Countrywide Does an Efficient Joblastwilltestament-300x200

Sensible people though how critical it is to have a will. It is the main way to prevent hassles in probate court and see to it beneficiaries receive their portion of the state. Many people want to use online will writing services, but that is not a good idea. It is better to use a group legal plan. The online sites appear convenient, but they come with some significant drawbacks. One is the template itself. It might not te right one for the state in which you reside. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services will offer the kind of assistance needed to write a solid will.

There is a More to Writing a Simple Will

A simple will of just a few pages may not seem like a major project. That is not the case at all. There is language that has to be in a simple will to protect beneficiaries and to make certain that an individual’s wishes are carried out. The regulations covering wills are not cast in stone. Laws regarding probate may change, but there’s no guarantee the templates are going to be current. There is the risk of the drafted will be declared invalid. The pre-paid legal services offered by a group legal plan can help write an effective will. Continue reading

Good Advice is Essential


Millennials are becoming a dominant force in the working world. These people have incredible talent and desire to succeed. They’re the kind of workers every organization would love to have, and they are faced with severe financial wellness challenges. Youth and enthusiasm are being confronted by debt. These young people are coming into the working world with burdens, not faced by earlier generations. These include:

  1. College Loan Obligations. Many have college loan debts that are in the five and even six figures. After the six-month grace period is finished, the bills for payment come into their mailbox. The size of some of these bills can force Millennials to make drastic changes in their decisions for the future, including whether to buy a house or have children.
  2. Credit Card Debt. Recent college graduates are targets for many credit card companies. These financial institutions offer incredible interest discounts to get younger workers signed up. Millennials will run up credit card debt in a short period. Forgetting to pay even one bill can result in trouble.

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The Help Makes the Bureaucrats Respond

Right now, is a very stressful time of year for many people. The Internal Revenue Service is expecting paperwork, but it is not the only public agency. As we draw closer to the end of the First Quarter, there will be a need for reports and applications to be filed with the right public office. It can include applications for Medicare, Social Security, assistance for disabled children, and other services. Public employees are committed to helping, but they must have the proper paperwork. A group legal plan that permits assistance with government agencies is a fantastic benefit.

Which is the Right Cubicle?

It Can Be Manageddebt-on-top-of-man-300x279

March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb. You could almost say the same thing for credit card bills, but many times they only come in like a lion. Whether they go out gently depends on the balances a person already has. It could be a problem for financial wellness. The card companies are very firm about the due dates on balances. The individual must provide the minimum by a specified date at least or face penalties. These can impact on a person’s credit rating, and anyone looking for a car or house might suffer. Credit card debt can get out of hand if there are several cards whose payments are due within a day or so of each other. The cardholder can think all the bills are paid when only one has been. A sense of order must be created. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services is here to bring sanity to financial difficulty.

Counselors are There to Help

A Countrywide Attorney will get the Facts Straight


Small Claims Court can be thought of like a People’s Court. It is where many disputes are settled. These are not major cases, and most settlements are only a few thousand dollars, although some states will allow for more. A comprehensive group legal plan providing the right aid will help a person win the day in court.

The Challenges of Small Claims Court

What are these issues that surface? It could be as simple as a warranty not being honored, the rental lease misunderstood, or property damage problem that isn’t being resolved. Many think that they will be represented by a lawyer in this court and that is not true; Small claims court do not have the usual judicial etiquette. The individual must present the case alone. It can be a scary situation for anyone. It happens too many times that a person will simply forget about the case and let the other party get away with what they have done. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services wants to provide the kind of guidance that gets a person what is owed. We help in many ways. Continue reading

Medical Powers of Attorney Brings Closure


Limbo is defined as an uncertain time. The decision is being waited on, and everything is in a condition of being unfinished. It is a theological term, but limbo is, in fact, a reality for many people who are in the critical care unit of a hospital. Limbo is a flat line definition of life. Patients who are on life support systems are in a holding pattern. They are neither fully dead or fully alive. A decision is being waited upon; the group legal plan can make things a lot easier for all parties if it includes medical powers of attorney.

The Importance of the Powers

Drafting of medical powers of attorney is a pre-paid legal services option that resolves limbo. It can end a situation where life-support is often the only meaning to the victim of an accident or medical catastrophe. A group legal plan member meets with an attorney to draft the document. In the pages of the medical powers, a person determines what will be done in a catastrophic situation where he or she can no longer communicate. This can include turning off life-support systems. The plan member also can name who will execute the instructions. It ordinarily falls to an individual who is highly trusted in these affairs. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services allows for drafting medical powers of attorney Continue reading

It is Worth Any Fee


People try to maintain control over their expenses. They know how important it is to financial wellness to stay current with all credit card debt and other obligations. Regrettably, this does not always happen. It is more than just the credit cards but also the mortgage, house loan, and perhaps college debt.

A massive flow of paper comes into the house from all directions, and each requires a separate payment. It quickly happens that things get out of control. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services knows of these problems. We have a way of getting out of the swamp. Continue reading

Countrywide Provides Cyber Help

Everyone has good reason to be concerned about identification security. Hacking occurs on a routine basis, and financial information is compromised. Thieves are more sophisticated, and their use of the information is more than just setting up bogus accounts. Cyber thieves will sell blocks of information to other parties, and it allows for even greater abuse of information. More than a basic group legal plan is needed to protect people from this activity.

The Extent of the Damage

The personal information which can be hacked and stolen is extensive. It includes the following:

  • Income and employee ID numbers;
  • Social Security number;
  • Credit card numbers as well as debit card and bank account numbers;
  • Personal information is taken such as address and phone numbers.

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Medical Bills Can Be Handled

Deductibles and co-stockfresh_1097132_medical-chart_sizeS-300x300payments are not a problem to a healthy person. There is no great need to be concerned because health insurance is rarely used. However, accidents can happen and they do not always result in minor injuries. There are several circumstances where medical debt can pose a danger to financial wellness.

It Can Add to the Overall Load

It is reasonable for health insurance companies to ask the insured to cover some of the cost. These are in the form of co-pays and deductibles. Unfortunately, deductibles have increased to $5000 or more. Not everybody has to deal with a cancer operation, but a broken shoulder can result in a cost of well over $25,000 for the surgery. The deductible must be met before full insurance takes over. If for some reason treatment relating to the operation goes beyond the calendar year, then the deductible has to be met once again in the new year. Continue reading

Questions Need Answersadvice-hands-300x231

We live in a world that is many times impersonal. When we want services and information, we are directed to commonly asked questions pages and requested to fill out forms. This is all done for Internet efficiency. That may be reasonable for retail products, but it can be a disaster for group legal plan.

Judicial Subjects are Hard to Comprehend

Legal matters can frighten and confuse. A person may not understand contract language at all and may be very concerned about dealing with public agencies. There is a need for better communication than a computer screen image. Legal services must include a level of communication that goes beyond filling in the blanks. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services gives help that includes client communication. Continue reading