Man Holding Big Settlement Check Agreement Money

Small Claims Awards are not always collected

The proverbial day in court for most of us happens in Small Claims Court. Cases involving the general public usually are not major torts and this part of the judiciary handles them. As with any other court the judge will render an opinion, but there’s a little bit of a difference when it comes to the Small Claims bench. The court itself will ordinarily not pursue the judgment. Quite a few states leave that responsibility to the individual receiving the award. This is why so many people who lose in Small Claims don’t worry about it. They figure that the winner doesn’t have the wherewithal to enforce payments. If the plaintiff happens to be a member of a group legal plan the scenario is quite a bit different.


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Legal support is not an automated serviceA businesswoman with icons floating around her head. Portrait of

Legal assistance is important in this society. It isn’t just a situation of filing torts and necessary paperwork with the right public agencies. There are contracts and leases that need to be understood and sections explained. Consumer protection is important because product integrity can no longer be assumed. A good group legal plan is going to have a number of options but these mean nothing unless there is provision for effective communication.

People Want to Talk to Their Lawyers

The Plan should have themMagnifying Glass - Best Choice

The mailbox of the human resources director is always stuffed with literature from vendors. They are quick to promote the quality of the group services they have to offer. A person can get awfully confused with all the jargon and the verbiage, not to mention the sales pitch that doesn’t seem to stop. To better help determine what is a really good group legal plan, here are four qualities that should be there.

  1. Usable Legal Options.

Living Wills provide Guidance

 Medical Chart

A medical emergency can happen without warning. It may be a terrible accident or a heart attack that renders a person unconscious. It also can put this individual into a coma where communication is impossible. This causes a very serious problem as far as the health care of the person is concerned. A living will is a group legal services benefit that every group legal plan member should seriously consider.

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They need to be explainedRead the Fine Print - Magnifying Glass

This is a time of year when those wonderful gizmos received during the holiday season start to go bust. People will buy warranties on appliances that are Christmas gifts with the expectation they will be honored. That is ordinarily what will happen. But not everybody understands the content of the warranty. It is not an unconditional commitment to give repair service. The warranty has very specific language and sometimes the services of a group legal plan are necessary to understand the terms. Here are three things to know about warranties

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Legal Networks are important  legal advice road sign illustration design over a white backgrou

Your company may have asked you to relocate for the sake of business. This may include a promotion and a raise in pay, and you are happy to do it. There is a relocation package that helps you get squared away but it covers just so many things. The new location may have a whole different set of rules. If you are closing on a house the relocation package might not cover the legal paperwork. A group legal plan can provide assistance, but only if it has a network of attorneys.

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The immigration issue is going to be debated in 2015, and a final resolution may still be later in the future. There are many legal immigrants in the United States and they are having difficulty adjusting to the American way of life. Some of the problems may involve dealing with public agencies and the various laws of this country. A group legal plan is intended to be of help but there are certain elements that must be a part of the plan to be of real value. Without them, the group legal services benefit is not much use.

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New Regulations take Effect on January 1

So many things change with the New Year and it is not just the calendar. Many people are not aware of this but the first of the year is a time when many new government regulations go into effect. These govern public agencies and were enacted either by the state legislature or the federal government. To put it mildly, a lot of rules are going to change. It comes as a shock to some people who need to work with the public agencies. Anyone who is a member of a group legal plan can call on help to understand the new rules.

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Review Contracts before Signing Them

legal forms

A contract is a serious piece of legal paperwork. It puts down in very stylized writing the terms and conditions both parties agree to respect. That document will also detail the consequences of failure to abide by the clauses. Business consultants will give serious warnings about reading a contract before it is signed. The problem is people will read the contract and not understand a word. The services of a group legal plan can prevent a disaster.

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Start 2015 with some important legal chores

We have a brand-new year and there’s so much to be done. Everyone likes to have a few resolutions as goals to reach in a 12 month period, but not everybody is going to keep every resolution. Once all the football games are over here are three New Year’s resolutions that you ought to keep. If you have a group legal plan these will not be difficult at all.


  1. Double Check Those Warranties and Contracts

You may have purchased a warranty along with that special present at Christmas. Take a very close look at the language. Companies are going to uphold warranties, but only under specific situations. For example, if you use aftermarket parts instead of OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) for any car repair the warranty may not cover it. An attorney who is part of a group legal plan that offers review of legal paperwork as a group legal service can help. He or she will tell you what is covered by the warranty. In no uncertain terms it prevents you from making a hasty mistake.

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