does not have to be the size of the telephone book. Most people can legally describe their wishes in six pages or less. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services offers the writing of a simple will as one of our benefit options which can be in a legal plan document. Continue reading

The Legal Paperwork is Critical



Hospital surgery is not something to be terrified about. Advances in technology, anesthesia, and necessary medical procedures make a trip to the hospital much safer than many years ago. However, there is still the chance something could go wrong. Failure to prepare can make it even worse.

The hospital is committed to keeping a person alive unless instructed to do otherwise. It means that life support systems maintain individual. It may not be what the patient wants, but if there is no authorization the life support continues indefinitely.

A reaction to anesthesia or a certain procedure could result in an individual becoming comatose That’s a dangerous situation if there are no instructions on what to do. A group legal plan that allows for medical powers of attorney is essential. Continue reading

College Debt Must Be Managed



There usually is a graduation speaker who urges students to take some time off and go exploring. It may sound inviting, but it is not a good idea. Many students have the six-month grace period before the student loan payment bill comes in. That is when reality hits like a slap in the face. That space of time goes by fast, and the new graduate must be ready for a significant cost. It can impact the financial wellness of anyone.

The size of the monthly payment can be substantial. That is very understandable because many students have debt burdens in the high five to even six-figure categories. It can be comparable to a mortgage payment for some. Many young people have their budgets blown off the road trying to make the payments needed. A forbearance is an option, but it is a risky one. Sooner or later those bills have to be paid, and a student may be paying them for decades. There may be some options they are not aware exist. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services recognizes the confusion a young graduate may have. Our financial wellness program includes assistance handling the repayment of student loans. Continue reading

Dealing with Agencies More Efficiently20111126_FNP001_0-300x168

Paper appears to define bureaucracy. There is so much for all types of activities and privileges. A person needs a license for fishing but also for various other things such as a driver’s license or a hunting license. You may need a building permit to put an addition onto your house or to build a new home, and they’re all kinds of applications for various things a person wants to do. All the paperwork can be both confusing and frustrating. Government clerks adhere to certain regulations. Anyone who misses a deadline or provides the wrong data can expect to go back to square one. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services wants to end the anxiety about dealing with government paperwork. Our group legal plan benefit includes assistance in dealing with government agencies at all levels.

Dealing with All the Papers

People require having forms explained to them, and the Countrywide nationwide network of attorneys is there to help. Our seasoned legal professionals will sit down with a plan member and, as part of pre-paid legal services, explain what the government agency wants to have. He or she will also point out various deadlines and explain the importance of them. This person will also tell where to get additional information so that the application is airtight. If a face-to-face meeting with a government official is necessary, the lawyer will let a plan member know what to expect and how to handle the situation. These kinds of tidbits of advice make for a less stressful meeting with that bureaucrat. Continue reading

There are Many Options for Financing a House 



Americans still think of owning a house as a big part of the American dream. They want to be able to have the same type of shelter their parents enjoyed, but many people think that owning a home is not realistic. The price of housing is high, and folks have other debts. These all make an individual hesitate before trying to buy a house. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services firmly believes that the American dream is still there for people to enjoy. Our financial wellness program is intended to assist people in making the decision to buy a house.

Knowing All the Options

The conventional mortgage is what most people think about when it comes to home purchases. Yes, the standard 30 – year mortgage is still available, but there are some other options. Those other possibilities are not common knowledge, and learning about them is going to help in the final decision. Countrywide has a nationwide network of certified housing counselors who deal with financial wellness. These professionals are part of a homebuyer education course, “Make Your Move”, that can provide the very best information about financing a house acquisition. Continue reading

Countrywide Lawyers have Superior Communication Skills 



Communication is a cornerstone of every Countrywide group legal plan. We understand how essential it is for effective pre-paid legal services. Many people are understandably confused about legal issues. They do not deal with them daily. When they face an issue such as a warranty problem or the need to draft a will, anxiety goes right up through the roof. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services wants to help

A Complete Service Package

The assistance we provide is more than just a web page. We want our group legal plan members to be able to talk to an attorney directly. Our nationwide network of lawyers allows for face-to-face conferences to be easily arranged. We also permit unlimited telephone calls to a lawyer on any given situation. It may appear to be a small consideration, but these phone calls help answer questions which may arise after the conference. Such attention allows channels to be open in communication to flow back and forth. Continue reading

Countrywide Will Make Them Go Away


Hospitals and credit card companies want their money. Neither have a reputation for lots of patients and what they consider to be overdue bills will cause problems for an individual. Bill collection agencies are often used to extract payments from delinquent debtors. The process gets frightening. These companies do not hesitate to threaten people with serious consequences. Loss of credit ratings, repossession, and the hint of court proceedings are all intended to get a person to pay what is owed. The treatment causes lots of anxiety because a person is worried about financial wellness being undermined. Help is needed and should come from seasoned veterans. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has the answer.

We are aware of the scare tactics the bill collection agencies employ. We have a nationwide network of certified counselors who are experts at restoring and preserving financial wellness. Anyone who is in danger of being harassed will find the advice given by one of our counselors to be a godsend. Simple things, such as not paying the hospital bill until the health insurance company has paid their portion, are not always known by a layperson. Our counselors can explain various ways of keeping the bill collection agency from the doorstep. Continue reading

Good Advice Makes All the Differencespider-pocket-189x300

We all face challenges with money no matter how old we are. Millennials have difficulty setting up budgets, but older employees fret about retirement. It ‘d be great to be able to take charge of finances and have a better cash flow going in and coming out. It sometimes takes seasoned advice to develop reliable financial wellness.

Finances can make a person feel he or she is juggling far too many balls in the air. People are accustomed to a mortgage payment on a car loan, but others have to deal with student loan payments, harsh credit card problems, and any other number of bills needing cash. It is easy to have the trees block and hide the forest. People don’t always know how to handle a budget properly. They’re not stupid; things are just too complicated. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services sympathizes with this kind of confusion. We have a financial wellness program that is intended to help people take better control of their financial situation. Continue reading