Articles Tagged with debt management

Professional Counselors Know Credit Card Debtroad-to-recovery-300x300

The Christmas holiday is over and people have packed up the holiday decorations and thrown out the boxes. It is time to get on with the new year but Santa Claus left something behind. Many people use credit cards to purchase presents and for most people it is not a problem. Unfortunately, for others it can be devastating. The Christmas bills and debt balance may have gotten out of control. The financial wellness of some people is in trouble.

Being Generous Has Consequences

It is easy to get wrapped up in the spirit of giving. No one wants to look like Scrooge, and the plastic comes out quickly. Stores encourage this with special deals but the problem comes a few weeks later. Christmas is not cheap, and missing a credit card payment adds a penalty to the figures. The shock of Christmas can add to a person’s stress. There are ways to get out of credit card problems with the right advice. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services seeks to help people achieve better financial wellness balance. Continue reading

credit cards

Keeping Plastic Under Control

It was not so long ago that missing a credit card payment could be a disaster. The credit card companies would add to the interest charges, and you could easily be paying 25% or more on your balance. Those days are over, and credit card companies will charge cash amount penalties. Nevertheless, you still have a lot to pay.

Tempting the Consumer

Credit cards are seductive little pieces of plastic. You end up spending more when you use a credit card instead of cash. Promotions come in the mail all the time, enticing you to open even more accounts. You can find yourself falling behind, and minimum payments will not always allow you to catch up. Financial wellness can be placed in severe peril.

A person can easily have several credit cards with different payment dates. It only adds to the overall confusion but, unfortunately, there is a way out. Countrywide Pre- Paid Legal Services helps provide an escape. We do this with our financial wellness program. Continue reading

                                                                                There are Other Ways Out of Debt Trouble

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A recent college graduate does not always have the tools necessary to deal with financial challenges. College debt is a major issue. Many people leave college with debt well into the five figures and are not quite sure how to handle it. Regrettably, they sometimes take the easy way out. It can jeopardize financial wellness. The most common steps taken are to use forbearance or, in extreme cases, declaring bankruptcy. Forbearance essentially allows a college graduate to put off until tomorrow the debt which is owed today. This does not make the obligation go away. Instead, it means that college debt is something that takes years more to pay off. Continue reading

Suffering From Debt with a Victim Crying Male

Debt problems do not always result from one major bill. Ordinarily, a person runs into problems paying many obligations, including mortgages, auto loans, credit cards, and student debt. While paying the minimums is one strategy the money must be set on time. If it isn’t, penalties will be assessed. It may take a matter of a few months, and the individual is suddenly in a debt trap. There is more money going out than money coming in, and bankruptcy appears on the horizon. This is not a good situation at all. Continue reading

stockfresh_299770_broke_sizeSMedical expenses terrify many people. Simple surgeries which may help a person are avoided because of the dread of the cost. With deductibles ranging up to $5000 or more, this anxiety is understandable. The financial wellness of many people hangs on the ability to pay those bills. Continue reading