Countrywide Will Solve Them



People get frustrated with warranties. Everyone thinks that this piece of paper covers all repair work done to a product. It is not always the case. The language of the warranty is going to decide what is covered by the warranty and what is not. Warranties are written in legal language, and people get confused. A group legal plan that allows for attorney assistance is essential.

The terminology can vary from one product to another. For example, a bumper to bumper warranty, which ordinarily covers a new car for up to three years, is something that a car dealer is going to offer. A powertrain warranty is an additional protection which gives repair assistance for the transmission, the engine, and other parts that will last for as much is five years. However, a factory warranty has very specific limitations. A lawyer who gives pre- paid legal services can point out that damage caused by hail might not be covered. Continue reading

You are in Charge of Your Estate


Not preparing a will appears to be second nature for many people. It is not the easiest chore to do, but it is an essential one. There are a lot of advantages to drafting a will when one thinks about it. In fact, the benefit of preparing a simple will is a reason why it is a commonly used option in any group legal plan.

You Decide

  • The Beneficiaries. We all are going to die, and an estate may be left behind. You have the opportunity with a will, even a simple one, to determine who gets what of your remaining assets. You can also direct how any money or property is going to be distributed. Because you have stated your wishes in a legal document, your decision is final.
  • The Executor. This individual is the person who will make sure your wishes are carried out. The executor has a considerable amount of power over the estate, and you can choose who will be the person responsible. That designation allows you to pick a person whom you know and whom you trust.

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Some Extra Schooling Helps a Personal Budgetstockfresh_867429_girl-at-spring-field-in-fog-time_sizeS-300x200

We all need to stop criticizing Millennials. They are not lazy or irresponsible, and they do not think the world owes them a living. This group happens to be more technically aware than earlier generations, and they have a lot to contribute. The challenge they face when it comes to financial wellness is inexperience. They are new to the workforce, and they have not dealt with budgets or major bills in the past. Some financial education will go a long way to helping them out.

It is more than just a seminar once a year. Millennials need a little more help with their financial wellness, depending on the individual situation. Dealing with collection agencies or reestablishing credit are major issues, but sometimes things as elementary as grocery shopping tips will help relieve a lot of stress. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services recognizes a need for these young people to get some good advice and sensible suggestions. We have a financial wellness program to help Millennials adjust to the working world. Continue reading

College Loans Can Be Trickyjar-edu-300x200

There are numerous programs intended to help college students deal with rising tuition. Stafford loans, Perkins loans, the PLUS program, and conventional loans from a bank are there to help service the debt. The trouble is that each program has its special requirements. A missed payment has a penalty, while another program can allow for some leniency. It gets confusing, and a graduate may unexpectedly step into a debt trap. The best way to protect financial wellness is to have excellent advice. Unfortunately, many vendors claim to be experts and really are not. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services wants to help with this dilemma. Our assistance comes from seasoned professionals.

Guiding a Plan Member

The Countrywide financial wellness program takes advantage of the experience and expertise of certified counselors. These are people who make a living out of helping others with their debt problems. College loan debt is something that is very common in modern society. Our veterans deal with it all the time. Continue reading

Good Advice Gets ResultsCONSUMER-PROTECTION-LAW-278x300

“Let the Buyer Beware” is a major rule of the marketplace. It reminds people that there are unethical folks out there, looking to take an unsuspecting person’s cash. Things have gotten worse the last few years for the average American. Deceivers are getting more talented, and they are practicing their craft in other areas. It takes a good group legal plan to help protect the consumer from the damage.

The Internet sales are one area of clever deception. It is the only place, though. Services, as well as products, are danger areas. Example are home-improvement companies who charge one price, wait until the job is only half completed, and then demand more money. Being charged for services not rendered or online purchases that are never received by the buyer are other areas of consumer fraud. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has worked with organizations since 1987 to provide great group benefits. Consumer protection advice is one of the services we offer. Continue reading

Making Sense of It All


Contracts are something many people don’t understand, and that by itself is understandable. Contracts follow a fairly standard template, but many are ignorant of the process. It helps to have a group legal plan to explain a contract before it is signed. Problems occur when people forget to put specific things in writing, such as the promises to pay certain amounts of money or to do certain activities. Even when this information is in the contract, difficulty arises when specific terms or dollar amounts are not in the clauses. Those who do not understand the standard phrases run into trouble. It helps if there are pre-paid legal services to help explain a contract.

We Clear Things Up

Folks seem to think that contracts are big, bulky, stacks of paper. That is not true for most agreements ordinary people enter into. As a matter fact, most contracts are no more than six pages long. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services knows that legal language can be confusing and the traditional image of contracts causes anxiety. Our nationwide network of attorneys will offer contract review as part of the group legal plan benefit. Continue reading

Debt Doesn’t have to Overwhelm You


It appears we live in a plastic financial world. Banks and major retail companies promote credit cards; one because the interest rates which can be charged and the other for the quick, impulsive, purchases. It is all convenient, but plastic can generate a false sense of financial security. In fact, those little cards can damage financial wellness.

Missing a Payment Begins the Slide

Young people, those who recently graduated from college and entered the workforce, appear to be most vulnerable. They get offers in the mail for credit cards all the time. The temptation is almost too great, and they accept the offers and get the credit cards. It is then when trouble begins. It is not only the use of credit cards but also the number of credit card accounts established. These can have separate deadline dates, and they are quickly forgotten. Continue reading

Government Regulations Will Change


Change is constant in life. You can expect to see different ways of doing things all the time, and the adjustment ordinarily is not a major event. The new administration in Washington is causing a change in rules and regulations governing various public agencies. It trickles down to the state and local levels, as elections change the bureaucratic landscape. Change can be necessary, but some revisions are going to cause sizable headaches. Help from a group legal plan is something a lot of people require.

A Flurry of New Rules

Public employees are sensitive to regulations. They will follow them regardless of any inconvenience it may cause. What frustrates people are all the changes in deadlines and information requirements. Rules on the books in December can be entirely different in April. The changes can require a person to go back to square one and start all over with the application process. It gets aggravating. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services understands the frustration the change can produce. We know that regulations will be revised from time to time, but we also know the anxiety new rules will cause. Our group legal plan provides legal assistance. A Countrywide attorney can help a plan member deal with public agencies on all levels. Continue reading

Less Stress Means Fewer Health Insurance Claims


Human resources directors worry about claims experience. The number of times employees make use of their healthcare adds to the overall cost. It can result in higher premiums charged the following year. Cardiovascular difficulties brought on by serious stress encourages claims filings. Organizations have wellness programs intended to safeguard the health of employees. A benefit which management needs to consider is financial wellness.

The reason is medically sensible: encouraging financial security is directly related to stress and anxiety. People worry a great deal about college loans, credit card debt, or how to finance the purchase of a house. The stress generated will increase blood pressure. A financial wellness plan cannot completely erase the chance of a stroke, but the support a person receives will allow this individual to have a better focus on economic challenges. That ends a lot of anxious feelings. Countrywide Pre- Paid Legal Services offers a plan which will help people take better control of their money situation. Continue reading

Good Communications is a Calming Force


Legal issues cause anxiety. Whether it is contracts that are vague or preparing cases for a small claims court, folks get extremely nervous. It makes sense because they do not know all about the law. It is a mystery that a good group legal plan can make clear. However, this clarity happens only when a good rapport and sound communication is present.

Good Communication is Critical

Communication is where many online legal assistance programs fail. They encourage subscribers to get in touch with any questions but do not establish a rapport. Frequently Asked Question pages pop up and these do not help. Pre-paid legal services require more. An opportunity to interact with an attorney face-to-face is critical. That kind of contact will help calm people’s nerves. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services knows this. We have worked with organizations since 1987 to establish group legal plan benefits. Communication is an essential service. Continue reading