Financial wellness is quickly becoming a major topic in the benefits industry. The after effects of the 2008 Recession, with its crushing impact on mortgages and credit cards, is one of the reasons for decision-makers to look at a means of helping employees with business advice. Millennials are saddled with mounting college debt and employers know how devastating this can be. It is no surprise that vendors are stepping forward with what look to be amazing plans for organizations to think about. We suggest management think very carefully. Not all of these schemes are effective. Continue reading
Providing Excellent Service
It is A Critical Part of Any Benefits Plan
A group legal plan will naturally have several benefit options. Activities such as drafting a will or helping with a consumer protection problem can be expected. What separates the good from the bad is the level of service provided. A vendor may claim a plan has all kinds of options, but the question of service is a high priority and needs addressing. Continue reading
Forbearance and Bankruptcy are Poor Choices
There are Other Ways Out of Debt Trouble
A recent college graduate does not always have the tools necessary to deal with financial challenges. College debt is a major issue. Many people leave college with debt well into the five figures and are not quite sure how to handle it. Regrettably, they sometimes take the easy way out. It can jeopardize financial wellness. The most common steps taken are to use forbearance or, in extreme cases, declaring bankruptcy. Forbearance essentially allows a college graduate to put off until tomorrow the debt which is owed today. This does not make the obligation go away. Instead, it means that college debt is something that takes years more to pay off. Continue reading
Protecting the Buyer
Caveat emptor, let the buyer beware, is a traditional marketplace warning. It cautions a person to be very careful about what is being purchased, and many people are. They will hedge their bets so to speak by buying a warranty. This covers the cost of repair, but even this has a cautionary note. There are those who will not honor the warranty. It is why a group legal plan needs to consider warranties and consumer protection. Continue reading
Preparing a Debt Management Strategy
Debt problems do not always result from one major bill. Ordinarily, a person runs into problems paying many obligations, including mortgages, auto loans, credit cards, and student debt. While paying the minimums is one strategy the money must be set on time. If it isn’t, penalties will be assessed. It may take a matter of a few months, and the individual is suddenly in a debt trap. There is more money going out than money coming in, and bankruptcy appears on the horizon. This is not a good situation at all. Continue reading
Do You Know Your Budget?
Millennials will work at minimum wage jobs until they graduate. All of them feel a great sense of relief and satisfaction when they get their first full-time paycheck. It is an amount of money they only dreamed of before, and they are very excited. However, the additional income has a challenge attached to it. Financial wellness depends on being able to budget properly. Continue reading
Referral Service is Sometimes Necessary
Pre-paid legal services will usually cover some essential needs. Drafting a will or helping with government agencies is something that anyone can expect. However, there are times when special types of legal expertise are needed. It may be above and beyond what an ordinary attorney can do. A group legal plan must be able to respond to such a need. Continue reading
You Can Manage a Small Claims Case
It is always better to settle things out of court. The legal process can be very complicated and take time. However, there are circumstances that arise which require bringing the case before the judicial bench. Small claims court is that branch of the judiciary most people deal with. It can be a little bit complex but you can manage a small claims case if it is necessary. A good group legal plan can certainly make things easier. Continue reading
Medical Decisions May Need Medical Powers of Attorney
It appears many people think they’re indestructible. They’re not worried about any accidents happening to them because they don’t believe it is possible. This is true with young employees, unfortunately. They will use pre-paid legal services, but they may think just writing a will is all that is necessary. That is only part of the means to protect your loved ones.
It Can Occur Suddenly
Disaster can come in an ambulance with lights flashing and sirens wailing. Accidents can happen, and those on the road can be devastating. At the same time, they might not be fatal but something worse. That would be you, as the victim, surviving on life-support with no chance of ever regaining consciousness. The medical facility will do everything to keep you alive, and that could be for an extended time.
Escaping Credit Card Hell
Banks want you to use credit cards. This is not a statement of conspiracy but a fact. Banks make a sizable profit from interest charged on credit cards. Retail stores feel the same way because they know that using credit cards encourages a person to purchase even more. We get several offers for a credit card every time we go to our mailbox. While there is nothing wrong with using credit cards per se, when it becomes a habit it can endanger financial wellness. Continue reading