These Employees Need Helpsingle-dad-300x215

Being a single parent is never easy. This person does the work of two individuals in raising a family. It often happens that a single parent must deal with public agencies. This maybe for matters such as educational assistance for children, special programs, or other forms of aid. The challenge arises when the parent has to face bureaucracy. This can be a confusing and puzzling trip down corridors looking for the right office. Applications have to be done properly. A group legal plan can provide needed help for a hard-working single parent.

The Paperwork Gets Finished

Time is precious when an employee has children and a job to worry about. A single parent has to deal with family matters and can use some assistance. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services is here to be a friend to this individual. We can help relieve some of the stress of having to deal with government agencies. Our network of attorneys has dealt with the public sector in the past. Required paperwork for services can be confusing. A Countrywide lawyer is there to explain what information is needed and help a group legal plan member complete the forms. The legal professional also sees to it that applications are delivered on time. Continue reading

It Will Lower Stress Levelsfamily-law--300x223

A popular New Year’s resolution for many folks is to get their financial wellness in order. It’s very sensible, and people start out with the very best of intentions. The problem is that these good intentions are often dropped after weeks into the new year. There is a lot to reestablishing financial wellness.

Paying Confusion

One of the challenges is identifying where the money is going. People have numerous credit cards, and they also have auto and college loans. Then, there is the mortgage on top of all of this. The bills come in and must be paid, but sometimes people become strapped for cash. One of the best ways to achieve the New Year’s resolution is to get some good advice. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services believes it is a great idea to get finances in order. We offer the kind of assistance that can make the whole process a lot easier. Continue reading

Wills are Critical


We put things off until tomorrow because we are human. There are some jobs and responsibilities which are important but are not very desirable. Writing a will is one of these necessary but not very enjoyable duties. A group legal plan can help write this important document.

Death does not practice age discrimination. It can strike anyone at any time and without warning. An employee with a family of small children can be struck down in any auto accident. This results in real trouble if there is no will. The deceased assets get tied up in probate court. The same small children may need money from the estate but must wait months and sometimes even years. Continue reading

The Landlord Does Not Always Get It All


Every renter knows what a security deposit happens to be. It is the amount of money paid upfront and placed in escrow to pay for damages while that person is renting the property. Many states have laws covering how security deposits can be spent. For example, painting a room is not a legitimate use of the security deposit. Some landlords forget this and try to deduct all expenses from the security deposit. The disagreement can end up in small claims court in a group legal plan can help the renter.

Using the security deposit for the wrong type of repair can be an honest mistake. However, it is also true that a landlord can become stubborn and an unscrupulous owner would care less. The letter relies on a tenant not being able to process a small claims court case. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services can help. Our group legal plan includes a nationwide network of lawyers. These legal professionals can contribute to preparing the case. Continue reading

There Comes a Time for Paymentjar-edu-300x200


The holiday season is a time when people enjoy going shopping but this is not the case for many millennials. They are faced with a burden which makes them put on hold a lot of small expenses. College debt for many it’s about to get very real.

The Grace Period is Short

A number of loan programs have a grace period of six months. Those millennials who graduated in June are facing required payments. These have an impact on financial wellness comparable to a punch in the stomach. It is a sudden expense that is not always in the budget. Continue reading

Identity Theft Word Cloud Concept with great terms such as privacy, bank, account, numbers, credit cards and more.

ID Hackers Are a Problem

Christmas shopping is now getting into full swing. You don’t want to head out to the shopping mall and fight the crowds, so you decide to use a retail website instead. You’ve always been told these are very secure and you have no problem sharing your credit card information on the site. You also aren’t concerned with warranty problems because you have a good legal plan. However, you still have something to worry about.

You Need Protection from Hackers

It is sad but true that hackers have become better at breaking through security walls. You only need to look at the newspaper to read about large retail companies having their security breached. Your financial information may be at risk, and you will not even know about it until weeks later. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services is sensitive to the significant instances of cyber-crime in our society. We have ID theft and credit monitoring benefits. Continue reading

credit cards

Keeping Plastic Under Control

It was not so long ago that missing a credit card payment could be a disaster. The credit card companies would add to the interest charges, and you could easily be paying 25% or more on your balance. Those days are over, and credit card companies will charge cash amount penalties. Nevertheless, you still have a lot to pay.

Tempting the Consumer

Credit cards are seductive little pieces of plastic. You end up spending more when you use a credit card instead of cash. Promotions come in the mail all the time, enticing you to open even more accounts. You can find yourself falling behind, and minimum payments will not always allow you to catch up. Financial wellness can be placed in severe peril.

A person can easily have several credit cards with different payment dates. It only adds to the overall confusion but, unfortunately, there is a way out. Countrywide Pre- Paid Legal Services helps provide an escape. We do this with our financial wellness program. Continue reading

Read the Fine Print - Magnifying Glass

Society may have gone digital, but there’s still some serious paperwork. Like it or not, there are leases and other legal documents which require your attention. There are some critical reasons why a group legal plan ought to have the ability to help you read the papers. Continue reading

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We do not yet know what the future is going to hold for health insurance. There’s been talk of amending the Affordable Care Act, if not doing away with it entirely. No matter what Congress decides, many people are faced with the deductible on their insurance policy. This can be a real nightmare which can balloon out of control. Continue reading

woman shouting into smartphoneThe first experience many people have with government service is being placed on hold. This is not because some social worker is going on a coffee break, but the individual has accidentally contacted the wrong office. It happens when people do not understand how to get through all the various steps getting needed assistance. A group legal plan must be able to help a person walk through the forest. Continue reading