Legal Assistance Will Make It Happenp126-1-jpg

Small claims court is where many people go to seek resolution of various grievances. The court will render a decision which sometimes results in a monetary award for damages. That may sound good, but there is a catch to all of this. The court will not pursue the award. In other words, it is up to the individual to get the money. A group legal plan will provide needed support.

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Knowledge Ends Confusion

Owning a house is the great American dream. Even though there’s been a lot of financial turmoil, folks are still buying homes, and it remains one of the best financial investments. A difficulty that surfaces is a lack of understanding about house buying. This type of purchase is not the same as buying a dishwasher. There’s a lot of paperwork and quite a few actors involved. A sound financial wellness plan is going to help a person better understand what is required.

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A Good Lawyer Gives Considerable Help woman shouting into smartphone

Government gives assistance to the people. A commitment to constituent service is the primary goal of elected officials and the public agencies. A challenge arises with the number of agencies in a given area. It is not just federal; state and municipal entities also exist. There could be duplication of effort and a lot of paperwork. Public employees are required to follow the letter of the law regarding offering service. Many times the wording of the procedures is in legal script that is very difficult to understand. A group legal plan can provide type services necessary to expedite matters.

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Being Organized Helps

Conceptual image of papers coming out of a mans head with pain expression


Debt has a way of creeping up on you. It is something you perhaps do not notice in the beginning, but it could be a steady advance. Car loans, followed by a mortgage, and credit card debt on top of all that will add a lot of ballast to your financial ship. Before the boat sinks, you have to find a way to safeguard your financial wellness. Having a plan is going to be crucial.

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Legal Help is a Consumer’s Best Friend

Beautiful business woman smiling at the office


Consumer protection laws were not enacted without good reason. The statutes are intended to protect consumers from unethical behavior and shoddy merchandise. It is sad to admit, but there still are dishonest people in business. They take advantage of the buying public in numerous ways. Unethical merchants will rely on the small print or outright exaggerations and lies. Group legal plan services are a means of providing fraudulent behavior in the business world.

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Research from Fitch Ratings shows that close to 800stockfresh_368884_dollar-flow-in-black-hole_sizeS,000 bankruptcy filings occurred in the 2015 calendar year. The good news is that bankruptcy numbers are trending downward, but the bad news is the impact on American households. It is public policy to make sure that multiple bankruptcy filings are not part of a person’s future. To this end, the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 requires credit counseling and financial management instruction. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services offers such counseling and education as part of the financial wellness program. Continue reading

Counseling Helps with the Debt Load stockfresh_299770_broke_sizeS

Medical bills can hit a bank account like a bomb. The cost of certain medical procedures is in tens of thousands of dollars. Some people feel that their medical insurance will cover all the costs. Thankfully, much of the expense is covered by insurance but only after co-pays and deductibles are met. Deductibles can be as much is $5000 for a given situation and must be paid before insurance will start covering costs. This deductible is an annual occurrence; you start again every new year and treatment that is more than a calendar year means the deductible has to be met the following year. This is in addition to dealing with the co-pay. The financial wellness of many people is placed in severe jeopardy.

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Not Having a Will Puts Beneficiaries at Risk Lawyer Up To Do List Hire Attorney Legal Problem Lawsuit

 Putting things off until tomorrow is a common habit. Many people follow it for various reasons. A major item that is delayed is the drafting of the last will and testament. People simply don’t think it is a big concern. Actually, it is critical procedure that happens to be an option in many group legal plan benefits. This is a project that should not be ignored.

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College Debt Weighs Heavy A businesswoman with icons floating around her head. Portrait of

 There is a common understanding that Millennials come into the labor force full of enthusiasm and saddled with college debt. The amounts of money owed are well into the five figures, and in some cases over six figures. These young employees face years of having to pay off their college loans. It is a daunting situation for them to be in. Their financial wellness is a primary concern.

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They Do Not Always Deliver on Promises

Close up of lease agreement empty document with pen

Service contracts are relatively common in the auto industry. Dealerships will offer them as something extra to purchase. The concept of service contracts has gone beyond cars and trucks. It is possible to get a service contract for various appliances and even computer software. The question arises as to whether or not you need it. A group legal plan attorney can help you make the decision.

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