Small Claims Court has its own procedures


The majority of everyday legal matters are handled in the chambers of small claims court. This is where lesser matters such as landlord tenant disputes, minor property damage, or lack of payment issues are heard and resolved. None of this means that a small claims case is handled in the blink of an eye. Indeed, these particular types of litigation require a lot of preparation and the outcomes may also require time to be fully put to rest. The possibility of a small claims case taking substantial time away from business projects is quite real. It makes sense for a company to offer a voluntary benefit with legal services that can resolve small court case issues quickly.

Different States, Different Rules

There was a time not so long ago when people made a very clear distinction between the workplace and home. It was understood that an employee left his or her personal affairs at the doorstep of the office building, and did not allow these issues to interfere with work. It is unfortunate but in today’s society personal problems have a habit of taking attention that should be spent on the business at hand. Human resources directors are very much aware of the distractions and try to find ways to minimize the problem. A voluntary benefit that provides for legal services can be of great assistance.

It’s the Small Things That Nag

Major legal battles rarely are the cause of employee inattention, but smaller issues will be. The legal system is full of papers to be processed and forms to be completed. There are also innumerable procedures in order to get services from a government agency. These all take up a lot of time and often an employee will make phone calls from the office on matters regarding visitation rights, estates, or even minor traffic violations. A group legal plan that provides access to experienced attorneys permits the work to be done by a third party. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has the Personal Legal Protector Plan to help employees with these irritating details. It is a voluntary benefit plan that allows access to very professional attorneys. These experts of the law can cut through a lot of administrative red tape, draft letters needed to be sent to various agencies, and review contracts that may have binding clauses. The attorneys of a Countrywide group legal plan will help prepare small claims court cases for those traffic violations that arise, and help an employee with administrative forms that need to be completed for court.

Legal Assistance Plans must be member-friendly

The basic requirement of any group legal plan is to provide competent legal assistance to any plan member who is in need of it. The ability to review contracts, give advice on small claims courts cases, and to write simple wills and powers of attorney are what any human resources director has a right to expect from such a voluntary benefit. That being said, there still is value which has to be added to make any plan offering legal services worthwhile. It is the customer service that is truly the heart and soul of the benefit.

The Additional Services That Mean so Much

The unexpected death of an employee doesn’t just cause a disruption in the workplace; it creates a domestic crisis. There is an estate which has to be administered and properly divided among the legal heirs. Estate administration is where some real problems can bubble up.

Not everybody thinks about wills and estates. A number of people will not prepare a will, thinking that because there are only one or two survivors the estate process will not be difficult at all. That isn’t true. Estates of those who die intestate, i.e. without leaving a will, must be handled by an administrator appointed by a public entity such as probate court and this person is under very close supervision (The duty of overseeing the administration of estates is performed by the Register of Wills in Maryland). An administrator is limited to what the law permits that person to do, and it is better to have an executor who is named in the will as the one tasked with administering the provisions of the document.

Anyone drafting a will should seriously consider what individual will be the executor. Unlike an administrator, the executor has both authority granted by law and additional powers granted by the will itself, allowing for greater flexibility in matters such as the sale of property. The executor does need to be somebody who is responsible and willing to take on the task. However, there is a lot of work in seeing to it a will is properly administered and survivors receive their allotted shares. A critical activity is to educate the executor beforehand and even prepare things so that his or her job is made as easy as possible. The challenge is that someone who is not well-versed in probate law does not quite know how to best instruct that very important person.

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Living Wills and Medical Powers of Attorney

Medical tragedies come as fast as a speeding car out of the dark. A person is on a life support system with no chance of recovery, but because he or she cannot communicate instructions that medical state of limbo is maintained indefinitely. The family is aware that hope is gone, but the hospital is required to do everything possible to keep the person alive. This prolongs grief and isn’t necessary. A voluntary benefit that provides good legal services can end this situation.

Living Wills and Medical Power Of Attorney

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Legal protection from unethical business is possible

The phrase “caveat emptor” is the judicial warning given to consumers in the business world. That the buyer must beware is a recommendation for caution, but it shouldn’t mean that a person has to be on their guard at all times. Consumer protection law is meant to protect the unsuspecting from the shady business practices of others. A challenge arises when a person is unfamiliar with the process of finding a complaint seeking redress. This can cause a great deal of frustration, and a voluntary benefit for legal services provided by a company can reduce the anxiety.

Walking through a Consumer Maze

Believe it or not government agencies are not designed to cause headaches. These public sector organizations are intended to provide service and help citizens solve problems. Unfortunately, in an effort to assure fairness and proper administration there are a lot of regulations and procedures that must be followed. A person dealing with a government agency can begin to feel frustrated with all the paperwork. An employer can help by offering a voluntary benefit that gives the right kind of legal services, including help with government agencies.

Complex Things Made Easier

It is often the language that is so bewildering. People usually don’t have to deal with formal legalese on a daily basis at work. They get frustrated when they try to understand the language of the forms, and agonize over how to interpret them. The confusion can become a distraction that takes time away from business, which is something management definitely does not want to have happen. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has a group legal plan that provides access to experienced attorneys. The Personal Legal Protector Plan allows a plan member to take advantage of the expertise these lawyers have with the various forms and procedures of government agency. The voluntary benefit permits an unlimited number of phone calls to the attorney to ask questions about a particular agency’s paperwork process. The attorneys have dealt with the government before and they are aware of what to do to keep the process moving.

Legal services can quickly resolve family issues

Everyone wants to be able to unwind after a hard day of work. Home is the place where a tired person wants to relax but that’s not what always happens. There may be problems on the home front that involve legal action of various types. This causes an awful lot of stress as the castle is being assaulted by various issues that may have arisen unexpectedly. The result is an employee with frayed nerves and full of anxiety about domestic problems. A worker sensitive employer understands such troubles and has a group legal plan in place to help.

A Mountain of Worry

Small Claims cases are simple with good legal advice

Major crimes and felonies make the news but in many situations the law in modern society is practiced in small claims courts. Minor disputes are heard and settled in these chambers and usually attorneys are not present. Small claims cases are important but also extremely irritating. An individual has to spend a fair amount of time just getting the evidence together to present the case. Such data collection may take place during working hours, and that is not something management wants to have happen. To keep employees better focused on work and not on a day in court, many companies will have a voluntary benefit that provides necessary legal assistance.

Preparing the Case

Attorneys can assist in obtaining the service

Warranties are offers of service and are ordinarily part of a final sale. The manufacturer or retail company promises that certain services will be performed if and when over a period of time the item proves to be defective. They will include a warranty particularly on durable appliances such as washing machines and also automobiles. Consumers will buy these warranties which are good for several years on a given commodity. The challenge arises when the product proves ineffective but the warranty is declared not applicable.

The manufacturer or store may claim that only in certain unique instances will the warranty be honored. In other words, a warranty purchased in good faith may prove to be worthless. It doesn’t always happen but unethical companies will refuse to honor their warranty; confident that the consumer can’t do much of anything. That smug corporate smile vanishes when it is discovered the consumer has access to legal help. A good group legal plan offers such assistance.