Articles Tagged with Attorneys

Identity Theft Word Cloud Concept with great terms such as privacy, bank, account, numbers, credit cards and more.

ID Hackers Are a Problem

Christmas shopping is now getting into full swing. You don’t want to head out to the shopping mall and fight the crowds, so you decide to use a retail website instead. You’ve always been told these are very secure and you have no problem sharing your credit card information on the site. You also aren’t concerned with warranty problems because you have a good legal plan. However, you still have something to worry about.

You Need Protection from Hackers

It is sad but true that hackers have become better at breaking through security walls. You only need to look at the newspaper to read about large retail companies having their security breached. Your financial information may be at risk, and you will not even know about it until weeks later. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services is sensitive to the significant instances of cyber-crime in our society. We have ID theft and credit monitoring benefits. Continue reading

                                                                                There are Other Ways Out of Debt Trouble

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A recent college graduate does not always have the tools necessary to deal with financial challenges. College debt is a major issue. Many people leave college with debt well into the five figures and are not quite sure how to handle it. Regrettably, they sometimes take the easy way out. It can jeopardize financial wellness. The most common steps taken are to use forbearance or, in extreme cases, declaring bankruptcy. Forbearance essentially allows a college graduate to put off until tomorrow the debt which is owed today. This does not make the obligation go away. Instead, it means that college debt is something that takes years more to pay off. Continue reading

Suffering From Debt with a Victim Crying Male

Debt problems do not always result from one major bill. Ordinarily, a person runs into problems paying many obligations, including mortgages, auto loans, credit cards, and student debt. While paying the minimums is one strategy the money must be set on time. If it isn’t, penalties will be assessed. It may take a matter of a few months, and the individual is suddenly in a debt trap. There is more money going out than money coming in, and bankruptcy appears on the horizon. This is not a good situation at all. Continue reading

A chalk board with the words problems and solutions

A chalk board with the words problems and solutions

The Internet is remarkable, but even cyberspace has limitations. There are times when people want to talk and interact with a human being. It applies in particular if there are legal issues. Unfortunately, not all group legal plan services do that. Instead, they rely on a website with a question and answer page. Continue reading