The American public got used to the concept of healthcare exchanges during the debate over health insurance these past few years. Employers are now also attuned the idea of private exchanges, where employees may purchase the coverages they will most often use. That gives these exchanges an incentive to put in legal benefits that are readily usable by any plan member. Exchanges, however, need to be aware of the type of benefits in any group legal plan that is offered on their exchange. A very important one is preparation of wills.
Dealing with the Courts
When employers are looking at private exchanges and the array of benefits possible for their employees, they are looking for the best. They want to be able to have options that a person can really use in time of emergency. It is a fact of life that the legal system touches everyone at one time or another. Small claims court is the place where many issues are resolved. This can be a very nerve-racking experience for individual who is not familiar with the processes of the court system. It is why group legal services that include assistance with small court claims cases can be so valuable.
The Nuance of the Bar
The legal system has its own process and procedure. Evidence is submitted in a certain way and has to be properly organized. Small claims courts have rules that include limits on the amount for which a person can be sued, and other stipulations that governing eviction cases. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services offers a group legal plan that can help with small claims cases. The Personal Legal Protector Plan provides a plan member with access to reputable legal counsel. The value to an individual cannot be underestimated. Countrywide attorneys who offer group legal plan services provide the kind of advice and individual needs to navigate the channels and trails of small claims court. These professionals can warn of potential problems that may surface and offer suggestions on how to best present the case before the bench.
The Full Package
Employee benefits administration are now undergoing some major changes. Companies want to be able to give their hard-working employees choices that provide meaningful coverage employees will use. Insurance exchanges have been around for quite some time, and they are now more and more appealing to employers. It is essential that they offer the best type of benefits for consideration. A group legal plan need to be comprehensive and provide full service.
Assistance at a Distance is a Great Benefit
Insurance exchanges want to see to it that clients get the best possible offerings of benefit protection. When it comes to group legal services there has to be a little bit extra. Drafting wills is important but before being offered to a wide variety of clients the benefit plans have to include something valuable. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services takes an extra step in providing quality. The Countrywide legal referral network, which is part of the Personal Legal Protector Plan, is one example.
Legal Risks Surface at a Distance
A person may be on a vacation or a personal trip that is hundreds of miles away from the corporate office. For whatever reasons, legal difficulties can arise. These may simply be misunderstandings but unscrupulous people can capitalize on an outsider. Anyone who is a stranger in a community is at a disadvantage. This person does not know the territory or what the customs and legal proceedings are. He or she can be placed at the mercy of a local individual, who believes that excessive concessions can be demanded. The victim status will melt like April snow if the person at risk belongs to a group legal plan that has a legal referral network feature.
Legal Benefit Options Help Insurance Exchanges
The national media has given a lot of attention to the health insurance exchanges of the Affordable Care Act, but this is only one change in the way insurance benefits are being administered. There have always been insurance exchanges but now they are expanding out to other benefits. Regions Insurance for example is establishing a private exchange, Regions TruSelect, that will help employers provide an online benefits marketplace to employees. This is more than just health coverage and a lot of other options are included. We strongly suggest that a voluntary benefit for legal assistance be offered on any insurance exchange.
A Superior Benefit to Offer
Group legal plan benefits have always been well received by employees. These allow a plan member to have access to a network of highly competent attorneys. The kind of services that a voluntary benefit plan member can get includes the drafting of wills and powers of attorney, help with consumer complaints, advice on immigration and domestic matters, and contract interpretation. There are also other qualities of a standard group legal plan that provide considerable assistance. Countrywide Pre- Paid Legal Services has the Personal Legal Protector Plan which can be offered as a voluntary benefit for legal services. Included to what already has been mentioned are unlimited phone calls to an attorney, correspondence and telephone calls made by the attorney on behalf of the voluntary benefit plan member, and advice on small claims court matters.
Countrywide maintains a network of attorneys nationwide. No voluntary benefit plan member has to contact an attorney hundreds of miles away. We make certain that legal advice can be obtained from a local source. We insist on high levels of customer service in any Countrywide benefit plan, and we expect the same standards if any of our products are part of an insurance exchange. No one should be made to feel like just a case file. No matter who that person is, he or she will be treated as if they were the only clients the attorney has.
ID Theft Protection is Something Everyone Can Use
Insurance exchanges are something employers are turning to more and more for benefits. Corporate decision-makers like the ability of an insurance exchange to offer not just health insurance, but other benefit options as well. It allows hard-working employees to tailor their own comprehensive benefits plan. There are some standard options that are being offered but one that is not always seen is ID Theft Protection. That is unfortunate because this is something consumers certainly need.
Identity Theft Is Dangerous
Identity theft protection is a voluntary benefit option that is definitely in line with the times. The media made a great deal about the superbug Heart bleed, but hacker threats to a person’s financial information is an ongoing problem.
Warranties are Made to Be Respected
A warranty is meant to sweeten the deal. Whenever a consumer goes shopping for major appliances, he or she can expect the sales associate to suggest a warranty as part of the transaction. These provide service and possible replacement if the product becomes defective. It seems to be a very common sense extra, and many people will purchase one. The difficulty arises when the warranty has to be enforced and the company ignores it, stating that the necessary conditions have not been met. Anyone who has a voluntary benefit plan for legal services can get the help needed to have a warranty respected.
The Trouble Is in the Details
Warranty language contains a number of caveats and conditions. These are part of the document to prevent a situation where a buyer arbitrarily invokes the warranty. It is understandable that a company would not want to provide a service without justification, but sometimes the company representative dealing with the issue will refuse to honor a valid warranty. This person may also assume that the buyer does not fully understand the language, making it easier to deny service. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has a group legal plan that can help. The Personal Legal Protector Plan allows an individual access to a network of attorneys. An experienced lawyer from the area will be there to help the voluntary benefit plan member with any issue that involves a warranty. This legal expert will take a look at the warranty and determine whether or not a plan member has sufficient grounds to have the warranty honored. The Countrywide voluntary benefit plan permits legal communication service. An attorney can send a letter or make telephone calls on behalf of plan member to the issuing company. It ordinarily happens that such communication resolves the difficulty, and the terms of the warranty are enforced.
Merchants who are hesitant to honor a warranty normally change their minds when they discover that the customer has group legal plan protection that includes a veteran attorney.
The Right Use of Finesse
A good lawyer has excellent negotiating skills. Dealing with the merchant is rarely a shouting match, and the lawyer can explain why the warranty has to be legally enforced. A plan member may have a lot of questions, and a Countrywide group legal plan permits unlimited telephone calls to a prospering attorney. Our legal experts provide service with a very sensitive touch. They will explain the full meaning of the warranty patiently, and answer any questions. No voluntary benefit plan member is ever made to feel like he or she is just a case file. Everyone receives superior customer service from any of our attorneys.
Keeping an Office Productively Calm

Managers know that keeping employees focused on the tasks at hand is the foundation of productivity. Supervisors will spend a fair amount of time making sure that office disagreements don’t erupt into major conflicts that disrupt workflow. The problem happens when employees decide not to keep their personal problems away from the office. A number of situations can arise where employees get distracted by issues from home. These can be legal battles that include custody rights, contract disputes, family immigration issues, or consumer complaints. Most supervisors are not attorneys and shouldn’t even try to address these problems. If a company has a group legal plan it can help keep domestic issues outside.
The Right Kind of Help
Translation can Prevent Litigation
It is popularly known as “legalese” and it can read like a riddle wrapped inside a puzzle. The language of the law can be very confusing for the average consumer. So many phrases are in Latin and these are not very easy to understand. It is a reason why many are very hesitant about signing any contract or other legal document. They are very afraid they are signing something that obligates more than expected and leads to litigation. Those who are covered by a group legal plan don’t have to try making sense out of everything all by themselves. There is a translator available in the form of a network attorney.
Making Sense of It All