Millennials Need Helphand-world-300x300


The financial wellness of recent graduates is now a national concern. Young people are saddled with debt in the five and six figures. The college debt crisis not a good situation but the problem is going to be addressed, now the election is over. There will be a lot of possibilities discussed in 2017.

A Number of Possibilities

Income-driven repayment is one possibility, and there is talk of capping repayment at around 12.5% of a graduate’s discretionary income. The possibility of forgiveness happening in 15 years, instead of 20 is also being considered. Colleges are going to be asked to help and loan default will impact the ability for these schools to participate in individual government programs. Continue reading

Small Claims Won’t be a Nightmare


People enjoy watching court television shows, but very few people are going to be in such situations. The reason is not just that many cases are negotiated before trial; most issues are handled at the lower level of the judicial system. Small Claims Court is where many people will have their proverbial day in court. You will not have a lawyer at your side, but a good group legal plan can provide the right type of help.

Small claims cases are ordinarily no more than $5000 in value. These can be disputes over property or issues about a purchase. Individual ordinarily would not have an attorney in court with him or her. Instead, a person has to present the case. It is why the other party is rarely worried. Continue reading

Debt Can Be Successfully Managedempty-wallet-300x200

Financial debt puts a heavy cross on a person’s shoulders. The mental and emotional distress of massive bills will occupy a person’s mind during the working hours. This could be a problem for management. Deadlines are tight, and people need to focus on the important issues. Decision-makers know that they need to remove any obstacles in the way of productivity.  A financial wellness program will provide great assistance. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services is here to help management.

Countrywide operates a nationwide network of certified counselors who deal with personal budget problems. These people will work with a financial wellness plan member to straighten up a mess. Budget analysis is the first thing that is conducted; then the counselor works with the plan member to develop a sound strategy of financial responsibility. Continue reading

Professional Counselors Know Credit Card Debtroad-to-recovery-300x300

The Christmas holiday is over and people have packed up the holiday decorations and thrown out the boxes. It is time to get on with the new year but Santa Claus left something behind. Many people use credit cards to purchase presents and for most people it is not a problem. Unfortunately, for others it can be devastating. The Christmas bills and debt balance may have gotten out of control. The financial wellness of some people is in trouble.

Being Generous Has Consequences

It is easy to get wrapped up in the spirit of giving. No one wants to look like Scrooge, and the plastic comes out quickly. Stores encourage this with special deals but the problem comes a few weeks later. Christmas is not cheap, and missing a credit card payment adds a penalty to the figures. The shock of Christmas can add to a person’s stress. There are ways to get out of credit card problems with the right advice. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services seeks to help people achieve better financial wellness balance. Continue reading

There is More to Service Than a Web Page2-phones-and-a-guy-300x199

A goal of employee benefits is to solve problems. Challenges and issues are arising in a person’s life, and the right benefits will provide answers and solutions. A group legal plan is committed to helping solve legal conundrums. It takes more than just a website, however. Legal issues can stress anybody. There are contracts, simple wills, and problems with government agencies which can give people severe headaches. Pre-paid legal services must do more than providing an FAQ page or an answer box. Communication is critical, and it should be in more than one medium. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has thirty years of experience in designing and administering legal plans. We know the importance of good communications when it comes to benefits.

Legal issues are very personal and developing rapport between attorney and plan member is essential. Countrywide has a nationwide network of attorneys who are chosen for personal skills as well as professional expertise. The ability to interact with plan members is We provide the means with which they can establish communication with individuals. Continue reading

Needed Government Help Can Be Accessedimmigration-doors-300x288

Many foreigners are in this country legally despite whatever the blogs say. They are here on work visas or other forms of legal entry to the country. These people are living in a foreign land now dealing with a different culture and most importantly, a different set of rules. They will need help from time to time with public agencies and a group legal plan will help.

The support might not always be related to immigration issues. Special-needs children may need certain types of education, there may be a need for aid in housing, and other assistance may also be required for the family. An immigrant does not always know what to do. Many times, public agencies have very strict deadlines that must be bad. Excellent pre-paid legal services allow for help with government bodies Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services offers such assistance. Continue reading

There are several ways to help peopledebt-relief-pill-300x255

Getting into financial trouble is easier than you think. Medical insurance deductibles are often as much as $5,000, and student loan debt can take a bite out of a paycheck. It often happens people are simply overwhelmed by the number of credit card bills coming into the house. Anyone can be bewildered by the extensive paperwork which demands payment. It helps to have some way to figure out what you have and what you owe. Financial wellness programs need to have the right tools to sort out personal finances better.

Looking at the Current Picture

Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services offers the kind of help a person requires to become financially stable. We begin with a set of tools that proved to be effective in determining financial status. Any of the benefits within our group plan start with budget counseling. Our network of certified counselors will look at the income and expenses a person ordinarily has. This data permits the counselor to provide expert advice on how to budget properly, and put debt under better control. Continue reading

It is a Solution to a Pressing Problemsad-dollar-300x129

Personal finances can be very complicated. The individual may have an auto loan, mortgage, credit card debt, and a student loan on top of everything. Challenges arise because of a multitude of obligations. A person may forget a credit card payment because he or she needs to pay so many.

It is All in the Cards

Having to pay five or six credit cards may result in a fee being attached to a late payment. This just adds to the debt mountain. People can become overwhelmed and their financial wellness may be in jeopardy. Massive debt does more than just ramp up stress levels. It can make a person feel ashamed. He or she may have been raised to be very responsible, and tries to be that way. It is the size of the debt obligations which can be overwhelming. Bankruptcy can appear to be the only option for an overwhelmed person. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services wants to help these people get out of the mess. We have a debt management plan. Continue reading

It Prolongs Grieflastwilltestament-300x200

Death does not always come quickly. It is true some people will perish instantly in an accident but many others will not. They may be placed on life-support, even though the chances of being revived are almost nil, it does more than create an unrealistic hope for the survivors. Life-support systems also prolong the agony. The victim is in a state of suspended animation and is artificially kept alive. The services of a group legal plan can bring a merciful end to this dilemma.

The sorrow of loved ones is prolonged as they look at a body which is not moving. There is worse that can happen. Life-support system keeps individual alive, and this means the estate cannot be settled. Money that is needed for college tuition, or even to pay the bills incurred by the hospital stay, is delayed indefinitely. Situations, where there is no chance of recovery, can be resolved by medical powers of attorney. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services offers such assistance. Continue reading

It Doesn’t Have to be a Life Long Burdendebt-on-top-of-man-300x279

College is not always a happy experience. There are many long hours late at night and lots of stress over grades. It would be nice if that anxiety ends on graduation day but it does not. Most college graduates are saddled with student loan obligations. These are controllable for some people, but others have the financial wellness threatened.

The Figures Can Be Enormous

It is the immense size of the debt which staggers people. The amount of student loan owed can be in the six figures for some people. This can make a significant difference in a lot of economic decisions. Life expenses such as buying a house could be delayed for decades. In some cases of desperation, a college graduate may elect to default or declare bankruptcy. Either can cause a lot of financial harm. Countrywide Pre- Paid Legal Services wants to help college graduates. It is why we have a financial wellness program. Continue reading