Preventing a Serious Heartbleed
A very serious security breach has recently shocked the Internet world. The computer virus known as “Heartbleed” was reported to have broken into the security of thousands of service providers. Passwords, usernames, and other security measures were compromised by this virus. The major sites have moved quickly and patched up the problem. However, a threat like this should make a consumer be a little more sensitive about identity theft. Those who are members of a voluntary benefit plan that has ID theft prevention should be thankful they have such protection.
The Danger is real
Protection from Faulty Merchandise
A major automobile company recently announced the recall of hundreds of thousands of cars. It was the result of defects in the vehicle and it made the evening news nationwide. Large stories like that are newsworthy but they are not the only instance of poor craftsmanship. Regrettably, many consumers are at the mercy of unethical business practices and do not have any means of legal protection.
Consumers Are at Constant Risk
Making Final Decisions Easier
Death and taxes are the two most certain things of life, and nobody wants to think of either one of them. Mortality does take its toll ultimately and hopefully it will be after a long life. Death bed scenarios with long speeches are the stuff of Hollywood, however. It doesn’t always happen that a person is conscious when the Grim Reaper finally shows up. Indeed, a person may have a sudden stroke and become unconscious and then comatose. Under these circumstances the individual moves into a limbo of life support systems. He or she cannot communicate but the equipment keeps the body alive. This puts a terrible strain on loved ones that can be made easier with a living will.
The Agony of the Wait
Preparing the Case
Small claims court is defined by limitations on the amount of money involved. In many situations it can be no more than $5000, although some states will allow for more than that. This unit of the judicial system is also unique in that a lawyer rarely pleads the case. It is the individual plaintiff who will do a lot of the talking. Anyone who has little experience with small claims would greatly appreciate any voluntary benefit plan that offers legal advice.
The Wisdom of the Barrister
Minding the Credit Scores
We live in a plastic world of convenience. Credit cards are used for nearly all retail transactions, and people greatly enjoy the convenience. This does come with a fair amount of risk. Hackers are breaking into consumer records all the time. These thieves can compromise credit card information and use them to establish bogus credit card accounts. They can easily make numerous purchases and before the fraud is detected, these felons are out of reach. A good voluntary benefit plan for legal assistance should include something to help guard credit scores.
The Loss Can Be Substantial
March Madness shouldn’t include Legal Hassles
This has been a remarkably terrible winter. Parts of the country have been hit by one storm after another and even the Great Lakes froze over. It is no wonder now we are on Daylight Savings Time many people want to leave the office for vacation. It doesn’t need to be more than a few days, but just a chance to get away from snow and slush. It would be nice if legal hassles didn’t surface but they do. One of the best reasons to have a group legal plan is those little fender benders that happen in a place far away from home.
Different Location, Different Set of Rules
Preparing a Final Estate
Dependents should not be left to the mercy of the courts
A death is a very sad time for a family. Relatives will gather at the funeral to reminisce about a lost loved one and share grief. It is a troublesome time but for some people the saddest moments are yet to come. The added hardship is the result of the deceased not having prepared a final will and testament.
At The Mercy Of The Courts